All posts tagged with beneficial weeds
-(Natural News) The common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) is, all at once, a backyard weed, an allergen – and a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. In a recent paper, researchers from Seoul National University (SNU) have identified compounds in ragweed that can protect brain cells from peptides present in Alzheimer’s. Weed, medicinal plant and potential treatment In the northern […]
-(Natural News) A herbal extract made from a common “weed” can keep you safe from one of the most common and dangerous respiratory diseases in the United States. A Natural Health 365 article discussed the protective powers of milk thistle, regular doses of which could potentially prevent the onset of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). […]
-(Natural News) Names can be confusing — or even misleading — at times. The African cabbage (Cleome gynandra) isn’t at all related to real cabbages, while ringworm disease is actually caused by fungi and not worms. Ugandan researchers can confirm, however, that the local plant has strong antifungal properties, given its long use as a natural treatment […]
-(Natural News) Don’t be quick to dismiss weeds as useless: According to an article published in the Journal of the American Herbalists Guild, the bull thistle (Cirsium vulgare) – commonly classified as a weed in most areas – can be used to treat chronic joint diseases. In the article, herbalist Matthew Alfs looks at various data […]