All posts tagged with binge eating
-(Natural News) Sleep-eating, also known as sleep-related eating disorder (SRED), involves episodes of compulsive eating while in a state of sleep. And as is the case with other eating disorders, SRED can have “heavy” consequences. In one of her articles online, nutritional scientist Judith Wurtman explained how SRED binges may lead to obesity. Wurtman, who founded a Harvard University hospital […]
-(Natural News) When the holidays roll around, it can be easy to forget that you’ve committed to eating a balanced diet. After all, eating some cookies after finishing a plate of turkey and mashed potatoes won’t hurt, right? If you’re worried about snacking too much and gaining a couple of extra pounds over the holidays, listen […]
-(Natural News) With the holidays approaching, weight-watchers everywhere should know that there is an easy way to prevent unwanted weight gain. You only need to step on your bathroom scale and check your weight every day. A team of researchers from the University of Georgia (UG) found that daily self-weighing can help a person either maintain healthy weight […]
-(Natural News) There is a neural circuit in the brain that regulates the craving for more food. Researchers from The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) identified it as the neuromedin U receptor 2. When they blocked this receptor in the brain of rats, the animals stopped craving junk food. “When trying to lose weight people often strive to […]
-(Natural News) Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich, Germany have concluded that prenatal stress-induced binge eating is usually pre-programmed in the fetal brain. This prior programming, however, does not ensure the disorder; it only comes to such if some signals are triggered. The researchers further discovered that it is possible to […]
-(Natural News) There’s nothing better than eating out after a long, stressful day. However, a new paper published in the International Journal of Obesity suggests that eating at night, especially when you’re stressed, may potentially increase your chances of overeating. The findings also indicate that people who are prone to binge-eating have a higher risk of […]
-(Natural News) What drives us to overeat? European researchers used mice to create an animal model of “obesogenic environments,” a situation where there is easy access to delicious calorie-dense foods. An AlphaGalileo article reported that mice with access to calorie-rich foods also show signs of addiction and binge-eating. This discovery provided clues about human behaviors that […]
-(Natural News) Obesity isn’t just a problem with eating too much: Most of the time, there are behavioral triggers that lead to this condition, and learning to identify them will create new ideas to effectively combat the situation. This was the focus of a study led by researchers from the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) and the […]