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symptoms feature articles
Why does conventional medical treatment lead to chronic illness? Published September 18 2012 | Concepts: heal, health, symptoms, treatment, illness |
| CDC pushing yet more disease paranoia over hantavirus pandemic from mouse droppings Published September 12 2012 | Concepts: hantavirus, CDC, disease, pandemic, symptoms |
| Electromagnetic field intolerance - An epidemic in the making Published August 29 2012 | Concepts: epidemic, EMFs, electromagnetic field, health, intolerance |
| Are you experiencing a healing crisis? Published August 28 2012 | Concepts: healing, crisis, healing crisis, health, natural |
| Home remedies and homeopathic solutions for the prevention and treatment of West Nile and other flu-like viruses Published August 27 2012 | Concepts: homeopathic, flu, West Nile, virus, remedies |
| Vertigo symptoms traced to inner ear 'rock slides' Published August 18 2012 | Concepts: vertigo, inner ear, symptoms, natural, health |
| Zinc plays key role in supporting key biological processes Published August 3 2012 | Concepts: zinc, natural, NaturalNews, men, health |
| Protect your child from the dangers of Ritalin - Four Homeopathic remedies to treat ADHD and ADD Published July 26 2012 | Concepts: child, adhd, homeopathic, homeopathic remedies, homeopathy |
| Home remedies relieve symptoms and allergic reactions from MSG poisoning - Here's what you need to know Published July 25 2012 | Concepts: MSG, symptoms, remedies, food, poisoning |
| Do you have a chemical intolerance? Study finds condition to be a common occurrence Published July 23 2012 | Concepts: chemical, intolerance, study, chemical intolerance, patients |
| Heal your thyroid by banishing inflammation, boosting immunity and improving digestive health Published July 19 2012 | Concepts: thyroid, hormone, inflammation, immunity, hypothyroidism |
| 'Unknown disease' kills 60 children in Cambodia - Could vaccines have been the cause? Published July 11 2012 | Concepts: children, Cambodia, vaccines, vaccine, disease |
| Healing Naturally 2 (opinion) Published July 6 2012 | Concepts: body, healing, man, naturally, natural |
| Popular Big Pharma blood pressure drug linked to gluten sensitivity, Celiac disease Published July 1 2012 | Concepts: gluten, drug, blood, celiac disease, blood pressure |
| Fixing allergy barriers Published June 23 2012 | Concepts: allergy, symptoms, barriers, allergies, remedies |
| Avoid cancer-causing hormone replacement therapy and treat menopause naturally Published June 19 2012 | Concepts: menopause, HRT, therapy, hormone, hormone replacement |
| Effective alternative treatments for Lyme disease and protection from tick bites Published June 11 2012 | Concepts: disease, lyme disease, alternative, symptoms, natural |
| Breaking news on Whistleblower lawsuit - coverups, deadly cancers and more linked to the drug Actos Published June 8 2012 | Concepts: cancer, drug, diabetes, lawsuit, news |
| Vitamins more effective at Type 2 Diabetes treatment than pharmaceuticals Published June 8 2012 | Concepts: diabetes, vitamins, treatment, Type 2 diabetes, diabetes treatment |
| Magnesium - The Weight Loss Cure Published June 3 2012 | Concepts: magnesium, insulin, weight, glucose, weight loss |
| Eat a gluten-free diet for type 2 diabetes and celiac disease Published June 1 2012 | Concepts: diabetes, diet, gluten, gluten-free, gluten-free diet |
| Treat common childhood ailments with these effective homeopathic remedies Published May 31 2012 | Concepts: child, children, homeopathic, homeopathy, childhood |
| Give your psychiatrist a diagnosis of his own: Six disorders to choose from Published May 22 2012 | Concepts: disorders, diagnosis, doctor, psychiatrist, people |
| Can 5-HTP really curb depression and anxiety? Published May 22 2012 | Concepts: 5-HTP, depression, natural, anxiety, medications |
| Two all natural supplements for depression Published May 21 2012 | Concepts: supplements, natural, depression, SAMe, all natural |
| Mysterious illness strikes hundreds of flight attendants, causes rashes and hair loss - are 'toxic uniforms' really to blame or is it Fukushima? Published May 16 2012 | Concepts: flight attendants, radiation, hair, causes, hair loss |
| The raw foods diet greatly increased the quality of life of individuals struggling with fibromyalgia Published May 12 2012 | Concepts: raw, diet, quality, raw foods, food |
| Heart-healthy foods that lower blood pressure, reduce symptoms of plaque and improve cardio fitness Published May 11 2012 | Concepts: blood, blood pressure, natural, foods, cardio |
| Nosodes: The Homeopathic Alternative to Vaccines - by Celeste Yarnall, Ph.D Published May 2 2012 | Concepts: nosodes, home, homeopathic, vaccines, dog |
| As children's brains are being eaten by vaccines, parents urged to ignore the symptoms and 'soothe' their babies Published April 21 2012 | Concepts: vaccines, vaccine, babies, brains, parents |
| Fermented red Asian ginseng a great natural remedy for allergy symptoms Published April 17 2012 | Concepts: ginseng, allergy, natural remedy, Asian ginseng, natural |
| Health Ranger interviews neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock on MSG and brain-damaging excitotoxins Published April 13 2012 | Concepts: MSG, health, brain, Health Ranger, food |
| Homeopathic prevention and treatment for whooping cough - 7 common remedies that work Published April 12 2012 | Concepts: whooping cough, homeopathic, remedies, homeopathy, prevention |
| Five great herbs for fighting depression naturally Published April 4 2012 | Concepts: depression, herbs, natural, rhodiola, symptoms |
| More aspartame side effects revealed - headaches, blurred vision, neurological symptoms and more Published March 28 2012 | Concepts: aspartame, side effects, headaches, symptoms, vision |
| The best homemade remedies to treat hay fever and seasonal allergies Published March 27 2012 | Concepts: remedies, fever, hay, home, hay fever |
| Evidence suggests hard-to-find raw camel milk may improve autism symptoms Published March 25 2012 | Concepts: milk, camel milk, autism, improve, raw |
| Nutrition 101: Part 4 - Vitamins (Opinion) Published March 24 2012 | Concepts: vitamins, body, deficiency, fat, nutrition |
| Nutrition 101: Part 5 - Minerals (Opinion) Published March 24 2012 | Concepts: minerals, food, body, deficiency, nutrition |
| French pine bark contains powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that ease symptoms of chronic disorders like arthritis, asthma Published March 21 2012 | Concepts: French pine bark, pycnogenol, anti-inflammatory, symptoms, study |
| Heart attacks without chest pain more common than thought, especially among women Published March 18 2012 | Concepts: heart, men, chest pain, women, heart attack |
| Find out why you're vitiamin B12 deficient and how to correct it Published March 14 2012 | Concepts: deficiency, health, how to, patients, vitamin B12 |
| Natural menopause treatment with herbs, food remedies and homeopathy relieves cause of symptoms Published March 14 2012 | Concepts: menopause, natural, food, treatment, homeopathy |
| Gluten attacks the brain and damages the nervous system Published March 13 2012 | Concepts: gluten, neuropathy, free, brain, the brain |
| Brockovich barred from investigating mystery teen neurological illness Published March 5 2012 | Concepts: Brockovich, girls, neurological, school, symptoms |
| Matrix Assessment Profile (MAP) helps reveal solutions for fibromyalgia, chronic symptoms and vicious cycle disorder - Dr. DiCenso Published February 14 2012 | Concepts: symptoms, YouTube, disorder, disease, Matrix Assessment Profile |
| The 10 symptoms of vitamin D deficiency you need to recognize Published February 10 2012 | Concepts: Vitamin D, vitamin D deficiency, symptoms, disease, cancer |
| Arrogant scientists say NY students' neurological symptoms caused by mass hysteria, not chemicals Published February 7 2012 | Concepts: symptoms, mass hysteria, scientists, neurological, news |
| Top 5 best herbs for treating the flu Published February 2 2012 | Concepts: flu, herb, natural, NaturalNews, 5 |
| Mass psychogenic illness or brain damage of unknown origin? Published January 24 2012 | Concepts: men, illness, HPV, girls, vaccine |
| Dealing with Parkinson's Disease Published January 22 2012 | Concepts: magnesium, Parkinson's, men, disease, brain |
| Treating multiple sclerosis Published January 18 2012 | Concepts: magnesium, men, ALS, cannabis, patients |
| Radiation poisoning? Homeopathic and other natural remedies provide protection and treatment Published January 17 2012 | Concepts: radiation, natural, home, homeopathic, remedies |
| Dulse is a clinically proven antioxidant, protein source, and plant-based source of iodine and potassium Published January 17 2012 | Concepts: dulse, iodine, protein, antioxidant, thyroid |
| Instead of drugs and behavioral therapy for ADHD, try changing diet instead Published January 16 2012 | Concepts: diet, adhd, drugs, symptoms, therapy |
| Homeopathic alternatives to antidepressant drugs Published January 9 2012 | Concepts: homeopathic, depression, medicine, homeopathy, drug |
| Studies confirm chiropractic treatment prevents heart attacks and lowers blood pressure Published January 7 2012 | Concepts: chiropractic, men, heart, treatment, blood |
| Ten tips to cure acid reflux naturally Published December 21 2011 | Concepts: acid, acid reflux, health, cure, stomach |
| Study: Antidepressant drugs actually cause many people to have worse depression Published December 20 2011 | Concepts: drugs, antidepressant drugs, symptoms, drug, people |
| Homeopathic treatment slows progression of Alzheimer's disease Published December 16 2011 | Concepts: treatment, Alzheimer's, homeopathy, homeopathic, disease |
| Natural food remedies fight cold and flu Published November 28 2011 | Concepts: food, food remedies, natural, Vitamin D, zinc |
| How to treat colds naturally Published November 14 2011 | Concepts: colds, form, how to, flu, herb |
| The bioenergetic basis of illness (part II) Published November 9 2011 | Concepts: illness, energy, physical, medicine, medical |
| The disinformation myths against homeopathy Published November 9 2011 | Concepts: homeopathy, medicine, homeopathic, studies, homeopathic medicine |
| Raise awareness of Candida infection Published October 19 2011 | Concepts: candida, awareness, infections, diet, symptoms |
| Ease menopausal symptoms naturally with red clover Published October 18 2011 | Concepts: red clover, symptoms, menopausal symptoms, naturally, heal |
| Homeopathy for pets - safer and more effective than toxic drugs Published October 13 2011 | Concepts: home, symptoms, homeopathic, dog, homeopathy |
| Find health with natural allergy relief Published August 17 2011 | Concepts: allergy, natural, health, symptoms, relief |
| U.S. soldiers dangerously over-medicated with antipsychotic drugs Published August 5 2011 | Concepts: PTSD, soldiers, drug, U.S. soldiers, soldier |
| MSG hidden in variety of foods and contributing to illness Published August 1 2011 | Concepts: MSG, food, foods, acid, free |
| Use natural remedies for a hiatal hernia Published July 23 2011 | Concepts: natural, natural remedies, hiatal hernia, stomach, symptoms |
| The misdiagnosed health problem - Candida Infection is overlooked Published July 21 2011 | Concepts: candida, infection, misdiagnosed, health, diet |
| Vitamin B-12 warning: Avoid cyanocobalamin, take only methylcobalamin Published June 21 2011 | Concepts: vitamin B-12, methylcobalamin, cyanocobalamin, form, health |
| Coconut Oil for Alzheimer's Published June 17 2011 | Concepts: coconut, oil, coconut oil, fat, health |
| HHS releases new plan to prevent and treat viral hepatitis Published June 9 2011 | Concepts: hepatitis, health, liver cancer, liver, blood |
| Depression has more than one cause Published June 3 2011 | Concepts: depression, balance, medication, heal, people |
| Study: Tree bark compound helps reduce severe pain symptoms naturally Published May 27 2011 | Concepts: pain, severe pain, tree bark, tree, symptoms |
| Use natural remedies to treat a urinary tract infection Published May 24 2011 | Concepts: urinary tract, infection, natural remedies, natural, urinary tract infection |
| Spring is in the air: Changing your diet to help lessen your allergies Published May 19 2011 | Concepts: diet, spring, allergy, natural, foods |
| Part II, Be Aware of the Very Real Dangers of Quinolone Antibiotics: Whole Body Toxicity Published May 10 2011 | Concepts: dangers, toxic, drug, antibiotics, body |
| Highly contagious mystery virus with AIDS-like symptoms quickly spreading throughout China Published May 4 2011 | Concepts: virus, symptoms, contagious, china, disease |
| ADD and ADHD symptoms can be a sign of excess sugar and boredom Published May 2 2011 | Concepts: sugar, adhd, child, symptoms, children |
| Radiation disease - here are the symptoms and causes Published April 15 2011 | Concepts: radiation, symptoms, exposure, blood, vomiting |
| Naturally address and relieve the causes and symptoms of diarrhea Published April 13 2011 | Concepts: diarrhea, symptoms, natural, health, naturally |
| Asthma treated with integrative medicine Published April 8 2011 | Concepts: asthma, study, treatment, symptoms, integrative medicine |
| Children exploited for profit using fictitious mental disorders Published April 7 2011 | Concepts: children, child, adhd, drug, mental |
| Self Healing the Gut on the next NaturalNews Talk Hour Published April 6 2011 | Concepts: healing, gut, NaturalNews, self healing, health |
| Homeopathy may offer the best radiation treatment Published April 6 2011 | Concepts: homeopathy, radiation, home, health, treatment |
| New study supports link between diet and ADHD Published March 30 2011 | Concepts: diet, adhd, study, children, 5 |
| Heal autism from the inside out Published March 29 2011 | Concepts: autism, heal, child, healing, children |
| Understanding the roots of medical dysfunction Published March 25 2011 | Concepts: medical, healing, medicine, health, physical |
| Soothe and prevent acid reflux naturally Published March 24 2011 | Concepts: acid, acid reflux, remedies, tea, water |
| Traditional Chinese Medicine eases people into spring without allergies Published March 20 2011 | Concepts: traditional chinese medicine, Chinese, allergies, spring, health |
| Ease irritable bowel syndrome the natural way Published March 8 2011 | Concepts: natural, symptoms, irritable bowel syndrome, IBS, remedies |
| Black cohosh safe for your liver, review finds Published March 7 2011 | Concepts: black cohosh, liver, safe, review, menopause |
| Food affects behavior Published February 20 2011 | Concepts: food, child, diet, adhd, children |
| Elimination diet results in significant improvement of ADHD symptoms Published February 18 2011 | Concepts: adhd, diet, children, results, improvement |
| Fibromyalgia: science validates homeopathy (again) Published February 16 2011 | Concepts: men, homeopathic, medicine, homeopathy, treatment |
| The vital role of antioxidants in achieving optimium health and longevity Published February 11 2011 | Concepts: heal, free, food, acid, longevity |
| Vitamin D may prevent and reduce symptoms of depression Published February 10 2011 | Concepts: Vitamin D, depression, symptoms, health, sun |
| Sun exposure and vitamin D may prevent multiple sclerosis Published February 8 2011 | Concepts: sun, sun exposure, Vitamin D, people, symptoms |
| Menopause hot flashes dramatically lower breast cancer risk Published February 4 2011 | Concepts: breast cancer, hot flashes, menopause, risk, symptoms |
| Combination of essential oils halts PMS Published January 26 2011 | Concepts: PMS, essential oils, pill, acid, symptoms |
| Understand the healing process from a Whole Systems Perspective Published January 8 2011 | Concepts: symptoms, homeopathy, homeopathic, healing, medicine |
| Understand the difference between real healing and suppression of disease Published January 6 2011 | Concepts: disease, suppression, healing, drug, homeopathic |
| Gout Herbal Remedies - Alleviate gout symptoms naturally Published December 30 2010 | Concepts: gout, herbal, remedies, herbal remedies, water |
| Vitamin C - Cure colds to cancer Published December 21 2010 | Concepts: vitamin C, cancer, scurvy, cure, colds |
| Adrenal fatigue - Support your adrenal glands naturally Published December 20 2010 | Concepts: fatigue, adrenal fatigue, adrenal glands, support, energy |
| Fraudulent herbal immune supplement fails to reduce flu symptoms for 99 percent of people Published December 20 2010 | Concepts: flu, vaccine, vaccines, flu vaccine, flu vaccines |
| Oxytocin - Hormone alleviates symptoms of autism Published December 13 2010 | Concepts: Oxytocin, autism, hormone, symptoms, study |
| Drinking alcohol may reduce symptoms of arthritis Published December 12 2010 | Concepts: alcohol, arthritis, symptoms, drinking, WHO |
| Candida Overgrowth may be affecting your health Published November 29 2010 | Concepts: candida, overgrowth, infection, yeast, health |
| Home Remedies can Prevent Colds and Flu Published November 12 2010 | Concepts: home, home remedies, natural, colds, heal |
| Antibiotics and Hospitals Cause Alarming Rise in Life-Threatening C Difficile Infections Published November 11 2010 | Concepts: antibiotics, hospitals, antibiotic, natural, health |
| Ten Top Items: Address Ulcerative Colitis Naturally Published October 18 2010 | Concepts: ulcerative colitis, natural, heal, remedies, inflammation |
| Treat tinnitus with pine bark Published October 14 2010 | Concepts: tinnitus, pycnogenol, symptoms, natural, improve |
| Food Addictions Come with the Standard American Diet Published October 14 2010 | Concepts: food, caffeine, addictions, people, foods |
| Siberian Rhubarb eases menopause symptoms Published September 14 2010 | Concepts: menopause, Siberian Rhubarb, women, symptoms, therapy |
| Evidence-based vaccinations: A scientific look at the missing science behind flu season vaccines Published September 2 2010 | Concepts: vaccine, vaccines, flu, scientific, influenza |
| The Case for Homeopathic Medicine: Consider the Historical and Scientific Evidence Published August 10 2010 | Concepts: homeopathic, homeopathy, medicine, 5, studies |
| Heal the Different Stages of Rosacea Naturally Published July 31 2010 | Concepts: Rosacea, skin, face, men, heal |
| Food Culprits Trigger Migraine Headaches and Depression Published July 2 2010 | Concepts: migraine, food, foods, headache, migraine headaches |
| The total failure of modern psychiatry Published June 27 2010 | Concepts: disorder, failure, psychiatry, people, depression |
| Aerotoxic syndrome - Toxic airline cabin air could be making you sick Published June 17 2010 | Concepts: toxic, aerotoxic syndrome, technology, engine, symptoms |
| Three Homeopathic Treatments Help Acid Reflux Symptoms and GERD Published June 4 2010 | Concepts: acid, symptoms, acid reflux, homeopathic, men |
| Homeopathic Remedies Help Allergies and Hay Fever Published June 3 2010 | Concepts: homeopathic, allergies, remedies, hay, homeopathic remedies |
| Learn the Importance of Winning the Candida Battle Published June 1 2010 | Concepts: candida, cancer, health, yeast, symptoms |
| Look into the Lyme Disease Mysteries, Part II Published May 28 2010 | Concepts: disease, lyme disease, remedies, health, therapy |
| Little-known Herb Butterbur Cures Symptoms of Migraine Headaches Published May 26 2010 | Concepts: migraine, butterbur, headache, migraine headaches, symptoms |
| Lavender Alleviates Symptoms of Migraine Headaches Published May 22 2010 | Concepts: migraine, lavender, headache, symptoms, migraines |
| Prevent Asthma and Allergy Symptoms Naturally Published May 6 2010 | Concepts: asthma, water, symptoms, hydration, dehydration |
| Easy Home-care Remedies Treat Fibromyalgia Joint Pain Published May 2 2010 | Concepts: pain, Fibromyalgia, joint pain, remedies, home |
| Heal yourself in 15 days by listening to your body's informative symptoms Published April 19 2010 | Concepts: heal, symptoms, body, healing, health |
| New hope for MS patients from UV light from the sun (beyond vitamin D) Published April 8 2010 | Concepts: light, sun, Vitamin D, UV light, patients |
| Use Natural Healing for Anxiety and Panic Disorders Published March 27 2010 | Concepts: anxiety, natural, healing, heal, disorder |
| Treat Lyme Disease with Apple Cider Vinegar Published March 17 2010 | Concepts: disease, lyme disease, apple, apple cider vinegar, bacteria |
| Take L-Tryptophan to Reduce Stress and Get Better Sleep Published March 9 2010 | Concepts: tryptophan, stress, L-tryptophan, sleep, food |
| Beat Canine PVS with Special Attention and Tender Loving Care Published March 6 2010 | Concepts: dog, dogs, special, heal, canine |
| Use Homeopathic and Natural Treatments for Symptoms of Menopause Published February 19 2010 | Concepts: symptoms, homeopathic, natural, natural treatments, menopausal symptoms |
| ADHD symptoms caused by lead exposure, new study claims Published February 16 2010 | Concepts: lead, adhd, exposure, child, symptoms |
| Heal yourself in 15 days by recognizing your innate healing power (part two) Published January 30 2010 | Concepts: heal, healing, body, blood, blood pressure |
| Simple Natural Remedies can Stop Bronchitis before It Begins Published January 18 2010 | Concepts: bronchitis, heal, natural remedies, body, natural |
| Use Hypnosis to Treat Dyspepsia Published January 9 2010 | Concepts: hypnosis, therapy, dyspepsia, hypnotherapy, treatment |
| Use Homeopathic Remedies to Cure Disease and Improve Your Health Published January 4 2010 | Concepts: remedies, disease, homeopathic, cure, homeopathic remedies |
| COPD Treatments: Alternative Measures Ease Symptoms Published November 26 2009 | Concepts: COPD, natural, diet, symptoms, alternative |
| Hypnosis Helps Reduce Symptoms of Tourette Syndrome Published November 24 2009 | Concepts: hypnosis, symptoms, Tourette syndrome, disorder, hypnotherapy |
| More Research Reveals the Role of Hypnotherapy on Irritable Bowel Syndrome Published November 17 2009 | Concepts: hypnotherapy, IBS, research, hypnosis, symptoms |
| Sleeping in a dark room may prevent depression Published November 9 2009 | Concepts: light, sleeping, research, symptoms, depression |
| Breakthrough documentary "House of Numbers" challenges conventional thinking on HIV, AIDS Published October 29 2009 | Concepts: AIDS, HIV, film, documentary, disease |
| Natural remedies for acid reflux disease (GERD) Published October 19 2009 | Concepts: acid, acid reflux, natural, disease, cure |
| The Wisdom of Symptoms: Respect the Intelligence of the Body to Heal Published October 18 2009 | Concepts: body, wisdom, symptoms, medicine, heal |
| Devastating Neurological Problems are Result of Dental Anesthesia Published October 2 2009 | Concepts: vitamin B12, deficiency, dental, problems, WHO |
| Get the Right Laboratory Test for Vitamin B12 Deficiency Published September 15 2009 | Concepts: vitamin B12, deficiency, vitamin B, laboratory, doctors |
| Diagnosing Vitamin B12 Deficiency: What Doctors are Missing Published September 10 2009 | Concepts: vitamin B12, deficiency, vitamin B, doctors, doctor |
| Solve the Puzzle of Food Allergies: The H Pylori Bacteria Connection Published August 31 2009 | Concepts: food, bacteria, allergies, food allergies, infection |
| Hypnotherapy Helps Crohn's Disease Published August 29 2009 | Concepts: disease, hypnotherapy, Crohn's disease, symptoms, stress |
| The Mothers Act Disease Mongering Campaign - Part V Published August 28 2009 | Concepts: men, risk, women, WHO, drug |
| Antidepressant Commonly Prescribed for Autism Found Utterly Useless Published August 26 2009 | Concepts: autism, children, symptoms, placebo, drug |
| If You Have Carpal Tunnel Symptoms, Better Check Your Thyroid Published August 20 2009 | Concepts: thyroid, symptoms, carpal tunnel syndrome, surgery, treatment |
| Not an Intestinal Candida Infection: Call it Gut Fermentation Syndrome Published August 17 2009 | Concepts: candida, infection, fermentation, symptoms, infections |
| Hypothyroidism Reaches Epidemic Proportions, Causing Fatigue and Weight Gain Published August 17 2009 | Concepts: thyroid, hypothyroidism, hormone, people, weight |
| Enter into Your Own World of Optimal Health and Wellbeing with the Right Combination Published August 15 2009 | Concepts: health, world, optimal health, protein, food |
| Doctors in Mexico City Cured 2009 Swine Flu with Homeopathy Published August 14 2009 | Concepts: flu, homeopathy, remedies, doctors, homeopathic |
| Proton Pump Inhibitors to Treat GERD Cause Heartburn Problems Published August 13 2009 | Concepts: heartburn, acid, GERD, drug, proton pump inhibitors |
| New Medical Mystery: Celiac Disease Soars, Deaths Quadruple Published August 7 2009 | Concepts: disease, celiac disease, people, deaths, medical |
| Detox Symptoms are Often What Medical Folks Call Disease Published August 6 2009 | Concepts: symptoms, body, detoxification, toxins, medical |
| Hypnosis Offers Benefits in the Treatment of ADHD Published August 5 2009 | Concepts: adhd, therapy, treatment, hypnosis, disorder |
| Got a Chronic Health Problem: You Just Might Have Celiac Disease Published August 1 2009 | Concepts: disease, health, celiac disease, diagnosis, symptoms |
| Vitamins and Chinese Herbs Prove More Effective than Drugs for Endometriosis Published July 30 2009 | Concepts: Chinese, treatment, herbs, Chinese herbs, endometriosis |
| Hypnosis has Many Benefits for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Sufferers Published July 30 2009 | Concepts: hypnosis, disorder, stress, PTSD, symptoms |
| The Mothers Act Disease Mongering Campaign - Part I Published July 16 2009 | Concepts: drug, drugs, report, mothers, treatment |
| Synthetic Hormones May Be Linked to Lung Cancer Deaths Published July 9 2009 | Concepts: hormones, hormone, cancer, women, synthetic hormones |
| Adrenal Fatigue is the Root of Many Illnesses Published June 7 2009 | Concepts: stress, fatigue, sugar, blood, blood sugar |
| Dr. Doug Graham Part III: The Medical Model, the Hygienic Model and Supplements Published June 7 2009 | Concepts: health, medical, food, raw, supplement |
| Black Cohosh Shown to Relieve Symptoms of Menopause Published June 7 2009 | Concepts: black cohosh, menopause, symptoms, women, estrogen |
| Use Hypnotherapy to Reduce Pain and Nausea in Cancer Patients Published June 3 2009 | Concepts: cancer, pain, nausea, hypnotherapy, hypnosis |
| How to Reduce Allergy Symptoms Naturally Published May 27 2009 | Concepts: allergy, symptoms, naturally, how to, allergies |
| The Benefits of Using Hypnosis in a Pediatric Setting Published May 20 2009 | Concepts: hypnosis, child, children, benefits, behavior |
| Ten Homeopathic Remedies to Use during the Flu Season and Swine Flu Epidemic of 2009 Published May 15 2009 | Concepts: flu, remedies, the flu, epidemic, homeopathic |
| Acupuncture Clears Seasonal Allergies Published May 13 2009 | Concepts: acupuncture, allergies, seasonal, body, symptoms |
| The Benefits of Hypnosis in Treating Asthma Published May 11 2009 | Concepts: asthma, hypnosis, benefits, hypnotherapy, improve |
| Hypnotherapy Treats Irritable Bowel Syndrome Published May 7 2009 | Concepts: hypnotherapy, IBS, irritable bowel syndrome, hypnosis, study |
| Acupuncture Eases Radiation-Caused Symptoms in Cancer Patients Published May 2 2009 | Concepts: acupuncture, cancer, symptoms, treatment, study |
| Timeline: World History of Viral Pandemics: 412BC to 2009 Published May 1 2009 | Concepts: flu, 5, man, influenza, bird flu |
| Hormonal Imbalance is Not Just for Middle Age Women and Teenagers Published May 1 2009 | Concepts: stress, hormone, balance, women, fatigue |
| Use Natural Remedies and Treatments for the Flu Published April 29 2009 | Concepts: flu, natural, the flu, 5, remedies |
| Yoga Improves Symptoms of Depression Published April 28 2009 | Concepts: yoga, depression, symptoms, body, heal |
| Homeopathic Medicines for Traumatic Head Injury Published April 15 2009 | Concepts: homeopathic, injury, medicines, medicine, remedy |
| Naturally Treat Celiac Disease Published March 29 2009 | Concepts: disease, naturally, celiac disease, symptoms, gluten |
| Depression may Cause Heart Disease and Related Death Published March 28 2009 | Concepts: heart, depression, disease, health, heart disease |
| Keep Aging Parents Happy, Healthy and Independent with Bioidentical Hormones Published March 23 2009 | Concepts: hormone, men, hormones, aging, WHO |
| Adderall: Deadly Drug Treats Bogus Disease Published March 16 2009 | Concepts: drug, child, Adderall, children, adhd |
| Women Suffer Needlessly from Confusion about Hormones Published March 10 2009 | Concepts: hormone, men, hormones, drug, estrogen |
| Use Herbal Remedies to Treat the Cold and Flu Published March 6 2009 | Concepts: remedies, herbal, herbal remedies, tea, flu |
| Indoor Air Pollution is a Serious Threat to Your Health Published March 5 2009 | Concepts: indoor, pollution, health, indoor air, air pollution |
| Morgellons: Terrifying New Disease Reaching Pandemic Status Published March 3 2009 | Concepts: disease, Morgellons, fiber, patients, heal |
| Help Depression Through Exercise Published March 2 2009 | Concepts: depression, exercise, symptoms, women, program |
| Understand the Role of Therapy: A New Old Perspective Published February 24 2009 | Concepts: heal, body, healing, symptoms, pain |
| Universal Vaccine for the Flu? Look No Further Than Vitamin C and Zinc Published February 23 2009 | Concepts: 5, common cold, zinc, flu, vitamin C |
| Study Finds Homeopathic Nasal Spray Effective for Allergies Published February 12 2009 | Concepts: homeopathic, study, nasal spray, WHO, form |
| Treat Endometriosis Holistically Published January 29 2009 | Concepts: endometriosis, symptoms, pain, estrogen, women |
| Treat Fibromyalgia with Hypnotherapy Published January 29 2009 | Concepts: Fibromyalgia, therapy, hypnotherapy, men, report |
| Fight Colds and Flu Naturally with Garlic Published January 29 2009 | Concepts: garlic, colds, flu, naturally, supplement |
| Revealed: The "Secret Language Codes" Used by Doctors and Drug Companies to Manipulate Patients Published January 22 2009 | Concepts: disease, doctors, health, doctor, medical |
| Allergies Linked to Reduced Cancer Risk Published January 20 2009 | Concepts: cancer, allergies, natural, health, body |
| Lyme Disease: A National Health Crisis Now Sweeping across the Country Published January 20 2009 | Concepts: disease, lyme disease, health, men, ticks |
| Treat Psoriasis with Hypnosis Published January 20 2009 | Concepts: psoriasis, hypnosis, therapy, patients, form |
| Smoking Increases Risk of Premenstrual Syndrome Published January 16 2009 | Concepts: smoking, health, smoke, risk, natural |
| Hormones Part I: Hormonal Balance is the Key to Vibrant Health for Women Published January 16 2009 | Concepts: men, hormone, women, estrogen, hormones |
| Hormones Part III: Optimal Levels of Cortisol, Insulin and Thyroid are Essential to Vibrant Health Published January 13 2009 | Concepts: thyroid, cortisol, hormone, insulin, body |
| Four Herbs to Ease the Symptoms of Menopause Published January 13 2009 | Concepts: symptoms, herbs, estrogen, menopause, hot flashes |
| Relieve Crohn's Disease Naturally Published January 9 2009 | Concepts: disease, Crohn's disease, symptoms, diet, inflammation |
| Optimal Levels of Cortisol, Insulin and Thyroid are Essential to Vibrant Health Published January 6 2009 | Concepts: thyroid, cortisol, hormone, insulin, body |
| Nature’s Candida Cure: Coconut Oil Solves Yeast Problems Published December 30 2008 | Concepts: oil, coconut, coconut oil, candida, yeast |
| High Carbohydrate Diets Named as a Cause for Candida Published December 22 2008 | Concepts: candida, diet, diets, infection, symptoms |
| Genital Herpes May be Reversed with Natural Medicine Published December 18 2008 | Concepts: herpes, genital herpes, natural, virus, sex |
| Scientists Find Natural Help for Treating Colds Published December 15 2008 | Concepts: symptoms, flu, scientists, natural, research |
| Eighteen Overlooked Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue Published December 2 2008 | Concepts: blood, cortisol, fatigue, adrenal fatigue, body |
| Saw Palmetto Keeps Prostates Healthy and Helps Prevent Baldness Published November 26 2008 | Concepts: saw palmetto, Prostate, men, hair, health |
| Natural Cold Remedies Published November 26 2008 | Concepts: natural, tea, flu, water, heal |
| Seven Techniques for Overcoming Migraine Headaches Published November 24 2008 | Concepts: Chi, migraine, Chinese, headache, body |
| Great News for Holiday Travelers: Pine Bark Cuts Jet Lag in Half Published November 24 2008 | Concepts: jet lag, news, pine bark, holiday, pycnogenol |
| New Mad Cow Test Heightens Fears Published November 13 2008 | Concepts: disease, vCJD, mad cow, blood, meat |
| Acupuncture Offers Benefits in Alleviating Breast Cancer Treatment Side-Effects Published November 10 2008 | Concepts: treatment, cancer, breast cancer, acupuncture, cancer treatment |
| Natural Therapies for Asthma Published November 10 2008 | Concepts: asthma, breath, therapies, natural, breathing |
| Homoeopathy Can Also Be Used to Treat Psychological Problems Published November 9 2008 | Concepts: medicine, remedy, anxiety, symptoms, grief |
| Strategies For Managing IBS Published November 2 2008 | Concepts: IBS, Chi, symptoms, food, stress |
| Dispelling the Myths Surrounding Homeopathy Published November 1 2008 | Concepts: home, homeopathy, homeopathic, medicine, heal |
| The Usefulness of Hypnosis in Pediatric Patients Published October 27 2008 | Concepts: hypnosis, hypnotherapy, symptoms, patients, treatment |
| Jesse Connone Talks About Treating the Symptoms and Fixing the Problem of Back Pain Published October 24 2008 | Concepts: pain, body, heal, people, physical |
| Raw Foodist Nomi Shannon (Part I): The Difference between Detox Symptoms and Sickness Published October 21 2008 | Concepts: raw, health, food, symptoms, detox |
| The Whole Grain Scam: How to Make Grains Fit to Eat Published October 16 2008 | Concepts: grains, gluten, whole grain, WHO, food |
| Toxic Chemicals Are Destroying Our Health - an Interview With Debra Lynn Dadd Published October 10 2008 | Concepts: health, toxic, heal, chemicals, toxic chemicals |
| Hypnotherapy as a Treatment for Depression Published September 25 2008 | Concepts: hypnotherapy, depression, treatment, study, hypnosis |
| Buy Your Poison - Aspartame, Diet Soda, Splenda Published September 24 2008 | Concepts: aspartame, Splenda, diet, diet soda, poison |
| How a Stressful State Leads to Chronic Fatigue (Part 1) Published September 20 2008 | Concepts: stress, fatigue, body, chronic fatigue, fat |
| Surprising Facts and Symptoms About Attention Deficit Disorder Published September 17 2008 | Concepts: people, symptoms, health, facts, brain |
| Altitude Sickness Can Pose Serious Health Risks Published September 14 2008 | Concepts: sickness, health, altitude sickness, feet, symptoms |
| How to Regain Control of Your Metabolism Published September 10 2008 | Concepts: thyroid, men, hormone, disease, body |
| Indian Frankincense Herb Shown to Relieve Osteoarthritis Symptoms Published August 14 2008 | Concepts: osteoarthritis, herb, symptoms, news, frankincense |
| Use of Bright Lighting May Improve Dementia Symptoms Published August 13 2008 | Concepts: improve, dementia, light, lighting, 5 |
| Treating the Symptoms and Fixing the Problem of Back Pain Published August 12 2008 | Concepts: pain, body, heal, people, physical |
| Probiotics Can Help in the Treatment of Hay Fever Published August 5 2008 | Concepts: hay, probiotics, probiotic, research, treatment |
| Yoga Found to Reverse Metabolic Syndrome, Ease Blood Pressure Published July 30 2008 | Concepts: yoga, blood, metabolic syndrome, reverse, symptoms |
| Homeopathy Proven Better Than Conventional Medicine for Eczema Published July 24 2008 | Concepts: homeopathy, child, medicine, improve, study |
| Emerging Killer Virus Starts Like a Cold, But Kills Many Published July 19 2008 | Concepts: virus, symptoms, patients, disease, adenovirus |
| Homeopathic Alternatives to Antibiotics Published July 9 2008 | Concepts: homeopathic, medicine, homeopathy, disease, people |
| Candida Conundrum: Is It Really Allergies? Published July 3 2008 | Concepts: candida, water, heal, body, food |
| Choose Nature Instead of Prozac for PMS and PMDD Published July 2 2008 | Concepts: symptoms, PMS, premenstrual syndrome, women, Prozac |
| How pH Levels and Acidity Relate to Heartburn Published June 27 2008 | Concepts: acid, esophagus, heartburn, acidity, pH levels |
| Silver Rings to Treat Arthritis Symptoms Validated Published June 23 2008 | Concepts: silver, arthritis, symptoms, university, research |
| Ocean Water Spray Halts Children's Cough and Cold Symptoms; Cold Medicine Doesn't Published June 21 2008 | Concepts: children, water, ocean, ocean water, symptoms |
| Medical Doctor Richard DiCenso Discusses Whole Person Therapy Published June 17 2008 | Concepts: symptoms, health, doctor, therapy, medical |
| Figuring Out the True Cause of Fibromyalgia Published June 17 2008 | Concepts: thyroid, Fibromyalgia, health, hormone, symptoms |
| Asthma Drug Worse Than Placebo, Symptoms Worsen on Withdrawal Published May 30 2008 | Concepts: placebo, study, asthma, drug, results |
| Hiding the Truth About Losing the War on Cancer Published May 22 2008 | Concepts: cancer, war, WHO, cancers, cure |
| New Neurological Disease Found in Pig Processing Plant Workers Published May 15 2008 | Concepts: disease, neurological, victims, human, symptoms |
| Morgellons: Biotechnology Gone Awry or Simple Psychosis? Published May 7 2008 | Concepts: Morgellons, fiber, disease, people, research |
| Is It Your Stomach or Is It Your Pancreas That's Causing Pain? Published May 5 2008 | Concepts: pancreas, pancreatitis, stomach, men, health |
| How to Beat and Prevent the Avian Flu and Other Influenzas Published April 23 2008 | Concepts: flu, tea, oil, 5, herb |
| The Candida and Fungus Among Us Published April 23 2008 | Concepts: candida, bacteria, health, sugar, healthy |
| Natural Remedies for Treating Arthritis Published April 18 2008 | Concepts: arthritis, pain, tea, oil, anti-inflammatory |
| Curing IBS Without Medication, A Personal Journey Published April 2 2008 | Concepts: IBS, medication, stress, food, pain |
| The Secret to Healing Miracles: How to Make Herbs Work Every Time Published March 14 2008 | Concepts: herb, heal, herbs, healing, how to |
| Illness Affecting Meat Packing Employees Stump Medical Experts Published March 13 2008 | Concepts: employees, meat, brain, symptoms, meat packing |
| Treat Lyme Disease with Over-The-Counter Chinese Herbal Medicines Published March 12 2008 | Concepts: disease, lyme disease, herb, symptoms, Qi |
| The Link Between Obesity, Cancer, and Toxicity: Detoxifying the Body (Part 2) Published March 10 2008 | Concepts: detox, detoxification, toxic, body, liver |
| Engineering Warfare: A Close Look at Biological and Chemical Warfare Published February 20 2008 | Concepts: men, virus, man, agents, viruses |
| Governor Schwarzenegger Backed Immoral Sex Pheromone Spraying Continues... Published February 8 2008 | Concepts: men, chemical, human, heal, chemicals |
| Cancer is not a Disease - It's a Survival Mechanism (Book Excerpt) Published February 1 2008 | Concepts: cancer, body, heal, men, disease |
| Conquering Delayed-Onset Food Allergies in Three Steps Published January 29 2008 | Concepts: food, allergy, allergies, body, food allergies |
| Thousands Exposed to Poison by Government's Aerial Spraying Published December 31 2007 | Concepts: men, chemical, heal, human, health |
| Vaccines and Medical Experiments on Children, Minorities, Woman and Inmates (1845 - 2007) Published December 14 2007 | Concepts: men, 5, man, news, NaturalNews |
| Vaccination Programs Under Scrutiny (Part 2) Published December 14 2007 | Concepts: illness, germs, body, disease, vaccination |
| Depression, Osteoporosis Correlation Misreported by Junk Science Media, Ill-Informed Health Researchers Published December 11 2007 | Concepts: osteoporosis, disease, media, research, report |
| Inulin: Friend or Foe? Published December 10 2007 | Concepts: inulin, food, bacteria, colon, natural |
| A Call for Earlier Diagnosis of Celiac Disease Published December 9 2007 | Concepts: disease, celiac disease, diagnosis, research, disorder |
| 8,000 Toxic Waste Sites Ignored by EPA; Massive Lead Contamination at Shooting Ranges Published December 6 2007 | Concepts: lead, shooting, poison, lead contamination, shooting ranges |
| The Nature of Energy-Depleting Thyroid Problems Published November 6 2007 | Concepts: thyroid, energy, leptin, fat, hormone |
| ADDitives and ADHD: A Comprehensive Look Published October 26 2007 | Concepts: child, problems, food, ingredients, children |
| Oprah Raises Awareness on Thyroid Issue Published October 24 2007 | Concepts: thyroid, Oprah, men, stress, health |
| Is Gluten From Grains Making You Sick? Published October 15 2007 | Concepts: gluten, disease, celiac disease, food, grains |
| How to Use Nutrition to Eliminate IBS and Treat Asthma, Allergies Published September 25 2007 | Concepts: IBS, asthma, diet, treatment, milk |
| FDA approves pill that stops periods; is womanhood a disease? (opinion) Published May 24 2007 | Concepts: men, FDA, drug, pill, women |
| Product review: Power Immune anti-viral tincture from Fitura Published May 22 2007 | Concepts: power, herb, anti-viral, infectious disease, products |
| Conventional medicine vs. naturopathy: How to fix a leaky roof Published April 10 2007 | Concepts: water, conventional medicine, disease, symptoms, how to |
| Exercise shown to powerfully decrease cigarette cravings Published April 4 2007 | Concepts: exercise, physical exercise, symptoms, cravings, withdrawal |
| Reducing excessive salt intake can help relieve asthma symptoms, says review Published January 9 2007 | Concepts: asthma, salt intake, salt, symptoms, sodium |
| A Holistic Approach to Treating the Symptoms of Diverticulitis Published December 21 2006 | Concepts: symptoms, diverticulitis, food, holistic, fiber |
| Fibromyalgia’s New Foe: High-Tech Medical Device Shows Increasing Efficacy for the Debilitating Symptoms of FMS (press release) Published October 26 2006 | Concepts: medical, symptoms, treatment, pain, patients |
| FDA approves Merck's Januvia diabetes drug that claims to treat diabetes but only alters symptoms, health author says Published October 18 2006 | Concepts: drug, Januvia, diabetes, diabetes drug, symptoms |
| Methylcobalamin nutrient offers solution for sleep disorders, mental alertness Published October 16 2006 | Concepts: methylcobalamin, sleep disorders, sleep, mental, deficiency |
| Medical myths explained: Why health researchers mistakenly think one disease causes another Published October 11 2006 | Concepts: disease, causes, heart, nutrition, health |
| Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (press release) Published October 9 2006 | Concepts: hormone, symptoms, HRT, therapy, hormone replacement therapy |
| Misdosing common for powerful anti-clotting drugs (press release) Published September 18 2006 | Concepts: drugs, patients, drug, research, hospital |
| A Meaty, Salty, Starchy Diet May Impact Chronic Lung Disease (press release) Published September 7 2006 | Concepts: diet, disease, food, men, research |
| Interview: Dr. Holly Lucille offers women relief from menopausal symptoms without hormone replacement therapy Published September 5 2006 | Concepts: men, women, heal, health, Holly Lucille |
| Asthma is not a disease, but just a name given to various symptoms, says The Lancet Published August 28 2006 | Concepts: asthma, symptoms, disease, medical myths, conventional medicine |
| Art therapy can reduce pain and anxiety in cancer patients (press release) Published August 25 2006 | Concepts: patients, therapy, cancer, pain, cancer patients |
| Menopausal Women Don't Get Enough Guidance On Treatment Options, Stanford Survey Shows (press release) Published August 23 2006 | Concepts: women, therapy, hormone, treatment, hormone therapy |
| Melatonin Associated with Alleviating Tinnitus Symptoms, Better Sleep (press release) Published August 22 2006 | Concepts: tinnitus, sleep, melatonin, patients, symptoms |
| Diabetics: Tight Blood Sugar Today Means Healthy Feet Tomorrow (press release) Published August 17 2006 | Concepts: sugar, blood, diabetes, blood sugar, neuropathy |
| New study: Pine bark extract reduces ADHD symptoms in children (press release) Published August 17 2006 | Concepts: adhd, children, study, pycnogenol, child |
| Acupuncture Relieves Symptoms of Fibromyalgia (press release) Published August 9 2006 | Concepts: acupuncture, symptoms, Fibromyalgia, study, patients |
| Fibromyalgia Symptoms Relieved with Natural Ingredients (press release) Published July 27 2006 | Concepts: Fibromyalgia, natural, ingredients, symptoms, natural ingredients |
| Heartburn sufferers shouldn't be too quick to reach for the antacids; heartburn medications do more harm than good Published July 25 2006 | Concepts: heartburn, heart, food, stomach, acid |
| Hypnotherapy improves quality of life for people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (press release) Published July 11 2006 | Concepts: men, hypnotherapy, quality, quality of life, people |
| Do-It-Yourself Acupressure Method Provides an Uncommon Solution to the Common Cold (press release) Published July 6 2006 | Concepts: EFT, stress, the common cold, acupressure, method |
| Good news for menopausal women: You can avoid hot flashes by changing your diet Published July 3 2006 | Concepts: men, hot flashes, soy, estrogen, food |
| Women's pain and discomfort from premenstrual syndrome may be lessened by diet changes and natural health remedies Published June 14 2006 | Concepts: premenstrual syndrome, women, PMS, natural, symptoms |
| Do Antidepressants Cure or Create Abnormal Brain States? (PLoS Medicine) Published June 12 2006 | Concepts: drug, antidepressants, drugs, depression, patients |
| Good news for menopausal women: You can avoid hot flashes by changing your diet Published June 7 2006 | Concepts: men, hot flashes, soy, food, estrogen |
| Disease mongering Restless Legs Syndrome: A case study of how the media helps make people sick (PLoS Medicine) Published May 11 2006 | Concepts: disease, people, article, study, media |
| Interview with Jon Barron of Baseline Nutritionals on herbal healing, the bird flu and alternative health Published April 24 2006 | Concepts: people, health, flu, doctor, form |
| Recovering from adrenal fatigue: How your body can overcome chronic stress and feel energized again Published April 6 2006 | Concepts: fat, fatigue, adrenal fatigue, stress, men |
| Achieve optimum mental health by supplementing deficient brain chemicals instead of resorting to dangerous antidepressant drugs Published March 23 2006 | Concepts: men, brain, mood, supplement, brain chemicals |
| Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1833-1965) Published March 6 2006 | Concepts: men, 5, human, experiments, study |
| Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1965-2005) Published March 6 2006 | Concepts: men, man, research, human, 5 |
| Essential fatty acid phosphatidylserine (PS) is powerful prevention for memory loss, Alzheimer's and dementia Published January 9 2006 | Concepts: Phosphatidylserine, men, brain, improve, memory |
| Brain health dramatically improved by intake of omega-3 fatty acids and fish oils Published January 2 2006 | Concepts: brain, fat, acid, DHA, omega-3 |
| Pet health supplements, disease prevention and miracle pet cures: an exclusive interview with Dr. Lisa Newman, formulator of the Azmira Holistic Pet Care products (part 4 of 4) Published December 18 2005 | Concepts: Azmira, supplement, food, supplements, dog |
| How to slow or reverse hair loss with a healthy diet and nutritional supplements Published October 27 2005 | Concepts: hair, hair loss, men, diet, health |
| The common cold is no match for natural healing therapies: minerals, herbs and foods stave off colds and flus Published October 24 2005 | Concepts: common cold, the common cold, men, colds, infection |
| The hidden dangers of caffeine: How coffee causes exhaustion, fatigue and addiction Published October 11 2005 | Concepts: caffeine, fatigue, coffee, stress, sugar |
| How to survive a flu pandemic by strengthening your immune system now Published September 27 2005 | Concepts: flu, immune system, pandemic, disease, people |
| The great thimerosal cover-up: Mercury, vaccines, autism and your child's health Published September 22 2005 | Concepts: vaccine, mercury, thimerosal, child, vaccines |
| Dr. Mary Ann Block teaches alternatives to mainstream ADHD treatments for children and adults Published September 20 2005 | Concepts: child, adhd, the Block Center, children, Mary Ann Block |
| Psychiatric Drugs: Chemical Warfare on Humans - interview with Robert Whitaker Published August 27 2005 | Concepts: drug, drugs, people, mental, brain |
| Asthma explained by common allergy to milk and dairy products Published August 4 2005 | Concepts: milk, asthma, diet, allergy, dairy |
| The great direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertising con: how patients and doctors alike are easily influenced to demand dangerous drugs Published July 31 2005 | Concepts: drug, advertising, drugs, prescription, companies |
| The Cure Con: how you're being deceived by charities that claim to be racing for the cure for cancer and other chronic diseases Published July 17 2005 | Concepts: cancer, cure, disease, money, drug |
| DHEA for weight loss: miracle drug or unproven experiment? Published June 27 2005 | Concepts: DHEA, men, hormone, weight, body |
| How iodine accelerates weight loss by supporting the thyroid gland Published June 25 2005 | Concepts: thyroid, iodine, weight, thyroid gland, gain |
| Revealed: which fruit and vegetable juices alleviate arthritis pain without drugs or surgery Published June 9 2005 | Concepts: arthritis, arthritis pain, men, juice, vegetable |
| Surgery can cause fibromyalgia; chiropractic care can effectively treat it, says Dr. Whitcomb Published June 5 2005 | Concepts: patients, Fibromyalgia, chiropractic care, treatment, chiropractic |
| American Diabetes Association peddling nutritional nonsense while accepting money from manufacturer of candy and sodas Published June 1 2005 | Concepts: sugar, diabetes, blood, insulin, food |
| An overview of new health products, plant technology, superfoods and natural health research breakthroughs Published May 22 2005 | Concepts: food, health, people, sun, WHO |
| Alternative medicine is often practiced with the limited mindset of conventional medicine Published March 7 2005 | Concepts: medicine, alternative medicine, patients, health, acupuncture |
| Naturopathic physicians treat the whole patient, not just the symptoms of disease: an interview with Dr. Joseph Pizzorno Published February 8 2005 | Concepts: disease, drug, naturopathic physicians, medicine, conventional medicine |
| The unauthorized history of Coca-Cola (satire) Published January 14 2005 | Concepts: coca, cola, Coca-Cola, soft drinks, calcium |
| The health effects of drinking soda - quotes from the experts Published January 8 2005 | Concepts: soft drinks, calcium, diet, food, phosphorus |
| Group of doctors accuses drug companies of inventing fictitious diseases to sell more prescription drugs Published December 15 2004 | Concepts: drug, disease, drug companies, fictitious diseases, prescription |
| Disease names like diabetes and osteoporosis are misleading and misinform patients about disease prevention Published December 10 2004 | Concepts: disease, osteoporosis, cholesterol, medicine, high cholesterol |
| Chronic disease caused by lack of water, says doctor, but Big Pharma treats symptoms and kills 250,000 Americans each year Published October 11 2004 | Concepts: water, dehydration, disease, symptoms, chronic dehydration |
| Arthritis creams merely mask symptoms and offer no long-term relief, study shows Published August 3 2004 | Concepts: arthritis, arthritis creams, pain, painkillers, symptoms |
| Seasonal Affective Disorder sufferers need natural sunlight, not antidepressants or artificial light Published July 28 2004 | Concepts: sun, sunlight, natural sunlight, disorder, natural |
| Western medicine misses the point and attacks symptoms, not root causes Published November 5 2003 | Concepts: medicine, western medicine, symptoms, fat, diet |
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