All posts tagged with allegations
-(Natural News) Despite vehement denials from the Biden administration, Russian diplomats presented compelling new evidence of the existence of U.S.-backed and funded bioweapons labs in Ukraine and around the world during a special session of the UN Security Council on Friday. As The Associated Press reported, the session was scheduled at the request of Russia, […]
-(Natural News) David Mikkelson, co-founder and CEO of notorious fact-checking website Snopes, was accused of rape by his estranged wife in a bombshell Facebook post last year. Now it appears the embattled Mikkelson, who is fighting legal battles on numerous fronts as his world continues to fall apart, is launching legal action against his own wife to silence […]
-(Natural News) Americans who still believe that the 2020 elections were not stolen from President Trump are likely supporters of the election theft beneficiary, Joe Biden, because the evidence is overwhelming. And what’s more, the ‘allegedly’ guilty parties appear to be hard at work trying to cover up their tracks, as evidenced in recent days […]
-(Natural News) We have received confirmation that Attorney General William Barr has finally given federal prosecutors the go-ahead to start investigating the many “substantial allegations” of vote fraud in the 2020 election. In a memo to U.S. attorneys, Barr indicated that no investigation is off-limits so long as there are “clear and apparently-credible allegations of […]
-(Natural News) If you want to know the true state of the Democratic Party in 2020, you need not look any farther than its presidential nominee, Joe Biden. He literally embodies everything the Democrats claim to be against: Sexism, bigotry, racism, sexual assault and predatory behavior. And, in an age when the party’s Left-ward lurch […]
-(Natural News) Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff is connected to a Ukrainian arms dealer. Is this why he’s willing to lie in front of the nation when accusing President Trump of crimes? (Article by Joe Hoft republished from Adam Schiff is arguably the biggest liar in Congress…. ever. He now leads the House Intelligence Committee […]
-(Natural News) It’s hard to imagine what congressional Democrats were thinking when they decided to call former special counsel Robert Mueller before two House committees on Wednesday so he could provide testimony about a report that everyone knows does not provide any clear evidence whatsoever regarding alleged improprieties or illegal behavior on the part of […]
-(Natural News) Parents of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., who lost children during the mass shooting there in February 2018 have suffered for more than a year waiting for something — anything — resembling justice to occur. It now appears as though at least some justice is taking place. You may recall […]
-(Natural News) When it came to allegations against POTUS Donald Trump by porn queen Stormy Daniels, a.k.a. Stephanie Clifford, attorney Michael Avenatti saw his golden opportunity to make a name for himself on the national stage. But in the end, it looks like he’s the one who was trying to screw her over, figuratively speaking. […]
-(Natural News) The American Left has begun pushing a new anti-white narrative aimed squarely at any Caucasian supporter of POTUS Donald Trump: Equating being “white” and being a MAGA “nationalist” with being a “white supremacist.” And in doing so, the Left is creating another Trump “boogyman” for their perpetually triggered anarchists to target for new […]