
Japanese scientist claims eating ice cream for breakfast can make you more intelligent

Ice cream for breakfast, is it too good to be true? According to Yoshihiko Koga, a professor at Tokyo’s Kyorin University, it’s not. He claims that people who eat ice cream for breakfast have faster reaction times and are better at processing information, Excite News reported. Professor Yoshihiko Koga is an expert in psychophysiology which Read More


How food affects your mood

Mental illness is one of the greatest epidemics of modern times and is on par with cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Instead of seeking a cure, however, Big Pharma treats mental illness as just another disease, which can be mitigated by mind altering drugs. Meanwhile, effective nutritional and environmental therapies for mental illness are ignored. Read More

quantum space

The Quantum Physics of Quitting Smoking – How Will the Universe “React?”

A natural news health investigator and reporter named Zach Miller put it like this, “When the cells in our bodies are aligned with pure, healthy sources of information, we are healthy. Likewise when we are exposed to distorted information fields, we can experience ill-health if we don’t remove the source of the distorted information.” Are your sources Read More


What your doctor isn’t telling you about migraines

If you’ve consulted a doctor for a migraine, you’ve probably only heard half the story about your mental health. Most people are told migraines are a hiccup in their make up, which they can do little, if anything about, without the assistance of drugs. In actuality, migraines are kindled by the food we choose to Read More


Brain food? Improve your health by adding fish to your diet

If you want to beat depression, studies say eating more fish might just do the trick. Fish, especially fatty ones like salmon, mackerel, trout and herring, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids support a healthy mind and body. Omega-3 deficiency has long been suggested as a big contributor to the onset of depression. Studies show a higher consumption Read More