All posts tagged with back pain
-(Natural News) Lumbar disc degeneration is a degenerative disease caused by age-related wear and tear on a spinal disc. This causes low back pain and is observed to be more severe in postmenopausal women than men of the same age. While previous studies have linked low estrogen levels to disc degeneration, a recent study found that vitamin D deficiency may […]
-(Natural News) Michael Louis (or Lewis, depending on the media source), the guy who reportedly shot and killed four people on the second floor of the Natalie Medical Building at Saint Francis Health System in Tulsa, Okla., was apparently angry about a back surgery gone bad when he decided to go on a violent rampage. […]
-(Natural News) If you’re suffering from joint and back pain, it’s a good idea to slow down. Intense and heavy exercises can put stress on your body even more and make you feel more spent than refreshed after every workout. Try low-impact cardio exercises for a change. These are slow-burn exercises that go easy on your […]
-(Natural News) Persistent headaches may be linked to persistent lower back pain, revealed a study published in the Journal of Headache and Pain. The study reviewed previous research and found that a person with either one of these conditions is more likely to experience both types of pain than someone without the conditions. This link could help medical scientists come up with treatment […]
-(Natural News) Upper back pain is an uncomfortable symptom with several causes, such as arthritis, injury or bad posture. While the pain can make you reluctant to move and stay active, one of the best ways to relieve your condition is through stretching exercises or treatments like acupuncture. Common causes of upper back pain Upper back […]
-(Natural News) According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 80 percent of adults in the U.S. suffer from frequent, severe lower back pain. Most of the time, back pain is caused by tightness and immobility in your hips, which can be relieved with hip mobility exercises. Your hip joints help your torso stay stable […]
-(Natural News) The American Chiropractic Association defines posture as the position in which people hold their bodies. There are two kinds of posture: good posture and poor posture. Good posture can reduce your back pain, decrease your risk of injury, improve blood circulation and reduce the amount of stress placed on your muscles and joints. Poor posture, on […]
-(Natural News) Back pain is experienced by anyone at some point in his or her life, whether due to poor posture, lack of exercise or improper lifting techniques. In fact, it is one of the most common reasons why people miss work, and it remains a pervasive health problem worldwide. That being said, most cases […]
-(Natural News) If you’re experiencing pain in your lower back, you might think that staying put can help minimize the pain. However, if you truly want to get relief from low back pain, the actual solution is to move. (h/t to Physical therapy exercises for back pain These eight simple and easy exercises and […]
-(Natural News) Pain in the lower back is quite common although the pain could be felt anywhere along the spine, from the neck all the way down to the hips. About 80 percent of American adults will have experienced lower back pain at some point in their lives and it is currently the leading cause […]