All posts tagged with anti-conservative bias
-(Natural News) The White House confirmed Wednesday that the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) had filed a petition to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) challenging the regulation of large social media companies. Filed on Monday, July 27, the petition seeks to clarify the scope of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. It requests that “the FCC […]
-(Natural News) The results from Tuesday’s elections are in and it’s now obvious: The Democratic Left’s takeover of Virginia — once home to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson — is now complete. The party won control over both chambers of the Legislature, and with racist Democratic Gov. Ralph “Blackface Infanticide” Northam still in office as […]
-(Natural News) In this day of outrageous mainstream media bias against POTUS Donald Trump, Republicans in general and conservatives in particular, it’s difficult to find singular examples of eye-watering, head-shaking stupidity because such incidents are so common. That’s why we have to hand it to Brian Stelter, host of the little-watched CNN program “Reliable Sources,” […]
-(Natural News) Increasingly unhinged American Leftists claim they are opposed to bigots, racists, and, of course, “facists,” but the reality is, in opposing people who simply disagree with them politically, they are the ones who are acting like the 1930s-era Brown Shirts who were the political enforcers of the Nazi Party. And what’s more, the […]
-(Natural News) Earlier this month, Zero Hedge published a story that should have alarmed everyone who read it — that is, everyone who is interested in maintaining a free, open Internet and social media platforms that are designed for everyone and all views. Citing a Wall Street Journal story, the news site noted: Google has […]
-(Natural News) Conservative thinkers, pundits, and politicos have been reluctant to call on the Trump administration to intervene — with regulations, with policies, with rules — and Congress — with new legislation — against the growing power of Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media giants. That’s because as conservatives they believe in the principle […]
-(Natural News) Once again, a social media tech giant is in hot water for arbitrarily banning or censoring a notable conservative and is scrambling to cover its tracks and justify its blatant political discrimination. As reported by Breitbart Tech on Friday, in a series of statements posted to its own platform, Twitter attempted to outline […]
-(Natural News) One of the most important developments regarding ongoing efforts to peel back layers of obfuscation regarding the politically discriminatory practices at the social media and tech behemoths is about to take place. A group of conservative current and former employees of Google have filed suit against the company alleging they were targeted for […]
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