All posts tagged with Amazon Echo
-(Natural News) The latest idea from Google goes beyond mere Orwellian Big Brother into full-blown automated robotic parenting. The company is planning a series of smart home technologies that will keep an eye on children and discipline them in lieu of their actual parents, warned an article from The Daily Mail. Google filed a patent involving […]
-(Natural News) Just when you thought connected devices couldn’t get any more intrusive, Amazon steps in and takes things up a notch with its Echo Spot, which is already available in the U.S. and soon to launch in the U.K. With its “smart alarm” feature being heavily marketed, the internet retail giant is hoping you’ll […]
-(Natural News) Amazon’s “Echo,” the handsfree, voice-controlled speaker for the uber-lazy, plays music, harnesses the abilities of the virtual assistant “Alexa” to phone or message on your behalf, can recognize voice commands from across a room, answers questions, delivers the latest traffic report, can give you the latest sports scores and reads to you, among […]
-(Natural News) isn’t merely a massive retailer; it’s also a dangerous spy machine that collects detailed profiles of your most private thoughts, fetishes and conversations. Every device you use is actually a surveillance collection interface that’s translating your thoughts, beliefs and conversations into a “psychological profile” database at servers. For example: * […]
-(Natural News) Well, it sure didn’t take long for the authorities to find yet another way to use technology—specifically “the Internet of things”—to violate our constitutional right to privacy. As reported by EnGadget, police in Arkansas want to know if one of Amazon’s Echo devices, which are constantly connected to the Internet and listening for […]
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