All posts tagged with brain power
-(Natural News) If you’re looking to give your brain a boost, you’ve probably tried a lot of the conventional advice: get more sleep, meditate, take vitamins, get enough exercise, and try some brain puzzles. However, there is one rather simple way you can boost your brain that many people overlook: eat more mushrooms. But before […]
-(Natural News) Studies have shown that intermittent fasting may give your brain not just more energy, but an increased memory learning ability as well. This data comes from scientists from the National Institute on Aging, who found that mice who were fed every other day developed more neurons and synaptic connections which enhanced their brain function. The new findings bolster earlier […]
-(Natural News) A lot of people take brain supplements to increase their overall mental performance. One of the major components of these supplements is the nutrient citicoline which, according to existing studies, can help improve different brain functions and brain health. Although citicoline is already found in the body, it should be taken in the form […]
-(Natural News) Eating choline-rich foods during pregnancy may improve prenatal brain development, a study published in the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology showed. A team of researchers at the Cornell University examined 26 expectant mothers as part of the study. The women were randomly divided into two groups, all of whom consumed the same diet. The […]
-(Natural News) Many people know that a sedentary lifestyle can speed up the aging process. But perhaps not many are aware that cycling can slow down the aging process and boost immunity, keeping older adults healthy and strong. A recent study on amateur cyclists aged 55 to 79 found that they have remained healthy, free […]
-(Natural News) The scientific community defined cognitive dysfunction, more commonly known as brain fog, as a mental condition characterized by bouts of confusion or reduced levels of clarity. The disorder was known to affect both men and women across all age groups. In fact, data from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) showed that between three percent and 42 percent of U.S. adults age 65 […]
-(Natural News) Seasoned investigative journalist and author Jon Rappoport recently disputed that artificial intelligence is very far from its goal of merging with the human brain. Rappoport says that while AI systems have gained steam during the last few years, neuroscience has not completely understood how the human brain works. The renowned author also discussed that discovering the […]
-(Natural News) Humans devote a large portion of our daily calorie intake to our brains, more so than other animals. After all, the human brain expends 25 percent of the baseline energy budget despite comprising no more than two percent of human body weight. This is an idea that has long been accepted in scientific […]
-(Natural News) It’s not widely known, but the fact is “holistic thinking” is much more valuable in life than an expanded IQ or learned intelligence, says Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, in a recent podcast. “Holistic thinking is far more important than raw IQ,” says Adams, who is also co-founder of […]
-(Natural News) In a major study published in Nature Ecology & Evolution, the complexity of Cetacean culture and behavior has been linked to the size of their brains. Like other mammals, whales and dolphins have tightly-knit family groups called pods whereby they follow certain social structures and form complex relationships, similar to human societies. The research […]
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