All posts tagged with bee propolis
-(Natural News) There are many things that could go wrong during a pregnancy. This is especially true for mothers who have been diagnosed with diseases such as diabetes. Fortunately, researchers from Usmanu Danfodiyo University in Nigeria and Universiti Sains Malaysia found a potential way of improving pregnancy outcomes in diabetic women. Their study, which was published in BMC Complementary and Alternative […]
-(Natural News) Bees are one of the greatest gifts to mankind. They don’t just play a crucial role in pollination, they also produce various nutrient-rich substances such as honey and the lesser known bee propolis. The latter, which is also called bee glue, results from the metabolism of a resin secreted by trees. This process produces a […]
-(Natural News) Propolis, or bee glue, is a mixture that honey bees produce by combining saliva and beeswax with substances gathered from tree buds, flowers, and other botanical sources. Honey bees use it to seal unwanted gaps in their beehive. History has revealed propolis being used by the Greeks to treat abscesses, while Assyrians used […]
-(Natural News) Though not as well-known as honey or pollen, bee propolis is a bee-derived product that has its own plethora of health benefits. Various cultures have recognized the amazing medicinal properties of this resinous combination of saliva, beeswax, and sap. From being used as an abscess treatment by the Greeks to the Assyrians applying […]
-(Natural News) Aside from the vital role bees perform in plant pollination, they also provide humans with several health-boosting substances – honey itself has numerous therapeutic properties; bee pollen and bee propolis also offer amazing health benefits. Bee propolis – also known as “bee glue” – is a sticky substance derived from tree resin collected by […]