All posts tagged with active lifestyle
-(Natural News) Exercise offers many benefits, but these may not be enough to undo the negative health effects that come with spending too much time sitting, whether at home or the office. Researchers found that sitting for long periods has been linked to a greater risk of cardiovascular diseases in postmenopausal women. For their study, the […]
-(Natural News) Heart attack survivors might feel apprehensive about exercising regularly. But a recent study showed that it can help prevent heart failure and increase their life expectancy over time. Published in the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA), the study revealed that survivors who remain physically active after a heart attack have a reduced risk […]
-(Natural News) Staying healthy requires discipline. You need to follow a balanced diet, quit bad habits like smoking and drinking and exercise regularly. But for those who don’t like going to the gym, there are plenty of excuses to choose from, from being too busy with work to having genes that naturally make them fat. But according […]
-(Natural News) It is normal to worry about things, but too much worrying can become a problem. In some cases, people worry so much that it impedes their daily activities. Add the cost of consultations and medications to that, and it’s no wonder a lot of people are suffering from anxiety. Fortunately, there are natural […]
-(Natural News) Are you bound to your desk chair for many hours every day? You need to find some way to add physical exercise to your day, even if it’s just brisk walking. Cycling, jogging, walking – as long as a person finds a way to move, he may undo the harmful effects of sitting […]
-(Natural News) Having an active lifestyle is important, especially for maintaining great overall health. According to the latest physical activity guidelines published by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), a person should have at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercises. It’s too bad that most Americans aren’t physically active. The HHS reports that […]
-(Natural News) Jumping rope is a common children’s game, but if you’re too busy to go to the gym, this game can help you stay fit. Incorporating this fun and challenging activity into your exercise regimen will give you a quick but effective full-body workout. Jumping rope as an intensive full-body workout If you don’t […]
Sitting on a chair all day? Exercise can “offset” the health risks associated with it, says research
-(Natural News) Each year, more and more people become glued to their desks, their couches, and their beds due to technology. Various tools and devices have been developed that make many things accessible to people with just a tap of a finger. However, the sedentary lifestyle poses numerous health risks and can lead to obesity, Type 2 […] -
-(Natural News) Regular physical exercise offers many health benefits. But even something as simple as 10 minutes of brisk walking daily can help prevent disability in older adults with arthritis pain. According to a study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, brisk walking can also help lower their risk of suffering from pain or stiffness in […]
-(Natural News) You don’t need to witness someone you love deteriorate right before your eyes to prepare for Alzheimer’s disease: Scientists from the UT Southwestern Medical Center found that regular exercise is linked to increased brain health – which lowers your chances of getting this debilitating condition. In the study, which was published in the Journal for Alzheimer’s […]