All posts tagged with 1984
-(Natural News) If author George Orwell were alive today, he would have the opportunity to see just how accurate he was when he wrote the dystopian novel “1984.” That said, it’s unlikely that many people alive at the time the book was published (circa 1949) actually believed there could ever be “thought police,” a “Ministry […]
Covid newspeak brought definitional changes to words like “pandemic,” “vaccine,” and “herd immunity”
-(Natural News) In case you did not notice, the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic changed everything, including the definitions of words that meant something entirely different before anyone had ever even heard the word ‘covid’. Take the word “pandemic,” for instance. This one was actually changed in 2009 for H1N1 when the World Health Organization (WHO) […] -
-(Natural News) For those of you who have read George Orwell’s dystopian future classic “1984,” you know a couple of things: First, the man was a visionary; and secondly, he was off by maybe a decade or so. Without a doubt, many of the things Orwell prophesied about in his book have come true today. […]
-(Natural News) One of the top contenders for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) is the subject of a new smear campaign by the mainstream media, which is attempting to rewrite its own history to make Cotton look bad. After the far-left Salon rag ran a blatant hit piece on Cotton, Newsweek […]
-(Natural News) When someone is asked to answer the common mathematical equation two plus two, they would usually answer “four” in a quick manner. However, a doctoral student from Harvard University claims the correct answer is “five,” not “four.” Kareem Carr, a post-graduate student at the university’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, explained on […]
-(Natural News) Tech giants Facebook and Twitter are now openly complicit in aiding and abetting domestic terrorism here in the United States, as both platforms continue to host community pages for Rose City Antifa, a Portland, Oregon-based domestic terrorist group that proudly committed horrific acts of violence against innocent people during a recent public protest. […]
-(Natural News) A New Jersey police department recently implemented new technology that allows 911 operators in the area to stream live video from callers’ smartphones with the touch of a button. While callers will still have to give their consent to such monitoring, some media outlets have dubbed the technology a slippery slope towards automatic […]
-(Natural News) In response to the recent spate of mass shootings that the mainstream media claims took place in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, a think tank group is reportedly concocting a “solution” that involves invading people’s “smart” devices and harvesting their personal data in order to prevent “mental health-related violence” before it occurs. […]
-(Natural News) In 1984, Apple launched a compelling and ironic commercial that promised freedom from Big Brother mind control. The video depicts humans lining up, mesmerized by a large screen. A woman, chased by security guards, bursts onto the scene and hurls a hammer into the screen. As the glass shatters, the obedient crowd is […]
-(Natural News) If you wish to sell goods or services within the digital universe of Amazon, which is rapidly gobbling up the entirety of the retail-sphere, then you’re soon going to have to submit to Amazon’s Mark of the Beast, according to new reports. In the very near future, prospective Amazon Marketplace sellers will be […]