All posts tagged with calorie burning
-(Natural News) The circadian rhythm is your body’s internal process that follows a daily cycle. This rhythm typically responds to light levels in an individual’s environment, which helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle. Maintaining a consistent circadian rhythm is essential to overall health – chronic disruption of your regular sleep schedule can have adverse health consequences. […]
-(Natural News) When it comes to staying active and keeping fit, some people might find it easier to do a morning workout rather than an evening exercise because of how it aligns with their work schedule. Some, on the other hand, would rather enjoy a quick trip to the gym after work and wash-up before […]
-(Natural News) According to a study, one simple change can help increase the benefits of yerba mate tea. Swiss researchers have determined that drinking chilled yerba mate tea, instead of hot tea, can help individuals lose weight. Yerba mate tea, which is similar to green tea, is a caffeinated and bitter-tasting drink that originates from South […]