A New York City resident recently released a video on X, formerly Twitter, revealing that the New York Police Department has been given orders not to...
Civil society is rapidly deteriorating in New York City, which is experiencing a "total breakdown" of civility and criminal justice due to the city's...
A federal appeals court has ruled that the FBI overstepped its authority when it tasked agents with searching through hundreds of safe deposit boxes...
A pro-life activist whose home was raided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) early in the morning in the course of his arrest has sued the...
Rene Gonzalez, the city commissioner of public safety in Portland, is urging residents not to call 911 unless absolutely necessary because the system...
Representative Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), who has voted in the past for measures that would facilitate defunding the police, has now said that he does...
The fatal shooting of a teenager in Paris by French police during a traffic stop has sparked massive unrest that has left the government dazed at the...