All posts tagged with apple cider vinegar
-(Natural News) Pickling is a simple way of retaining the crispness of summer vegetables and boosting their nutritional value. It will cost you less money and less effort to conserve fresh vegetables. You just need plenty of sterilized jars and the golden trinity of pickling –vinegar, water and rock salt. The science of using vinegar […]
-(Natural News) Ear infections occur as a result of an overgrowth of infectious bacteria or viruses. The infection can happen in the inner, middle or outer part of the ear and cause symptoms like ear pain, hearing problems, headache, ear discharge and constant tugging at an ear. Though ear infections often clear up on their own, severe cases […]
-(Natural News) While often not life-threatening, ant bites can be extremely painful depending on the species of ant. In case of a severe allergic reaction, ant bites can even cause breathing difficulties, dizziness or confusion. Fortunately, there are many different natural remedies that can help relieve painful ant bites almost instantly. The following remedies can be used to ease pain, swelling and discomfort associated […]
-(Natural News) A sore throat is an uncomfortable condition that can accompany a number of health problems, such as a cold, the flu or other viral infections. Regardless of what’s causing your sore throat, you can relieve it naturally using ingredients you may already have in your kitchen, like ginger, lemons or salt. What causes a […]
-(Natural News) Apple cider vinegar (ACV) may liven up salads and relieve coughs, but ACV is also a “miracle liquid” that you can use to keep your home clean instead of cleaning products that contain harmful chemicals. ACV has antimicrobial properties, which make it an excellent natural cleaner. Unlike commercial household cleaning products, ACV contains no toxic ingredients. […]
-(Natural News) Keeping pests out of your kitchen ensures that your food supplies last a long time. Meanwhile, keeping pests away from your crops helps them grow healthy and strong. (h/t to Below are 12 non-toxic ingredients that you can use to make natural pest control remedies for your homestead. Keep your kitchen pest-free Using pantry […]
-(Natural News) Having a healthy immune response is key to prevent diseases. It’s especially important nowadays with the novel coronavirus, which now has infected more than 30 million people worldwide. People with a weakened immune system are more likely to get sick. And though taking up such precautions as wearing a mask has its benefits, it has its limitations. Fortunately, there […]
-(Natural News) Apple cider vinegar starts life as an apple juice. It is then fermented twice with yeast. It is most notable for its strong, sour flavor, which is due to its main ingredient acetic acid. In turn, this substance is said to be responsible for the health benefits of apple cider vinegar. Meanwhile, honey is a sweet and […]
-(Natural News) Apple cider vinegar is a highly versatile kitchen product with powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. It contains potassium, the fiber pectin, malic acid and acetic acid, which gives it its strong, sour flavor. In times of crisis, valuable products and medicines may be out of reach, while you are more exposed to threats. Having apple cider […]
-(Natural News) Many people use over-the-counter (OTC) antibiotics to treat bacterial infections, but these medications often cause adverse effects. Fortunately, Nature provides powerful remedies that are just as effective as modern medicines but don’t come with unwanted side effects. Here are 10 natural antibiotics you can find in your own kitchen or grow in your home garden. (h/t to Oregano oil Packed […]