All posts tagged with biowaste
-(Natural News) Hemp, the non-psychoactive variety of the Cannabis sativa plant, may soon power a smart device near you. Researchers say that not only can hemp be used to power devices, but it may also be a more powerful alternative to lithium and graphene batteries. Hemp-based nanosheet better than graphene In a study published in the journal ACS […]
-(Natural News) The spent shells of chicken eggs might go from unwanted biowaste to a cheap, renewable, and valuable alternative material to metals in lithium-ion batteries. A German-led study reports that powdered chicken eggshells successfully store large amounts of electrical energy. Led by researchers from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the international team tested eggshells […]
-(Natural News) Swedish researchers are keen on recovering as many resources as possible from waste products. One of their latest research projects promises to come up with a way to free useful chemical compounds from biological waste. In this context, biological waste refers to unwanted organic waste products from the agricultural and food industries, such […]
-(Natural News) The meat and poultry industry processes about 9 billion chickens per year, the bulk of which contain hormones, antibiotics and dangerous bacteria that’s bred and spread in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs). Besides all the meat winding up in fast food sandwiches, chicken nuggets, and clear-wrapped packages at butcher stations in supermarkets, the […]
-(Natural News) Austrian researchers have come up with a new way to save millions of trees from paper mills. They can extract cellulose from the dung of cows and other herbivores to make recycled paper, according to an American Chemical Society (ACS) article. The University of Vienna researchers presented their findings during the 255th National […]
-(Natural News) Composting is known to be an environment-friendly practice of waste disposal. However, one study published in Science Advances suggests that organic compost and fertilizers may contain some amount of microplastics that make their way into freshwater and soil. Studies have highlighted the presence of microplastics in water, but researchers at the University of Bayreuth […]
-(Natural News) It seems like every day, researchers find yet another fossil fuel alternative. Not that anyone should be complaining. This time, a team of researchers from the University of Calgary have developed a method to produce a much higher quality and more stable fuel from biowaste, such as raw sewage, which is simpler and […]