All posts tagged with Baking Soda
-(Natural News) You’ve probably seen more than one list circulating online touting the many uses for baking soda. Is your fridge smelling bad? Did your drain get clogged? Do your shoes need freshening up? Baking soda has a lot of tricks up its sleeve, but one of the best ones doesn’t usually feature in lists […]
-(Natural News) Baking soda is a kitchen necessity, there’s no doubt about that. Whether you use it for baking, as a natural scrub for pots and pans, or as a deodorizer –the list of ways you can use baking soda in and around the home is truly an endless one. But did you know that […]
-(Natural News) According to a recent study, bicarbonate of soda (also known as baking soda,) “helps women avoid Caesarean-sections.” The findings of the study, which were published in The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, revealed that baking soda dissolved in water can help at least 17 to 20 percent of women to give birth naturally if they […]
-(Natural News) Fresh produce such as fruits and vegetables may require more than the traditional under-the-faucet rinsing as toxic pesticides may linger. However, a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry has revealed that the humble baking soda might just be the perfect solution to rid the produce of harmful pesticides. A team of researchers […]
-(Natural News) When making decisions about the food you eat, you do your best to avoid ingesting GMOs, sodium nitrates, pesticides and aspartame. When your children are running on their school playground, you certainly don’t want them breathing in the neurotoxic mutagenic chemicals and heavy metals found in biosludge. So when you’re cleaning your sinks, shower stalls and toilet bowls, do you have the […]
-(Natural News) Cancer rates are rising and many people are looking to natural prevention as a way of reducing their cancer risks. The serious and unwanted side effects associated with conventional cancer treatments are certainly more than enough to warrant concern over cancer development, and are sure to steer many people towards a path of […]
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