All posts tagged with breakthrough cases
-(Natural News) The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) continues to claim that COVID vaccines do not cause variants. When the Informed Consent Actions Network (ICAN) filed a FOIA request challenging the claims, the CDC was forced to admit they did not have any documents or records to back up their supposition. The CDC continues to […]
-(Natural News) The agency that gutted the economy, threatened civil liberties and destroyed medical ethics also KNEW that the vaccinated were more likely to contract COVID and spread it to their peers. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) knew this because their own employees were more likely to test positive for covid-19 and contract a […]
-(Natural News) More evidence has come in confirming that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines do not work. Data from highly vaccinated countries like Canada and Israel shows that an overwhelming majority of new COVID-19 cases and deaths have come from their fully vaccinated populations. Canada and Israel are among the world’s most highly vaccinated nations. In Canada, 83 […]
-(Natural News) Fully vaccinated individuals made up the vast majority of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths in Sweden and the United Kingdom in the last month, according to government data. This is in line with the rise in breakthrough cases and deaths in Western countries. Sweden’s Public Health Agency reported earlier that of the 130 COVID-19 deaths between […]
-(Natural News) Out of concern for the safety of her patients, Deborah Conrad, a physician’s assistant, reportedly convinced the hospital where she works to start carefully tracking the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” status of every patient admitted. What was discovered as a result is that upwards of 90 percent of all new hospital admissions for […]
-(Natural News) Harvard Business School (HBS) in Boston, Massachusetts has just experienced a significant Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak despite more than 90 percent of students and staff being fully vaccinated. The school has a population of more than 1,700 students who are enrolled to earn a two-year MBA degree. According to the school’s COVID-19 data, 95 percent of […]
-(Natural News) A new study by researchers at Salk Institute for Biological Studies shows that the distinctive “spike” proteins of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, play a key role in the disease itself. Published on April 30 in Circulation Research, the also study shows conclusively that COVID-19 is a vascular disease, demonstrating exactly how the […]
VACCINE FAIL: One in three new covid cases in Los Angeles are “breakthroughs” among fully vaccinated
-(Natural News) They were supposed to be “rare,” but “breakthrough” cases of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) – meaning infections in people who are “fully vaccinated” – now account for at least 30 percent of all new “cases” in the Los Angeles area. Back in March, the figure was two percent, jumping to 20 percent in […] -
-(Natural News) A fully vaccinated man, Patricio Elizondo, died of COVID-19 on Tuesday, August 10. He was survived by his daughter, Yvonne Rodriguez, who said that she saw her father for the last time at the hospital, struggling to breathe on his own. When she saw an X-ray of her father’s chest, it was explained […]
-(Natural News) Several countries around the world were reporting more cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) among vaccinated individuals. This was in contrast to what the mainstream media, public health officials and politicians were telling the public – that we’re having a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” It looks more like a “vaccine pandemic” is coming based on […]