All posts tagged with alzheimer’s cure
-(Natural News) A new Alzheimer’s treatment called focused therapeutic ultrasound beams sound waves into brain tissue and stimulates the brain’s waste removal system, safely enabling a clearance of the plaques, clumps and tangles that block memories. This non-invasive technology uses sound waves to safely open the blood-brain barrier where your ‘janitorial’ microglial cells can sweep […]
-(Natural News) It’s really hard to eat healthy when you read the wrong news or can’t even remember good advice when you hear it. Some people get really motivated when they see a Youtuber who’s in great shape and has simple tips, but try to put those strategies into action while your cleansing organs are being ‘vandalized’ […]
-(Natural News) Over five million American “patients” are taking blood thinners every day, and most of them will keep taking them, under doctor’s advisement, until the day they die. So why are so many people at risk of blood clots now, as opposed to previous generations? Medical doctors all claim it’s a disease that’s genetic, […]
-(Natural News) The latest protein maps of the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease showed that at least one region succeeded in holding off the ravages of the disease. U.K. researchers believed that the cerebellum’s ability to protect itself against Alzheimer’s might be reproducible in other parts of the brain. They examined the brain and other essential organs […]
-(Natural News) If you accidentally sprayed roach killer or weed killer on your fruit, you would probably rush to wash it off, knowing it would make you sick if you ate it, now or later (in fact you would probably discard the produce entirely). If you put poisonous rat baits or pest-killing “food” pellets under […]
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