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IV vitamin C achieves clinical success with prostate and breast cancer Published September 19 2012 | Concepts: cancer, vitamin C, patients, IV vitamin c, Prostate |
| Meta-study finds even the best cancer treatments don't address tobacco use Published August 17 2012 | Concepts: cancer, tobacco, treatment, treatments, cancer treatments |
| Woman shocks doctors by using superfoods like turmeric to treat cancer - and lives! Published July 3 2012 | Concepts: cancer, superfoods, men, diet, woman |
| Effective alternative treatments for Lyme disease and protection from tick bites Published June 11 2012 | Concepts: disease, lyme disease, alternative, symptoms, natural |
| Progestin treatments for PCOS affect fertility Published June 8 2012 | Concepts: progestin, PCOS, treatments, fertility, women |
| Best home remedies and natural treatments for poison ivy Published May 22 2012 | Concepts: poison, poison ivy, remedies, home, treatments |
| Should the FDA approve Big Pharma marketing drug treatments to healthy people? Published May 21 2012 | Concepts: FDA, drug, healthy, treatments, Big Pharma |
| Another victim of conventional cancer treatments: Beastie Boys co-founder Adam Yauch dead at 47 Published May 11 2012 | Concepts: cancer, treatments, treatment, boys, Beastie Boys |
| Alternative treatments dissolve cataracts, prevent their return, and help to avoid surgery Published April 30 2012 | Concepts: cataracts, eye, pascalite, alternative, alternative treatments |
| The Swiss government's exceedingly positive report on homeopathic medicine Published April 8 2012 | Concepts: homeopathic, Swiss, report, medicine, homeopathy |
| IASTM - The new wave in injury resolution without surgery Published April 6 2012 | Concepts: IASTM, injury, treatment, resolution, injuries |
| Admitted: Conventional cancer treatments sterilize women Published March 30 2012 | Concepts: cancer, women, cancer treatments, fertility, conventional cancer treatments |
| Asthma explained - A model for understanding inflammation Published March 20 2012 | Concepts: asthma, inflammation, article, treatments, caffeine |
| Medical terrorism in Michigan? Parents forced by the state to poison their child with cancer-causing chemicals Published March 19 2012 | Concepts: child, medical, parents, chemotherapy, children |
| New study: Radiation treatments create cancer cells 30 times more potent than regular cancer cells Published March 19 2012 | Concepts: cancer, natural, radiation, men, treatments |
| Chiropractic treatments improve sensory-processing disorders Published February 29 2012 | Concepts: chiropractic, natural, NaturalNews, child, SPD |
| Eugenics alert: Oncologists now pushing toxic chemotherapy for pregnant women Published February 14 2012 | Concepts: chemotherapy, eugenics, oncologists, women, pregnant women |
| Can raw foods aid breast cancer treatments and prevention? Published February 10 2012 | Concepts: breast cancer, raw, health, foods, women |
| Herbal treatments prevent balding, stop hair loss and re-grow hair Published February 9 2012 | Concepts: hair, hair loss, balding, herb, herbal |
| Get the benefits of mega-dose IV vitamin C without IVs - by yourself Published January 14 2012 | Concepts: vitamin C, encapsulated, IV vitamin c, mega dose, benefits |
| Alternate treatment for chronic acne sufferers Published January 6 2012 | Concepts: acne, treatment, skin, health, remedies |
| Study confirms that many survivors of breast cancer chemotherapy treatments suffer from brain damage Published December 13 2011 | Concepts: chemotherapy, brain, cancer, breast cancer, study |
| Add 'chemo brain' to the list of chemotherapy side effects Published November 30 2011 | Concepts: chemotherapy, cancer, patients, treatment, brain |
| Texas Medical Board again tries to destroy Dr. Burzynski with new lawsuit to revoke his medical license Published November 17 2011 | Concepts: Burzynski, Dr. Burzynski, medical, Texas, medical board |
| Prostate cancer treatments spur cancer to grow Published November 9 2011 | Concepts: cancer, Prostate, prostate cancer, treatments, hormone |
| Understand and treat hyperactivity naturally Published November 1 2011 | Concepts: child, hyperactivity, children, behavior, adhd |
| World's top alternative cancer treatment experts unleashed in free online audio event beginning October 25 - register now to listen in Published October 20 2011 | Concepts: cancer, treatment, event, heal, natural |
| Exposing the fraud and mythology of conventional cancer treatments Published October 12 2011 | Concepts: cancer, men, treatment, patients, chemotherapy |
| Steve Jobs dead at 56, his life ended prematurely by chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer Published October 6 2011 | Concepts: jobs, Steve Jobs, cancer, WHO, chemotherapy |
| Know the truth about blood pressure Published September 23 2011 | Concepts: blood, blood pressure, heal, high blood pressure, health |
| Oncologist suggests cancer treatments responsible for Kara Kennedy's death (corrected) Published September 22 2011 | Concepts: cancer, cancer treatments, death, heart, form |
| The epidemic of medical child abuse - and what can be done about it Published August 26 2011 | Concepts: child, drug, children, 5, drugs |
| Treating cancer integratively Published August 25 2011 | Concepts: treatment, cancer, health, treatments, health care |
| Cancer is Curable NOW - stunning documentary reveals truth about cancer industry Published August 24 2011 | Concepts: cancer, treatment, documentary, alternative, doctor |
| Cancer is curable NOW! Thirty experts reveal most advanced and effective cancer treatments and cures available today Published August 3 2011 | Concepts: cancer, treatment, treatments, doctor, documentary |
| Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to choose deadly chemotherapy, radiation treatments for cancer rather than natural alternatives Published July 19 2011 | Concepts: cancer, chemotherapy, radiation, treatments, treatment |
| Burzynski documentary reveals true agenda of FDA and cancer industry to destroy cancer cures that really work Published July 14 2011 | Concepts: cancer, Burzynski, FDA, industry, drug |
| Obese and trying to get pregnant? Fertility treatments might not work for you, suggests study Published July 7 2011 | Concepts: women, obese, treatments, weight, fertility |
| The chemo drug shortage is a blessing Published June 29 2011 | Concepts: drug, cancer, drug shortage, treatment, treatments |
| Marijuana and Radiation Protection Published June 10 2011 | Concepts: oil, hemp, radiation, cancer, hemp oil |
| Cancer testing outstrips allopathic treatments Published May 12 2011 | Concepts: cancer, testing, medicine, cancer testing, health |
| Man blogs about his own death from chemotherapy Published May 12 2011 | Concepts: death, cancer, blog, therapy, man |
| Research finds non-prescription treatments and preventatives help Alzheimer's Disease Published May 3 2011 | Concepts: Alzheimer's, research, brain, disease, treatments |
| Radiation exposure chart admits cancer radiotherapy delivers fatal dose to patients Published April 20 2011 | Concepts: cancer, chart, radiation, information, radiotherapy |
| CT scans used to monitor success of cancer treatments cause more cancer, study finds Published April 18 2011 | Concepts: cancer, study, CT scans, men, treatments |
| Armed agents kidnap child from mother who used holistic treatments instead of pharmaceutical drugs to treat condition Published April 15 2011 | Concepts: child, drugs, agents, holistic, treatments |
| Doctors don't tell patients the truth about the treatments they'd use themselves Published April 12 2011 | Concepts: patients, doctors, doctor, treatments, treatment |
| Is It Time to Make Health Freedom a Constitutional Right? Published February 28 2011 | Concepts: medicine, treatment, freedom, health freedom, therapy |
| Use herbal and homeopathic treatments for tonsillitis Published February 23 2011 | Concepts: homeopathic, herbal, home, treatments, remedies |
| For dark hair - Try natural dyes, rinses and treatments Published February 11 2011 | Concepts: hair, natural, treatments, color, tea |
| Junk science alert: researchers declare alternative therapies dangerous to children based on scant evidence Published December 28 2010 | Concepts: children, therapies, alternative, child, researchers |
| Heat treatments can literally destroy cancer overnight Published December 23 2010 | Concepts: cancer, treatment, treatments, therapy, heat treatments |
| Essential Oils and Other Natural Treatments Help Rosacea Sufferers Published November 17 2010 | Concepts: Rosacea, essential oils, natural, men, treatments |
| Conventional drug treatments don't really help teenage depression Published November 4 2010 | Concepts: drug, depression, treatments, drugs, men |
| Who looks healthier after cancer? Suzanne Somers or Michael Douglas? Published November 3 2010 | Concepts: cancer, WHO, Suzanne Somers, Michael Douglas, healing |
| Costa Rica now following FDA orders and shutting down stem cell treatment facilities Published October 12 2010 | Concepts: treatment, stem cell, Costa Rica, FDA, treatments |
| All conventional prostate cancer treatments harm quality of life Published October 2 2010 | Concepts: men, Prostate, prostate cancer, quality, treatments |
| Natural Treatments Shrink and Eliminate Fibroid Tumors Published September 23 2010 | Concepts: shrink, natural, tumors, fibroids, treatments |
| LFO singer Rich Cronin dies at age 35 after chemotherapy Published September 9 2010 | Concepts: cancer, therapy, chemotherapy, Rich Cronin, natural |
| Michael Douglas chooses toxic chemotherapy, radiation to battle throat cancer Published September 8 2010 | Concepts: cancer, chemotherapy, radiation, Michael Douglas, toxic |
| Couples increasingly seeking out alternative infertility treatments such as acupuncture Published August 24 2010 | Concepts: alternative, treatments, infertility treatments, infertility, therapies |
| The Case for Homeopathic Medicine: Consider the Historical and Scientific Evidence Published August 10 2010 | Concepts: homeopathic, homeopathy, medicine, 5, studies |
| Jimmy Keller is Another Victim in the War on Cancer Cures Published August 2 2010 | Concepts: cancer, war, war on cancer, cure, treatment |
| Conventional prostate cancer treatments increase risk of blood clots by 250 percent Published July 7 2010 | Concepts: prostate cancer, Prostate, blood, risk, treatments |
| Dying Cancer Patients are Milked for Every Last Dollar Published June 20 2010 | Concepts: cancer, patients, cancer patients, treatment, treatments |
| Three Homeopathic Treatments Help Acid Reflux Symptoms and GERD Published June 4 2010 | Concepts: acid, symptoms, acid reflux, homeopathic, men |
| Remedies and Treatments: Keep the Natural Balance Published May 31 2010 | Concepts: natural, remedies, treatments, balance, treatment |
| Relieve Dysmenorrhea Pain with Acupuncture Published April 22 2010 | Concepts: dysmenorrhea, acupuncture, pain, treatment, Chi |
| Gentle Hair Rinses and Treatments Help Oily, Limp Hair Published April 17 2010 | Concepts: hair, oil, natural, treatments, lemon |
| Treat Yourself with Natural Homemade Spa Treatments and Recipes Published April 17 2010 | Concepts: treatments, natural, health, body, water |
| How Stress Affects Hair Loss and Natural Treatments Help Published April 16 2010 | Concepts: stress, hair, natural, hair loss, treatments |
| Placebo treatments much stronger than previously thought Published April 14 2010 | Concepts: placebo, treatments, treatment, placebos, patients |
| Reproduction industry risks: infertility treatments increase risk of stillbirths Published March 26 2010 | Concepts: risk, women, infertility, WHO, IVF |
| Testicular Cancer Treatments Worse than the Disease Published March 16 2010 | Concepts: cancer, testicular cancer, treatment, cancer treatments, risk |
| Oops! Brain cancer patients over-irradiated with miscalibrated radiotherapy machines Published February 26 2010 | Concepts: radiation, cancer, machine, patients, brain |
| Cancers can re-seed themselves after chemo, surgery or radiation Published February 24 2010 | Concepts: cancer, treatment, body, surgery, cancers |
| Aloe Vera: FDA Shut Down a Surprisingly Effective Natural Cancer Cure Published February 24 2010 | Concepts: aloe, cancer, FDA, natural, treatment |
| What is Acne and How to Treat It Naturally Published February 23 2010 | Concepts: acne, oil, bacteria, how to, treatments |
| Use Homeopathic and Natural Treatments for Symptoms of Menopause Published February 19 2010 | Concepts: symptoms, homeopathic, natural, natural treatments, menopausal symptoms |
| After conventional breast cancer treatments, half of women have lingering, long-term pain Published December 10 2009 | Concepts: pain, women, cancer, treatments, chronic pain |
| VA Hospital Botched Prostate Cancer Treatments in Nearly Four out of Five Men Published December 3 2009 | Concepts: hospital, treatments, prostate cancer, Prostate, cancer treatments |
| Use Natural and Safe Treatments for Dry, Damaged and Frizzy Hair Published November 27 2009 | Concepts: hair, oil, natural, shampoo, treatments |
| Acupuncture produces amazing results in reversing infertility Published November 12 2009 | Concepts: men, natural, acupuncture, fertility, infertility |
| Stop stomach ulcers with the miracle remedy of cabbage Published November 11 2009 | Concepts: cabbage, ulcer, ulcers, natural, juice |
| Interview with Barbara Brenner from Breast Cancer Action Published November 1 2009 | Concepts: cancer, people, breast cancer, money, companies |
| Natural remedies for acid reflux disease (GERD) Published October 19 2009 | Concepts: acid, acid reflux, natural, disease, cure |
| The Wisdom of Symptoms: Respect the Intelligence of the Body to Heal Published October 18 2009 | Concepts: body, wisdom, symptoms, medicine, heal |
| Astragalus "super herb" protects, supports immune system function Published October 12 2009 | Concepts: astragalus, immune system, natural, herb, Chi |
| Access to Natural Desiccated Thyroid Treatments Threatened by FDA Published September 22 2009 | Concepts: thyroid, natural, FDA, treatments, the FDA |
| Patrick Swayze Dead at Fifty-Seven after Placing False Hopes in Chemotherapy Published September 16 2009 | Concepts: cancer, natural, health, Patrick Swayze, news |
| Harry Hoxsey: Guilty of Curing Cancer with Herbs Published September 14 2009 | Concepts: cancer, men, AMA, medical, treatment |
| Research Helps Breast Cancer Patients Arm Themselves before Visiting Oncologists Published July 2 2009 | Concepts: cancer, breast cancer, patients, cancer patients, 5 |
| Permanent Posture Change is the Key to Freedom from Chronic Pain Published June 26 2009 | Concepts: pain, chronic pain, posture, freedom, treatment |
| Daniel Hauser and the Side Effects of Cancer Treatments for Hodgkin's Disease Published June 4 2009 | Concepts: cancer, men, treatment, radiation, side effects |
| Acupuncture Relieves Lower Back Pain Better Than Traditional Treatments Published May 22 2009 | Concepts: acupuncture, pain, colon, health, back pain |
| Acupuncture Eases Radiation-Caused Symptoms in Cancer Patients Published May 2 2009 | Concepts: acupuncture, cancer, symptoms, treatment, study |
| Hypnosis Therapy Helps Pediatric Cancer Patients Published May 1 2009 | Concepts: cancer, child, hypnosis, children, therapy |
| Use Natural Remedies and Treatments for the Flu Published April 29 2009 | Concepts: flu, natural, the flu, 5, remedies |
| Relieve Trigeminal Neuralgia with Acupuncture Published April 26 2009 | Concepts: acupuncture, men, Chi, treatment, pain |
| Miracle Cure for Gout and Arthritis Pain? Six Cherries a Day Published April 21 2009 | Concepts: 5, cherries, gout, Amazon, natural |
| Use Herbal Remedies for ADHD Published April 20 2009 | Concepts: herbal, adhd, remedies, herbal remedies, treatment |
| Conventional Cancer Treatments Bankrupting Patients, Families Published April 14 2009 | Concepts: cancer, patients, treatments, cancer treatments, conventional cancer treatments |
| Take Ten Steps for a Cancer-Free Life, Part II Published April 8 2009 | Concepts: cancer, men, people, life, sun |
| IP6 is Highly Effective Alternative Treatment for Cancer Published April 1 2009 | Concepts: IP6, cancer, treatment, natural, cancer cells |
| Use Effective Natural Home Treatments for a Cough Published March 4 2009 | Concepts: natural, home, honey, treatments, juice |
| Vicks VapoRub May Harm Children: Researchers Recommend Natural Treatments Published January 15 2009 | Concepts: VapoRub, researchers, natural, heal, treatments |
| Citrus Grove Weed Control Using Organic Plant Waste Published January 14 2009 | Concepts: weed, citrus, weed control, organic, natural |
| Natural Treatments for Coughs: Use Herbs and Homeopathy Published January 14 2009 | Concepts: coughs, homeopathy, natural, treatments, natural treatments |
| The Proven Cure and Prevention for Cancer the Medical Establishment Doesn't Want You to Know (Part I) Published December 13 2008 | Concepts: cancer, fat, body, oil, fats |
| High-Priced Chemotherapy Treatments Bankrupting Families for a Few Months of Low-Quality "Life" Published October 20 2008 | Concepts: chemotherapy, drug, treatments, drugs, cancer |
| Exposed: 10 Facts about the Breast Cancer Industry You're Not Supposed to Know (opinion) Published October 19 2008 | Concepts: cancer, men, women, breast cancer, industry |
| Dr. Crescence Allen Reveals Why She Chose Alternative Breast Cancer Treatments Published October 15 2008 | Concepts: cancer, alternative, breast cancer, heal, body |
| Documented, Proven Cure and Preventative for Cancer (Part I) Published September 27 2008 | Concepts: cancer, fat, body, oil, fats |
| Radiation Treatments Lead Omaha Man to Perform Emergency Tracheotomy on Himself Published September 24 2008 | Concepts: radiation, man, emergency, treatments, lead |
| Conventional Infertility Treatments "Useless" Even As Fertility Rates Plummet for Mainstream Toxic Consumers Published August 7 2008 | Concepts: fertility, infertility, toxic, treatments, WHO |
| Family Love and Medical Greed Can Be a Deadly Combination Published July 19 2008 | Concepts: cancer, family, WHO, greed, love |
| How the American Medical Association Got Rich Published May 8 2008 | Concepts: medical, AMA, the AMA, home, treatment |
| Analysis: Virtually Zero Alternative Cancer Research Occurring Published April 28 2008 | Concepts: cancer, alternative, research, treatment, treatments |
| No Evidence that Psychiatric Drugs Work for PTSD Published April 24 2008 | Concepts: evidence, psychiatric drugs, treatment, PTSD, therapy |
| Alternative Treatments for Infertility Offers Hope Published March 11 2008 | Concepts: women, infertility, alternative treatments, alternative, WHO |
| A Holistic Strategy Against Cancer Published February 13 2008 | Concepts: cancer, heal, healing, body, holistic |
| Cancer is not a Disease - It's a Survival Mechanism (Book Excerpt) Published February 1 2008 | Concepts: cancer, body, heal, men, disease |
| Why cancer comes back following chemotherapy, radiation or surgery Published August 7 2007 | Concepts: cancer, chemotherapy, liver, treatment, water |
| Canadian Cancer Society announces national program to prevent cancer using vitamin D Published June 11 2007 | Concepts: cancer, event, Vitamin D, cancer industry, America |
| The aloe vera miracle: A natural medicine for cancer, cholesterol, diabetes, inflammation, IBS, and other health conditions Published May 21 2007 | Concepts: aloe, aloe vera, aloe vera gel, blood, cancer |
| After a cancer diagnosis: Crucial questions to consider about chemotherapy vs. naturopathic cancer treatments Published April 26 2007 | Concepts: cancer, medicine, heal, chemotherapy, health |
| Antioxidants do not interfere with cancer radiation treatments, research finds Published November 14 2006 | Concepts: cancer, antioxidants, radiation, treatment, treatments |
| Data lacking on psychiatric drugs for kids (press release) Published October 30 2006 | Concepts: treatment, drugs, treatments, psychiatric drugs, kids |
| Children conceived with help of infertility treatments more likely to suffer from autism Published October 27 2006 | Concepts: fertility, children, treatments, problems, infertility |
| FDA, FTC have joined forces to remove natural diabetes treatments from the web using campaign of "threat letters," says health advocate Published October 23 2006 | Concepts: diabetes, the FDA, FTC, health, campaign |
| Self-examination leads to false positives, unnecessary treatment for breast and testicular cancers Published October 23 2006 | Concepts: men, cancer, false positives, treatment, study |
| Childhood cancer treatments cause chronic illness later in life Published October 12 2006 | Concepts: cancer, childhood cancer, treatments, survivor, childhood |
| Acupuncture Reduces Chronic Neck Pain; Massage Benefits Still Unclear (press release) Published October 11 2006 | Concepts: massage, acupuncture, review, treatment, pain |
| Alternative medicine thriving at Cleveland Clinic (because it works) Published September 25 2006 | Concepts: alternative medicine, alternative, Cleveland Clinic, alternative therapies, treatment |
| Pharmaceutical fraud: How Big Pharma's marketing and profits come before consumer safety and wellness Published September 7 2006 | Concepts: drug, companies, profit, drugs, research |
| Mainstream media hypes up absurd treatments for cancer, Alzheimer's disease Published September 1 2006 | Concepts: cancer, treatments, Alzheimer's, media, mainstream media |
| New Treatments Based On Human Behaviour Could Reduce Drug Prescribing (press release) Published August 24 2006 | Concepts: treatments, drug, human, drug prescribing, medicine |
| Common prostate cancer treatments no better than doing nothing, research reveals Published August 16 2006 | Concepts: Prostate, cancer, prostate cancer, treatments, cancer treatments |
| The real Abraham Cherrix question: Does the State own your body? (opinion) Published August 15 2006 | Concepts: medicine, Abraham Cherrix, patients, WHO, cancer |
| Radiation of left breast during cancer treatment causes coronary artery disease Published August 15 2006 | Concepts: cancer treatment, radiation, cancer, coronary artery disease, radiation therapy |
| Pet owners increasingly turn to alternative medicine for pet health Published August 10 2006 | Concepts: alternative, medicine, pet owners, alternative medicine, pet health insurance |
| The dark history of modern medicine: U.S. surgeons routinely operated on babies without anesthesia Published August 10 2006 | Concepts: men, surgeons, cotton, surgery, babies |
| The Abraham Cherrix cancer story the media won't print: Harry Hoxsey's cancer cures and the US government campaign to destroy them Published August 3 2006 | Concepts: cancer, treatment, cancer cures, medical, treatments |
| Cancer drug Gleevec damages heart, say researchers Published July 24 2006 | Concepts: Gleevec, cancer, heart, drug, patients |
| Statements on Abraham Cherrix chemotherapy court decision by Mike Adams, consumer health advocate Published July 21 2006 | Concepts: Abraham Cherrix, health, decision, chemotherapy, medicine |
| The forced poisoning of Abraham Cherrix, the tyranny of modern medicine, and state-sponsored assaults on health freedom Published July 12 2006 | Concepts: medicine, men, cancer, treatment, health |
| Medicine at gunpoint: Seattle mother arrested for "kidnapping" her own baby to seek alternative treatments Published June 30 2006 | Concepts: medicine, child, baby, drug, health |
| State-sponsored medical terrorism: Texas authorities arrest parents, kidnap their teenage daughter, and force her through chemotherapy against her will Published January 3 2006 | Concepts: men, parents, Texas, treatment, chemotherapy |
| How to slow or reverse hair loss with a healthy diet and nutritional supplements Published October 27 2005 | Concepts: hair, hair loss, men, diet, health |
| Killer cancer treatment: How toxic chemotherapy kills both cancer cells and cancer patients Published October 25 2005 | Concepts: cancer, chemotherapy, treatment, cancer cells, body |
| The common cold is no match for natural healing therapies: minerals, herbs and foods stave off colds and flus Published October 24 2005 | Concepts: common cold, the common cold, men, colds, infection |
| Unnecessary surgery exposed! Why 60% of all surgeries are medically unjustified and how surgeons exploit patients to generate profits Published October 7 2005 | Concepts: surgery, men, medical, form, 5 |
| The truth about medical journals, and how drug companies exert heavy influence over published scientific articles Published October 3 2005 | Concepts: medical, drug, medical journal, medical journals, companies |
| Dr. Mary Ann Block teaches alternatives to mainstream ADHD treatments for children and adults Published September 20 2005 | Concepts: child, adhd, the Block Center, children, Mary Ann Block |
| Is the American Cancer Society more interested in cancer profit than cancer prevention? Published July 31 2005 | Concepts: cancer, society, American Cancer Society, the ACS, profit |
| Organized medicine remains ignorant of causes, treatments for prostate cancer Published April 23 2005 | Concepts: osteoporosis, Prostate, cancer, light, organized medicine |
| Disease names like diabetes and osteoporosis are misleading and misinform patients about disease prevention Published December 10 2004 | Concepts: disease, osteoporosis, cholesterol, medicine, high cholesterol |
| Cancer Industry Spreads Fear and Disinformation To Scare People Away From Learning About Alternative Treatments for Cancer on the Internet Published August 6 2004 | Concepts: cancer, medicine, people, industry, cancer industry |
| Medicare to fund obesity treatments, but which ones really work? Published July 22 2004 | Concepts: medicare, obesity treatments, obesity, weight loss, treatment |
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