All posts tagged with campaigns
-(Natural News) A new collaborative report by STAT and the National Institute on Money and Politics provides a first-of-its-kind analysis of the drug industry’s influence on state representatives. (Article by Jeremy Loffredo republished from The report also makes it easy for citizens to find out how much cash the industry spent in their state, and which […]
-(Natural News) [TOP NEWS] appears to be an international money laundering scheme used by the Democrats to raise money from an international audience. (Article republished from Black Lives Matter describes itself on its “” website as a global organization: The Wikipedia website describes Black Lives Matter as: Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an international human rights movement, originating from within […]
-(Natural News) Americans who are so afflicted with “Trump Derangement Syndrome” can’t see it, of course, but our current president is well on his way to becoming the most honest leader of the Executive Branch in generations. Even critics of POTUS Donald Trump have had to admit it. Washington Post columnist Marc A. Thiessen, not […]
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