All posts tagged with buffalo
-(Natural News) Before the US Supreme Court declared that murdering unborn human life was not a federal right, Leftists planned a so-called “night of rage” to riot against the decision. The “George Floyd” event of 2022, the overturning of Roe v. Wade is shaping up to become another mass destruction event where extremists on the […]
-(Natural News) A group of pro-abortion leftists firebombed a pregnancy center located in the city of Buffalo in New York State. The attack came amid leftist outrage over a potential overturn of the Roe v. Wade abortion ruling. The National Review reported that pro-abortion group Jane’s Revenge firebombed the Buffalo office of Christian pregnancy center […]
-(Natural News) A Republican lawmaker pushed Democratic colleagues off the deep end earlier this week for handling several of his own firearms in order to make a point about a far-left push to ban high-capacity magazines. Rep. Greg Steube (R-Fla.) pulled out a collection of his personal handguns during a Thursday House Judiciary Committee markup session that […]
-(Natural News) Aaron Salter Jr., a security guard at the Tops Friendly Markets store in Buffalo who was killed in the recent mass shooting, had reportedly just patented a new type of vehicle engine that runs on water instead of gasoline. Describing his invention as a “newly discovered energy source,” Salter, just prior to his […]
-(Natural News) Yesterday afternoon, at least ten people were shot and killed at a grocery store in Buffalo, New York. (Article by Adam Wilson republished from Investigating authorities have already said that the shooting was racially motivated. The suspect, 18-years-old, drove several hours and 200 miles to reach the Tops supermarket in a predominantly black neighborhood where […]
-(Natural News) This is the part of the Buffalo, New York, mass shooting the mainstream media won’t be talking about. (Article by Joe Saunders republished from In the aftermath of the atrocity that left 10 innocent people dead, just for the crime of going to the grocery store with the wrong skin color, there’s been no […]
-(Natural News) A man in Buffalo, New York, was held at gunpoint by bounty hunters from out-of-state who raided his home without a warrant and his consent. This situation was made worse by the fact that several members of the Buffalo Police Department were allegedly idly standing by and allowing the illegal raid to happen. In January of this year, […]
-(Natural News) As we’re discovering more and more by the day, every narrative pushed by the Left is a fraud. Every “victim” of police brutality, it seems, is a crisis actor. And every viral video that spreads like wildfire across social media turns out to be a lie. The latest example concerns a so-called “old […]
-(Natural News) Once again, Democrats and their sycophantic Leftist supporters are proving that they are the purveyors of hate and intolerance, not the conservatives and Trump supporters they so regularly accuse of the same things. Case in point: If you happen to patronize a Chick-fil-A restaurant, you are automatically branded as someone who is “anti-LGBTQ” […]