All posts tagged with brain-derived neurotrophic factor
-(Natural News) When some people are sad, they eat chocolates or potato chips to cheer themselves up. But according to various studies, you should snack on healthier foods the next time you’re feeling glum because sugar, fast food, and processed food have all been linked to conditions such as addictive behavior, anxiety, and depression. In short, the […]
-(Natural News) Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) affects more than two percent of the population. At first glance, this might not seem like much but OCD is the fourth most commonly occurring mental health issue. There are existing prescription drugs and behavioral treatments for patients with OCD. However, studies have shown that natural remedies are just as […]
-(Natural News) You’ve probably been told that brain cells are a one-time thing – they don’t regenerate. As it turns out, your body does produce new neurons all the time and there are steps you can take to maximize the process. It was once believed that the body stops producing new brain cells once you […]
-(Natural News) Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) encourages the growth of new brain cells while also helping to preserve existing cells. There are many natural ways to raise the levels of this important protein, an article in Be Brain Fit stated. First, avoid factors that lower BDNF levels. Some of these, such as brain-related mental conditions, stress, or […]
-(Natural News) Curcumin, aside from making curry taste good, can also be an effective biomaterial in healing skin wounds. The findings, which were published in the journal Stem Cell Research and Therapy explored the effects of curcumin on a specific bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell (BMSC) sheet, in particular, its effects on the immune response […]
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