All posts tagged with b vitamins
-(Natural News) Over two hundred doctors and scientists have come together in support of worldwide distribution of vitamin D to help treat covid infections and reduce hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths. The doctors are calling on all governments and healthcare systems around the world to immediately recommend and distribute vitamin D to adult populations. Long […]
-(Natural News) All around the world – except in the United States, of course – people are harmonizing their bodies with nature’s offerings to stave off the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). In the “land of the free,” however, only pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines are recognized and allowed as “medicine” for the novel virus, which is why […]
-(Natural News) Are you ready to release bodily and mental tension? Are you in need of that now? Most of us are. What’s your first line of defense against parasites, bacteria, viruses, corrupt news and rude people? Maybe you need to combat depression and anxiety, instead of “letting them happen” to you. Or still, maybe, […]
-(Natural News) More and more studies are coming to light that show the impact of food on mental health, particularly mental disorders like anxiety. Registered dietitian and functional medicine practitioner Ali Miller says that eating certain foods can counteract the harmful effects of anxiety and anxiety-related disorders. Food can affect mental health Miller notes that humans’ primal fight-or-flight instinct isn’t suited for modern […]
-(Natural News) Did you know that there are eight B vitamins? These are eight of the many essential nutrients that your body needs to keep your bodily systems functioning at optimum performance. What each individual B vitamin does varies, but they generally work to convert food into energy, make new blood cells and keep existing skin […]
-(Natural News) When you’re following a plant-based diet, it’s important to eat various superfoods to prevent nutritional deficiencies. Consuming foods rich in B-vitamins is essential for your overall well-being, especially if you’re always stressed. What are B-vitamins? B-vitamins are made up of eight different vitamins that work together to keep your body strong and healthy: Thiamine (B1) – Thiamine […]
-(Natural News) Air pollution is a major environmental problem and is a growing health threat, especially to people living in big cities and other urban areas. With the exception of natural disasters like volcanic eruptions and wildfires, human activity is often considered the sole contributor to the extreme levels of particulate matter found in the […]
-(Natural News) Folate, also referred to as vitamin B9 or folic acid, is an essential nutrient obtained from many fruits and green leafy vegetables. Not getting enough of this B vitamin can lead to many health problems. One of these is fragile X syndrome, according to a study published in the journal Proceedings of the […]
-(Natural News) Anxiety is a normal human emotion that can be triggered by imminent danger or the presence of threats. According to science, anxiety is part of the body’s fight-or-flight response and is integral to human survival. However, this useful emotion, when experienced at disproportionate levels, can turn into anxiety disorder, a medical condition. Anxiety disorder can cause […]
-(Natural News) Your gut contains a combination of good and bad bacteria. Probiotics are the good bacteria that live in your digestive tract. As long as you have a healthy balance between the good and bad gut bacteria, your immune system will have an extra boost to protect your body against external threats. If your […]