All posts tagged with atlantic ocean
-(Natural News) We live at a time when giant space rocks are whizzing past our planet with alarming regularity. Sometimes we know in advance that they are coming, and sometimes we don’t. In fact, on July 28th an asteroid the size of a car zipped past our planet “at a range that rivals the orbits of […]
-(Natural News) A study published in the journal Nature Communications found that a little-known ocean current is feeding water into the North Atlantic Ocean’s Faroe Bank Channel Overflow – one of the largest “waterfalls” in the world. This discovery by an international team of researchers sheds new light on the ocean circulations in the Nordic seas, where dense overflow […]
-(Natural News) Off the northeastern coast of the United States, researchers have found a gigantic freshwater aquifer hiding underneath the Atlantic ocean. An aquifer is an underground layer of water. This particular aquifer’s exact size is still unclear, but the researchers believe it has the potential to be the largest known aquifer to date. For comparison, the largest […]
-(Natural News) Deep in the middle of the Northern Atlantic Ocean lies an underwater mountain that, at its highest, rises to be nearly 2,300 feet below the surface. This mountain, known as the Atlantis Massif, after the fabled city that sunk into the ocean, is filled with underwater chimneys that spew minerals and hot water into the […]
-(Natural News) It seems like today the United States has more foreign threats than we can count. Not only are tensions with Russia on the rise, but America is also being simultaneously threatened by Syria and North Korea. On top of it all, the Islamic State is on the move, carrying out horrific acts of […]
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