All posts tagged with agitator
-(Natural News) If you are a supporter of President Donald Trump and never believed that it was plausible for others of his supporters to participate in a riot, and particularly at the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., your instincts were correct. According to reports this week, the Justice Department has moved on John Earle Sullivan, an […]
-(Natural News) Police officers from Green Bay, Wisconsin, arrested a violent member of the radical leftist organization Antifa over the weekend. Police say that the individual was carrying a flamethrower and several smoke grenades when he was arrested, and that he was a well-known “violent Antifa member.” On August 29, Matthew Banta, 23, known as “Commander […]
-(Natural News) As we’re discovering more and more by the day, every narrative pushed by the Left is a fraud. Every “victim” of police brutality, it seems, is a crisis actor. And every viral video that spreads like wildfire across social media turns out to be a lie. The latest example concerns a so-called “old […]
-(Natural News) Now that the latest media stunt against Catholic schoolboys who support President Trump has been exposed as more pathetic fake news, millions more Americans have been “red-pilled” with the ugly truth about the maniacal rage and hatred that Leftists have for white people – in this case, white children – who align themselves […]