All posts tagged with brain activity
-(Natural News) How do skilled pickpockets figure out an object with just the slightest touch? A study from the University of Cambridge and Columbia University revealed that the brain can identify an object’s properties using purely statistical information. In sum, everyone has an “inner pickpocket” lurking inside them. This interesting finding not only explains why this form […]
-(Natural News) Rats share some behavioral traits with humans. Now, a new Dutch study claims that the animals also empathize with others and share their pain. When a person experiences physical pain, the cingulate cortex of the brain activates in response. This region also displays activity when the person sees another individual getting hurt. Researchers […]
-(Natural News) There are neurons in the brain that activate during deep sleep to create memories. A new animal study showed that these brain cells might be the same as the ones responsible for investigating new objects. The experiment tracked the activity of single cells deep in the brains of both male and female mice […]
-(Natural News) Researchers believe they have found a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. Animal tests show that exposing mice to light flashes and sound pulses at the frequency of 40 hertz can reverse some of the symptoms of the neurodegenerative disease. Alzheimer’s disease continues to defy any attempt at treating it. Several pharmaceutical drugs help regulate […]
-(Natural News) Whenever you go on a short walk before working on a tough problem, you use the same creativity-boosting technique Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, and other geniuses used during their heyday. A recent study showed that walking plays an important role in getting the creative juices flowing and coming up with impressive solutions to problems. Researchers from Stanford University noted […]
-(Natural News) There is a scientific reason as to why standing up and clapping along in singalongs makes you feel good. A new Japanese study reported that actively participating in music therapy sessions could improve its considerable effects on the activity levels of the brain. Music is good for the body as well as the mind and […]
-(Natural News) If you’ve ever suffered from a concussion or a stroke, you’ve probably been told to take things easy for at least a few days to give your brain enough time to recover. But this can be a nightmare, especially for those who are always on the go. Fortunately, a recent study by researchers from Columbia […]
-(Natural News) It’s hard to resist the call of a good nap. Despite the stigma that surrounds napping in the workplace and school, researchers from the University of Bristol in the U.K. found that daytime napping improves brain function by helping it process unconscious information better. Countless studies have shown that seven to eight hours of sleep has […]
-(Natural News) You can improve your recent memory through a short session of light exercise. An article in Psychology Today reported that people performed better in short-term memory tests after spending 10 minutes on an exercise bike at a steady but unhurried pace. The findings came from an experiment conducted by Japanese and American researchers. […]
-(Natural News) The brain doesn’t just forget memories by accident or through injury. Sometimes, it loses it on purpose, especially when the person doesn’t want to remember the particular information. A RUB news article identified the specific regions and activity of the brain that are responsible for deliberate forgetfulness. The Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) led a joint research effort […]
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