All posts tagged with animal-based foods
-(Natural News) Eating only plant-based foods as a vegan or vegetarian confers numerous health benefits, including improved heart health and a decreased risk of various diseases. But humans have been eating both plants and meat for thousands of years. In fact, many nutrients that are important for overall health can only be found in meat, fish and […]
-(Natural News) When you follow a balanced diet, you ensure that your body is getting all the essential vitamins and minerals it needs, such as zinc. Research suggests that being deficient in zinc leads to a lot of health problems, such as immune dysfunction and chronic kidney and liver disease. To prevent zinc deficiency, incorporate foods rich […]
-(Natural News) There are many dietary guidelines available today. Some follow a diet that restricts fat consumption in favor of carbohydrates, while others prefer a low-carb diet that prioritizes proteins and fat, which, in practice, has been more successful at inducing short-term weight loss. However, while studies have explained the science between these two popular […]
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