
Ginger is the monumentally superior alternative to chemotherapy

If you’ve seen the documentary Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives, you may recall the farmers commenting on the intelligence of squirrels, who, when offered a choice, would always munch on the non-GMO corn cobs instead of the genetically engineered corn cobs. To humans, these two corn cobs look identical, but squirrels have more discernment. They simply refuse to ingest toxic herbicides or jumbled Read More


Alan Rickman, David Bowie both die from cancer as cancer profits skyrocket

The cancer industry is a for-profit industry that relies on repeat business to keep padding its bottom line. Anyone who thinks the cancer industry would ever research and release an actual cancer “cure” is delusional… there’s no chance that a multi-billion-dollar industry will deliberately make itself obsolete and obliterate its entire business model. Make no Read More