All posts tagged with 8chan
-(Natural News) Even if they make no mention of violence, people, pages and groups on Facebook that are in any way tied to the QAnon movement are now prohibited from the social media platform – even as Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) accounts promoting riots, looting and violence remain unscathed. In an Oct. 6 […]
-(Natural News) Jim Watkins, the owner of the anonymous message board 8chan, wants to set the record straight with regard to the recent shooting spree that was reported by the mainstream media as having occurred in El Paso, Texas. Despite being targeted by the mainstream media, tech companies, and the rabid left for allegedly hosting […]
-(Natural News) In the wake of New Zealand’s deadliest day and the most horrific act of domestic terrorism ever committed there, authorities are working in overdrive in their attempt to piece together what happened. The process, however, is beginning to look a lot like an effort to bury some of the most damning evidence, perhaps […]