All posts tagged with beeswax
-(Natural News) Honeycomb is a waxy substance formed by honey bees to serve as storage for pollen and bee products. It is made of pure beeswax and also houses bee larvae. Honeycomb itself is edible – this series of hexagonal cells can be chewed directly and is a great addition to a person’s diet. While it is […]
-(Natural News) When you or a loved one is struggling with respiratory issues, the last thing you want to do is introduce toxic chemicals that will only make breathing issues worse and will not provide true healing. Many conventional over-the-counter products like vapor rubs contain a host of harmful components such as petroleum, artificial fragrances and […]
-(Natural News) Octacosanol – which can be found in beeswax, wheat germ oil, rice bran, sugar cane, and other varieties of plants – has been discovered to lessen the effects of stress and encourage a long and restful sleep, scientists said. According to a study published in Scientific Reports, which was conducted by a team from […]