dr cig liar (2)

Medical doctors NEVER mention nutrition strategies for smokers trying to quit – take a big GUESS why

The mainstream media and medical doctors NEVER mention nutrition strategies for smokers trying to quit. Care to venture a guess as to why that is? Because it works. That’s right, and medical doctors don’t know a darned thing about nutrition because it’s not taught in medical school and hasn’t been in over 100 years. Even Read More

she smart

Top 8 Most-Believed American Health Myths of the Past 75 Years

Don’t feel bad that you’re “gullible” – it’s not an intelligence thing, in fact, you’ve been brainwashed by advertising and insidious marketing tricks for decades, but all of that is about to change. Top 8 “Most-Believed” American Health Myths: The dairy myth: “Milk – it does a body good.” Humans are the only animals that Read More