All posts tagged with boost brain health
-(Natural News) Each and every part of our body is susceptible to the ravages of time, and our brain is no exception. The brain undergoes various ages as we get on in years. Mental decline is just one of them. Yet despite this being a common and terrifying aspect of aging, it isn’t inevitable. There […]
-(Natural News) It’s no secret that omega-3s are good for the heart and also help in preventing cancer, but a new study recently confirmed that the fatty acids are also good for brain health, boosting blood flow in the brain and potentially protecting it from dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s. The study, published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s […]
-(Natural News) We all know how valuable exercise is to a healthy lifestyle. The benefits of exercise are wide-reaching and include reducing your risk of many different diseases, including diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Engaging in regular physical activity can help you lose weight, lower your blood pressure, help fight depression and boost your self […]
-(Natural News) Alzheimer’s disease is a devastating illness that affects over 5 million Americans alone. It is also the sixth leading cause of death in America. The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that roughly 1-in-3 senior citizens will die with Alzheimer’s disease, or another form of dementia. It kills more people than breast and prostate cancer combined. […]