All posts tagged with algal bloom
-(Natural News) Tourists from all over China frequent the shores of Matsu Islands to see “blue tears” — an enchanting display of blue lights in the waters. But as beautiful as blue tears are to behold, experts have warned that they are also toxic. Blue tears are caused by the bloom of tiny, bioluminescent organisms […]
-(Natural News) Minnesota’s farmers are using more fertilizer than needed, say the state’s agricultural officials. The state government’s response to regulate the use of nitrogen fertilizer – a bid to ensure clean drinking water at, according to detractors, the risk of impairing one of Minnesota’s biggest industries – is seemingly a question of which gets […]
Is Mother Nature fighting back? Chemical cloud that poisoned 200 may have been caused by algal bloom
-(Natural News) Is Mother Nature fighting back against the abuses that have been heaped on her for decades? In the last week of August, beachgoers eager to enjoy the last of the summer in Birling Gap, East Sussex, U.K., were suddenly thrown into a state of panic when a strange mist, which some described as […]