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Quit smoking before you finish reading this news!

It’s a mental quit first. Get your mind in gear. Get it ready. Get it wrapped around the notion that you will not ever be a smoker again–then start the process of weeding out chemicals and infusing high grade superfood nutrition. The news is in: Cigarettes contain ammonia, bleach, fiberglass, plastic, insecticides! yes … we Read More

smoker depressed (2)

The emotional ROLLER COASTER of smoking

Step right up folks, step right up … to the ultimate emotional nightmare, known to the majority of mankind as commercial tobacco rolled into an efficient nicotine delivery device, aka the modern cigarette! Watch it perform feats of unparalleled emotional distress, like every second feels like walking the high wire without a net, a nerve-racking Read More


Smoker’s Trivia: Learn the facts about your habit!

How much do you REALLY KNOW about your habit? If you knew more – maybe you could quit. Knowledge is power, after all, so won’t you check your trivia now?! Here are eight common sense questions that just might STUMP YOU: #1. How hot is the tip of a burning cigarette during the inhale? #2. Read More