All posts tagged with 9th Circuit
-(Natural News) A jury in San Francisco has begun deliberations in what is deemed the “blockbuster trial of the century” involving an undercover media operation that recorded Planned Parenthood officials admitting they allegedly sold aborted fetal parts and tissue while negotiating for higher fees. As reported by Lifesite News, the federal trial “wrapped up” on […]
-(Natural News) The Trump administration doesn’t win much in lower federal courts when it comes to the president’s efforts to enforce all immigration laws. But thanks to the opportunities he has had to fill two vacancies on the nation’s highest court, his administration — and the American people, including those who don’t like or support […]
-(Natural News) The Left has practically taken over every single institution in America including education, healthcare, entertainment, pop culture and society in general, but it’s not enough: Now they’re coming for the justice system as well. Granted, Leftists got a huge boost in their efforts to corrupt American jurisprudence from Barack Obama, who oversaw the […]
-(Natural News) California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom got smacked around by a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals this week after overreaching with his Marxist gun control agenda — a prelude for residents of the Golden State because he’s an early favorite to become the next governor. As Ammoland reported, the appeals […]
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