All posts tagged with born alive
-(Natural News) This week, President Trump confirmed that he will sign an executive order offering extra protection for babies who survive an abortion. The Born Alive Executive Order, which he announced during a pre-recorded speech that was played at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, aims to fulfill the country’s “sacrosanct morality.” He said that all […]
-(Natural News) If this doesn’t prove how callous, ghoulish and diabolical the Left’s head-long pursuit and defense of abortion at any cost really is, nothing will. A leaked email from the United Kingdom’s National Health Service indicates that the British government’s self-administration abortion pill program is having a dramatic ill-effect on women, even leading to […]
-(Natural News) A new report by the Minnesota Department of Health has uncovered three separate cases in 2018 in which newborn babies were left to die on the delivery table after surviving botched abortions. At the same time that Democrats in Congress are voting to block federal legislation to require that basic medical care be […]