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sugar feature articles
Six of the best foods for diabetics Published September 16 2012 | Concepts: foods, sugar, diabetes, insulin, NaturalNews |
| Sickening sweet sodas Published September 12 2012 | Concepts: soda, health, aspartame, sugar, diet |
| Sugar and high fructose diet slows brain and memory functions Published September 10 2012 | Concepts: sugar, memory, fructose, diet, brain |
| Three natural zero-calorie sugar substitutes replace Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners Published September 7 2012 | Concepts: sugar, natural, aspartame, sugar substitutes, sweeteners |
| Tame high blood pressure with these natural remedies Published September 5 2012 | Concepts: blood, blood pressure, hypertension, coconut, natural |
| Your biological terrain is deranged by grains Published September 1 2012 | Concepts: grains, food, biological terrain, foods, starches |
| Cooked foods contain four disease-causing compounds Published August 27 2012 | Concepts: foods, food, cooked foods, cancer, sugar |
| Having unhealthy food cravings? Here is what your body really wants Published August 25 2012 | Concepts: food, cravings, body, sugar, addiction |
| Fifty food items to stockpile now: Health Ranger releases preparedness foods shopping list Published August 22 2012 | Concepts: food, foods, organic, store, preparedness |
| Everything you need to know about protein Published August 17 2012 | Concepts: protein, men, body, NaturalNews, amino acids |
| Manufacturers bow to demand for healthier cereals, but increase marketing of sugary options to children Published August 14 2012 | Concepts: cereals, children, increase, food, marketing |
| Bananas aren't just for monkeys - Discover 25 powerful reasons to eat (organic) bananas Published August 11 2012 | Concepts: banana, bananas, health, monkeys, benefits |
| Interview with Don Tolman, the Whole Food Medicine Cowboy Published August 8 2012 | Concepts: heal, man, Don Tolman, health, Health Ranger |
| Splenda soon to unleash 'Nectresse' - Here's what you need to know about this new 'natural' sweetener Published August 7 2012 | Concepts: Nectresse, fruit, sugar, natural, ingredients |
| The corn, soy, and beets are on fire... let the GMOs burn! Published August 6 2012 | Concepts: corn, soy, natural, NaturalNews, organic |
| Biologist calls sodas and fizzy beverages 'evil' Published August 4 2012 | Concepts: soda, health, sodas, sugar, beverages |
| Fruit 101 - Learn the right way to eat fruits for natural cleansing Published July 31 2012 | Concepts: fruit, food, fructose, foods, fruits |
| Effects of dieting styles finds that some popular choices may actually increase weight related problems Published July 30 2012 | Concepts: diet, blood, sugar, weight, food |
| Sugar, Inflammation and Longevity Published July 23 2012 | Concepts: inflammation, sugar, medicine, longevity, insulin |
| Study finds new weapon in the fight against diabetes Published July 18 2012 | Concepts: insulin, sterculic oil, study, blood, raw |
| Is white sugar the gateway drug to alcoholism and obesity? Published July 12 2012 | Concepts: sugar, gateway drug, alcoholism, white sugar, serotonin |
| Food pairings may trick the brain into loving the taste of vegetables Published July 3 2012 | Concepts: food, taste, the brain, foods, food pairings |
| Why we are three times heavier than we were in the '60s Published June 16 2012 | Concepts: food, corn, sugar, corn syrup, fat |
| Ridiculous Lancet study sets stage for pushing 'pre-diabetes' drugs on entire world Published June 13 2012 | Concepts: drugs, diabetes, study, news, Lancet |
| How to get your children to eat more greens Published June 12 2012 | Concepts: children, food, how to, child, kids |
| Vitamins more effective at Type 2 Diabetes treatment than pharmaceuticals Published June 8 2012 | Concepts: diabetes, vitamins, treatment, Type 2 diabetes, diabetes treatment |
| Fructose makes you stupid: Study Published June 6 2012 | Concepts: fructose, rats, diet, learning, study |
| High fructose corn syrup can't disguise itself as 'corn sugar,' FDA decides Published June 5 2012 | Concepts: sugar, FDA, corn, fructose, corn syrup |
| Added sugar is the number one culprit in the American health crisis Published May 19 2012 | Concepts: sugar, insulin, health, added sugar, disease |
| Green coffee bean extract is a powerful anti-oxidant Published May 18 2012 | Concepts: coffee, extract, green, blood, sugar |
| The best foods to eat for type-2 diabetes Published May 17 2012 | Concepts: diabetes, blood, foods, food, diet |
| Artificial sweeteners and flavor enhancers are dangerous Published May 3 2012 | Concepts: flavor, sweeteners, artificial sweeteners, sweetener, natural |
| Flavonoids from blueberries and other fruits dramatically lower risk of diabetes Published May 2 2012 | Concepts: blueberries, diabetes, risk, flavonoids, health |
| USDA to issue new guidelines limiting amount of sugar, salt, and fat in foods sold at public schools Published May 1 2012 | Concepts: health, fat, food, foods, USDA |
| Licorice is adding a new skill to its resume: Diabetes Slayer Published May 1 2012 | Concepts: diabetes, licorice, blood, raw, blood sugar |
| Herbs for common pregnancy symptoms: Gestational diabetes Published April 27 2012 | Concepts: herbs, pregnancy, chromium, gestational diabetes, baby |
| Pepsi's 'Next' generation - Less sugar, more toxins! Published April 22 2012 | Concepts: Pepsi, NaturalNews, sugar, generation, health |
| Cinnamon: the blood sugar stabilizer Published April 22 2012 | Concepts: cinnamon, blood sugar, blood, ice, spice |
| Which damaging foods cause accelerated skin aging Published April 20 2012 | Concepts: skin, foods, health, sugar, diet |
| Top 5 herbs and spices that help lower blood sugar Published April 17 2012 | Concepts: blood, herbs, sugar, spices, herb |
| Americans are killing themselves with sugar Published April 14 2012 | Concepts: sugar, HFCS, natural, americans, fat |
| Enriching gluten-free and wheat products doesn't make them healthy Published April 14 2012 | Concepts: grains, food, whole grain, flour, products |
| Chiropractic and diabetes - The connection between blood sugar and the spine Published April 13 2012 | Concepts: diabetes, chiropractic, blood sugar, blood, connection |
| Helpful tips for avoiding GMOs Published April 5 2012 | Concepts: soy, corn, avoiding, GMO, food |
| Sugar takes on high fructose corn syrup in high stakes legal battle to see which is most unhealthy Published March 26 2012 | Concepts: sugar, corn, high fructose corn syrup, fructose, HFCS |
| Special hormone released by bone cells plays an important role in blood sugar regulation Published March 24 2012 | Concepts: bone, hormone, sugar, blood, blood sugar |
| Sweetened drinks increase risk of heart disease in men by twenty percent Published March 18 2012 | Concepts: risk, heart disease, heart, increase, men |
| Is seaweed the future of alternative energy sources like biofuel? Published March 16 2012 | Concepts: seaweed, biofuel, alternative energy, sources, alternative |
| Just one soda per day can cause heart attacks in men Published March 16 2012 | Concepts: heart, soda, sugar, heart attacks, men |
| Are fruit juices a healthy alternative to soda? Published March 15 2012 | Concepts: fruit, juices, healthy, juice, fruit juices |
| Groups push for FDA to require specific labeling of added sugars in foods Published March 12 2012 | Concepts: sugars, sugar, FDA, added sugars, labeling |
| The top 10 worst sources of aspartame Published March 4 2012 | Concepts: aspartame, worst sources, products, sugar, NaturalNews |
| Aspartame withdrawal and side effects explained - Here's how to protect yourself Published March 2 2012 | Concepts: aspartame, side effects, withdrawal, WHO, health |
| Demystifying "sugar alcohol": Is it a suitable substitute for ordinary sugar? Published March 1 2012 | Concepts: sugar, alcohol, health, sugar alcohol, sorbitol |
| Evidence shows diet soda is not a healthy weight loss product Published February 26 2012 | Concepts: soda, diet soda, weight, weight loss, evidence |
| Fructose is found to increase cardiovascular and diabetes risk in adolescents Published February 15 2012 | Concepts: fructose, diabetes, risk, cardiovascular, diabetes risk |
| Sugar sweetened drinks increase heart disease and diabetes risk in women Published February 14 2012 | Concepts: sugar, risk, heart disease, diabetes, heart |
| HFCS explained: Here's why it's far more dangerous to your health than table sugar Published February 13 2012 | Concepts: HFCS, fructose, sugar, glucose, food |
| Sugary drink ads target black and Latino children and teens Published December 28 2011 | Concepts: children, Latino, sugar, teens, marketing |
| Sugar consumption accelerates aging Published December 26 2011 | Concepts: sugar, consumption, insulin, sugar consumption, form |
| Corn Refiners Association sued for falsely claiming that high fructose corn syrup is same as sugar Published December 24 2011 | Concepts: HFCS, corn, sugar, SAMe, fructose |
| Simple strategies buffer blood sugar Published December 22 2011 | Concepts: blood, food, foods, sugar, strategies |
| Proteins, not sugar, increase energy expenditure Published December 20 2011 | Concepts: sugar, protein, energy, food, increase |
| Five ways to make your skin look younger naturally Published December 14 2011 | Concepts: skin, younger, natural, sun, sleep |
| Starbucks nutrition shocker - many menu items contain more calories and fat than ice cream Published December 7 2011 | Concepts: calories, fat, Starbucks, ice, nutrition |
| Try the best natural sweeteners Published December 4 2011 | Concepts: natural, sugar, sweeteners, blood, raw honey |
| Beat Parkinson's disease naturally Published December 1 2011 | Concepts: disease, Parkinson's, Parkinson's Disease, natural remedies, glutathione |
| Benefits of cinnamon - surprising health facts Published November 28 2011 | Concepts: cinnamon, health, benefits, study, health benefits |
| Teen violence linked to sugary soft drink consumption Published November 23 2011 | Concepts: violence, soda, health, teen violence, behavior |
| Citizens for Health launches initiative to fight Corn Refiners Association fraudulent HFCS campaign Published November 22 2011 | Concepts: corn, HFCS, Citizens for Health, sugar, citizens |
| The relationship between glucose and vitamin C plays a huge role in health Published November 18 2011 | Concepts: vitamin C, glucose, blood, relationship, produce |
| Shine a little light on diabetes during Diabetes Awareness Month Published November 12 2011 | Concepts: diabetes, insulin, light, awareness, glucose |
| Ola Loa is a healthy alternative to sugar-laden children's vitamins and sports drinks Published November 8 2011 | Concepts: Ola Loa, vitamins, sports, natural, form |
| Raw nuts lower elevated blood sugar levels and high blood pressure to fight metabolic syndrome Published November 8 2011 | Concepts: nuts, health, metabolic syndrome, blood, blood pressure |
| Wheat causes weight gain and sickness Published November 3 2011 | Concepts: wheat, weight gain, weight, health, causes |
| Children's vitamins largely made of sugar and corn syrup Published November 2 2011 | Concepts: vitamins, sugar, corn, acid, corn syrup |
| Understand and treat hyperactivity naturally Published November 1 2011 | Concepts: child, hyperactivity, children, behavior, adhd |
| Salad dressings often loaded with corn syrup and other junk ingredients Published October 26 2011 | Concepts: salad, corn syrup, vinegar, sugar, oil |
| Infant formulas loaded with corn syrup and sugar Published October 20 2011 | Concepts: organic, corn syrup, corn, formulas, baby |
| Splenda Essentials revealed as chemical sweetener containing chlorine atoms Published October 19 2011 | Concepts: Splenda, sugar, sweetener, sucralose, essentials |
| The dark side of energy drinks - risking your health for temporary stimulation Published October 6 2011 | Concepts: energy, health, energy drinks, dangerous, ingredients |
| Natural hormone rejuvenation for modern women and men Published October 1 2011 | Concepts: hormone, women, hormones, natural, body |
| Hidden sources of high fructose corn syrup in your groceries Published August 31 2011 | Concepts: corn, HFCS, fructose, food, corn syrup |
| Vitamin Water exposed as sugar water in Food Investigations video Published August 21 2011 | Concepts: water, Vitamin Water, food, Food Investigations, sugar |
| Federal judge dismisses Similac lawsuit, bug-contaminated baby formula assumed 'wholesome' and 'nutritious' Published August 8 2011 | Concepts: Similac, baby formula, baby, judge, lawsuit |
| Control anxiety and mood swings naturally with correct diet and minerals Published August 2 2011 | Concepts: anxiety, mood, food, foods, diet |
| What's really in the food? The A to Z of the food industry's most evil ingredients Published July 28 2011 | Concepts: food, NaturalNews, protein, chemical, sugar |
| Coconut Water is wrongfully attacked Published July 27 2011 | Concepts: coconut, water, coconut water, health, sugar |
| Study: Drinking diet soda actually causes weight gain, blood sugar spikes Published July 24 2011 | Concepts: sugar, diet, weight, weight gain, soda |
| Use your diet to turn off cancer Published July 22 2011 | Concepts: cancer, curcumin, genes, foods, diet |
| The top 20 foods for reversing type-2 diabetes Published July 11 2011 | Concepts: diabetes, natural, news, NaturalNews, health |
| American Dietetic Association leads Americans astray (Opinion) Published July 5 2011 | Concepts: americans, American Dietetic Association, sugar, eating, breakfast |
| Coconut sugar quickly replacing agave nectar as natural sweetener of choice Published June 29 2011 | Concepts: sugar, coconut, coconut sugar, natural, sweetener |
| Researchers discover link between sugar consumption and mental illness Published June 12 2011 | Concepts: sugar, mental, consumption, mental illness, sugar consumption |
| Fructose: what is it, and why is it in everything? Published May 24 2011 | Concepts: sugar, added sugar, fruit, natural, HFCS |
| ALS and Muscular Dystrophy associations recommend sugar to Lou Gehrig's disease patients Published May 13 2011 | Concepts: ALS, sugar, health, disease, research |
| Experts agree - Sugar is a health destroyer Published May 9 2011 | Concepts: sugar, health, 5, experts, uric acid |
| High fructose corn syrup and cane sugar - Your body knows the difference Published May 5 2011 | Concepts: sugar, corn, body, fructose, corn syrup |
| Japanese Sweet Potato may Cure Diabetes Along with Coffee and Ginkgo Published May 4 2011 | Concepts: diabetes, sweet potato, coffee, ginkgo, blood |
| USDA to allow Monsanto to perform its own GMO studies Published May 2 2011 | Concepts: USDA, Monsanto, environment, GMO, environmental |
| ADD and ADHD symptoms can be a sign of excess sugar and boredom Published May 2 2011 | Concepts: sugar, adhd, child, symptoms, children |
| The Medical Monopoly: It's not about who's right or wrong but who's in charge Published April 21 2011 | Concepts: medicine, doctor, medical, license, doctors |
| Vitamin D helps diabetics maintain healthy blood sugar levels Published April 17 2011 | Concepts: Vitamin D, blood sugar, blood, diabetics, healthy |
| How to lose weight successfully Published April 14 2011 | Concepts: weight, lose weight, diet, how to, food |
| Yeast and chronic inflammation Published April 14 2011 | Concepts: yeast, overgrowth, blood, toxins, men |
| Lower blood sugar levels and improve digestion with juniper berries Published April 7 2011 | Concepts: juniper, blood sugar, berries, blood sugar levels, blood |
| High fructose corn syrup increases abdominal fat and insulin resistance Published April 6 2011 | Concepts: fructose, corn, high fructose corn syrup, abdominal fat, sugar |
| Diet helps combat acne Published March 28 2011 | Concepts: acne, diet, natural, combat, blood |
| Going against nature - The many hidden crimes of the USDA continue to lurk Published March 22 2011 | Concepts: USDA, the USDA, nature, crimes, beets |
| Cartoon characters manipulate how kids make food choices Published March 19 2011 | Concepts: children, food, cartoon, kids, cartoon characters |
| How to control type 2 diabetes in three steps Published March 9 2011 | Concepts: diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, how to, blood, cure |
| Sugar-sweetened drinks cause higher blood pressure Published March 8 2011 | Concepts: blood, sugar, WHO, blood pressure, research |
| New study proves that drinking soda causes gout Published February 26 2011 | Concepts: soda, gout, study, causes, drinking |
| Use the nectar from the Tree of Life as a sugar replacement Published February 25 2011 | Concepts: tree, coconut, raw, sugar, life |
| Avoid tooth cavities with five health tips Published February 24 2011 | Concepts: cavities, health, heal, avoid, sugar |
| How sweet it isn't! Cutting through the hype and deception of sugar Published February 23 2011 | Concepts: sugar, aspartame, fructose, sweetener, corn |
| Discover the super-food power of turmeric Published February 23 2011 | Concepts: turmeric, curcumin, blood, power, sugar |
| Age successfully with DHEA Published February 20 2011 | Concepts: DHEA, stress, aging, heal, health |
| USDA says yes to genetically engineered sugarbeet - kiss organics goodbye! Published February 16 2011 | Concepts: USDA, sugar, genetically engineered, organics, farm |
| How laetrile or B17 from apricot seeds kills only cancer cells Published February 15 2011 | Concepts: cancer, cancer cells, laetrile, cyanide, seeds |
| Added sugars linked to risk of heart disease in teenagers Published February 14 2011 | Concepts: sugar, sugars, heart disease, added sugars, heart |
| Monsanto nation: Exposing Monsanto's minions Published February 9 2011 | Concepts: Monsanto, organic, food, GMO, farm |
| Cinnamon promotes weight and blood sugar control Published February 2 2011 | Concepts: cinnamon, blood sugar, blood, weight, raw |
| Reverse degenerative diabetes naturally (Opinion) Published February 2 2011 | Concepts: diabetes, insulin, sugar, body, blood |
| Global sugar shortage looms, price hikes expected Published January 25 2011 | Concepts: sugar, shortage, prices, world, Brazil |
| Control blood sugar to prevent diabetes and extend lifespan Published January 19 2011 | Concepts: blood, sugar, diabetes, blood sugar, health |
| Almonds shown to lower the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease Published January 18 2011 | Concepts: almonds, diabetes, health, risk, cardiovascular |
| Discover four fantastic benefits of stevia Published January 15 2011 | Concepts: stevia, sugar, smoothie, health, blood |
| New York proposes that food stamps can't be used to buy sugary drinks that promote obesity Published January 14 2011 | Concepts: food stamps, food, New York, sugary drinks, sugar |
| Coconut boosts brain function Published January 11 2011 | Concepts: brain, coconut, the brain, oil, coconut oil |
| High Fructose Corn Syrup - Two reasons to avoid this Corn Sugar Published December 29 2010 | Concepts: fructose, HFCS, corn, sugar, corn sugar |
| Obesity rate surges - Mediterranean diet essential to natural weight loss efforts Published December 29 2010 | Concepts: weight, diet, obesity, mediterranean diet, weight loss |
| How to avoid eating Genetically Modified Foods Published December 29 2010 | Concepts: food, foods, avoid, organic, GMO |
| Super nutrient duo carnosine and carnitine attacks disease Published December 16 2010 | Concepts: carnitine, carnosine, health, disease, protein |
| General Mills cuts sugar content in children's cereals but still uses GMOs Published December 13 2010 | Concepts: General Mills, sugar, cereals, health, food |
| Avoid colds and flu by eliminating sugar and enlisting the natural duo Published December 10 2010 | Concepts: flu, colds, sugar, natural, health |
| California judge orders illegal GMO sugar beet crops destroyed Published December 6 2010 | Concepts: sugar, judge, illegal, California, crops |
| Almonds, cinnamon and chromium naturally regulate blood sugar to prevent chronic disease Published December 4 2010 | Concepts: blood, sugar, blood sugar, cinnamon, chromium |
| (Part II) Make Thanksgiving a healthy holiday Published November 27 2010 | Concepts: Thanksgiving, healthy, holiday, fat, fats |
| (Part III) Make Thanksgiving a healthy holiday Published November 27 2010 | Concepts: healthy, Thanksgiving, food, foods, eating |
| Having even one sugary drink a day significantly ups diabetes risk Published November 23 2010 | Concepts: diabetes, sugar, UPS, disease, risk |
| Monsanto pressing for GMO sugar beet ban to be lifted Published November 12 2010 | Concepts: sugar, Monsanto, ban, GMO, USDA |
| Beware of Misleading Brand Names, Slogans and Logos Published November 12 2010 | Concepts: misleading, brand names, organic, health, sugar |
| Global sugar prices soar as Brazilian crop impacted by heavy rains Published November 6 2010 | Concepts: sugar, prices, crop, shortage, raw |
| This Overlooked Trace Mineral Nutrient could Wipe Out the Diabetes Epidemic Published November 5 2010 | Concepts: chromium, diabetes, health, nutrient, natural |
| Improving Your Nutrition on the next NaturalNews Talk Hour Published November 3 2010 | Concepts: NaturalNews, nutrition, health, sugar, form |
| Resveratrol and grape seed extract fight against heart disease, dementia and aging Published November 2 2010 | Concepts: disease, heart disease, heart, grape seed extract, health |
| Diabetes rises 1% among U.S. children and teens following Halloween candy blitz (satire) Published November 1 2010 | Concepts: Halloween, children, diabetes, child, holiday |
| Pancreatic cancer takes 20 years to grow into detectable tumors - here's how to halt it today Published October 29 2010 | Concepts: cancer, tumors, pancreatic cancer, cancer tumors, how to |
| Placebo fraud rocks the very foundation of modern medical science; thousands of clinical trials invalidated Published October 28 2010 | Concepts: placebo, clinical trials, pill, science, medical |
| Control Blood Sugar to Extend Lifespan and Assist Natural Weight Loss Published October 25 2010 | Concepts: sugar, blood, blood sugar, lifespan, weight |
| Eat Almonds and Walnuts to Promote Heart Health and Prevent Diabetes Published October 22 2010 | Concepts: health, heart, heart health, diet, almonds |
| Natural Lifestyle Changes Cut Diabetes and Heart Disease Risk, Assist Weight Loss Goals Published October 22 2010 | Concepts: lifestyle, diabetes, disease, heart, weight |
| Beware of Hidden Animal Ingredients in Food Published October 22 2010 | Concepts: vegan, ingredients, food, sugar, animal ingredients |
| Coconut Sugar: Enjoy the New Star Among Low Glycemic Sweeteners Published October 21 2010 | Concepts: coconut, sweeteners, food, sugar, sweetener |
| Coconut nectar, coconut liquid aminos, coconut vinegar and coconut flour all come from coconut trees Published October 20 2010 | Concepts: coconut, natural, vinegar, tree, products |
| Part II: Beware of the Sugar Conspiracy (Opinion) Published October 18 2010 | Concepts: sugar, conspiracy, health, products, protein |
| Part I: Beware of the Sugar Conspiracy (Opinion) Published October 18 2010 | Concepts: sugar, conspiracy, calories, food, health |
| Food Addictions Come with the Standard American Diet Published October 14 2010 | Concepts: food, caffeine, addictions, people, foods |
| An Unknown Connection between Zinc and Your Health Exists Published October 9 2010 | Concepts: zinc, health, connection, taste, sugar |
| Aid Recovery from Alcohol Abuse with a Nourishing Diet Published October 8 2010 | Concepts: alcohol, recovery, abuse, alcohol abuse, sugar |
| Lowering Triglycerides Assists Weight Loss and Reduces Risk of Heart Disease and Diabetes Published October 7 2010 | Concepts: triglycerides, disease, heart disease, risk, heart |
| Corn Industry Attempts to Hoodwink Consumers with HFCS Name Change Published October 6 2010 | Concepts: corn, HFCS, health, consumers, fructose |
| Prevent Cancer and Lose Weight Naturally by Limiting Fructose Published October 1 2010 | Concepts: cancer, fructose, weight, lose weight, naturally |
| It's not the bugs in Similac that make me sick - let's recall the other ingredients (opinion) Published September 27 2010 | Concepts: Similac, soy, sugar, ingredients, form |
| Study Shows Xylitol is a Sweet Alternative to Antibiotics for Ear Infections Published September 23 2010 | Concepts: xylitol, ear infections, antibiotics, study, alternative |
| Control Your Appetite Hormones to Achieve Permanent Weight Loss Published September 17 2010 | Concepts: hormones, weight, appetite, appetite hormones, food |
| Natural Supplements Reduce Risk of Diabetes and Heart Disease Published September 16 2010 | Concepts: heart, supplements, risk, diabetes, blood |
| Corn Refiners Association wants to change name of high fructose corn syrup to "corn sugar" Published September 15 2010 | Concepts: corn, sugar, fructose, Corn Refiners Association, high fructose corn syrup |
| New Hidden High-Fructose Corn Syrup Danger Hitting Stores Soon Published September 15 2010 | Concepts: corn, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, sugar, stores |
| Avoid the Soda: Water Consumption is Necessary for Your Body Published September 14 2010 | Concepts: water, soda, consumption, water consumption, body |
| GM sugar beet scandal leads to lawsuit against USDA Published September 13 2010 | Concepts: sugar, lawsuit, scandal, beets, sugar beets |
| Scientists discover way to recharge laptops and cell phones with soda pop and vegetable oil Published September 11 2010 | Concepts: energy, scientists, cell phones, laptops, vegetable |
| Foods made with added sugar cause high cholesterol Published September 8 2010 | Concepts: sugar, added sugar, cholesterol, 5, foods |
| Part I: Understand Your Metabolic Type Published September 6 2010 | Concepts: sugar, diet, metabolic type, blood, blood sugar |
| Heart Disease: Understand the Difference between Truth and Myth, Part II Published August 21 2010 | Concepts: fat, particles, heart, myth, fats |
| Big Business Fights Against the Health of Children Published August 20 2010 | Concepts: health, business, children, Big Business, food |
| Mesquite: Try a Delicious Blood Sugar Superfood Stabilizer Published August 16 2010 | Concepts: sugar, mesquite, blood sugar, blood, superfood |
| Flax Meal and Almond Flour Chocolate Cake: Have Your Cake and Eat It Too Published August 16 2010 | Concepts: flax, health, flour, flax meal, chocolate |
| Drowning in soda: America's health problems made far worse by massive soda consumption Published August 11 2010 | Concepts: health, soda, diabetes, drowning, problems |
| Vitaminwater revealed as non-healthy beverage by Coca-Cola's own lawyers (opinion) Published August 10 2010 | Concepts: water, vitaminwater, Coca-Cola, sugar, health |
| Save Your Health by Avoiding Fructose Published August 5 2010 | Concepts: fructose, health, avoiding, sugar, fruit |
| Cancer cells love high fructose corn syrup Published August 5 2010 | Concepts: fructose, cancer, cancer cells, corn, love |
| Recent Study Finds High Sugar Content in Snacks for Children Published August 5 2010 | Concepts: snacks, study, sugar, food, health |
| Ayurvedic Herb may Help Treat Type I Diabetes Published August 3 2010 | Concepts: ayurvedic, herb, gymnema, diabetes, Type 1 diabetes |
| PepsiCo has a plan to reduce the harmfulness of its junk foods by 2020 Published July 22 2010 | Concepts: junk foods, PepsiCo, school, Pepsi, sugar |
| Soda consumption linked to pancreatic cancer Published July 15 2010 | Concepts: consumption, pancreatic cancer, soda, soda consumption, sugar |
| Can you really eat your way to happiness? The mood food connection Published July 1 2010 | Concepts: food, mood, heal, health, happiness |
| Low vitamin D levels linked to poor blood sugar control in type 2 diabetes Published June 30 2010 | Concepts: Vitamin D, diabetes, blood, blood sugar, Type 2 diabetes |
| Rejuvenate Your Body Naturally through Juicing Published June 24 2010 | Concepts: body, juice, juicing, vegetable, naturally |
| Stevia and Agave Nectar: Find the Right Natural Sweetener for You Published June 24 2010 | Concepts: natural, stevia, sweetener, natural sweetener, sugar |
| Why Organic Palm Sugar is the next big thing in natural sweeteners Published June 15 2010 | Concepts: sugar, palm sugar, natural, organic, sweetener |
| Sugar industry acting more and more like Big Tobacco in its ridiculous defense of HFCS Published June 15 2010 | Concepts: sugar, sugar industry, Big Tobacco, health, HFCS |
| Know about Common Brain Poisons Published June 12 2010 | Concepts: brain, the brain, blood, sugar, poison |
| New research: Electropollution can cause diabetes (type-3) Published June 10 2010 | Concepts: diabetes, pollution, EMF, man, study |
| Azukar Organics' amazing organic coconut sugar Published May 31 2010 | Concepts: coconut, sugar, organic, coconut sugar, health |
| X-Balance superfood makes a delicious, nutritious chocolate milk drink for adults and kids Published May 26 2010 | Concepts: superfood, X-Balance, powder, milk, chocolate |
| Lawsuit seeks to ban genetically modified sugar beets Published May 19 2010 | Concepts: sugar, ban, genetically modified, crop, lawsuit |
| Canine Diabetes: Think about Including Natural Remedies Published May 13 2010 | Concepts: diabetes, natural, dog, canine, insulin |
| Manage Diabetes through Healthy Food Choices such as Fenugreek and Bitter Gourd Published May 11 2010 | Concepts: fenugreek, food, diabetes, healthy, sugar |
| Why Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt is so much better for your health than processed table salt Published May 5 2010 | Concepts: salt, Himalayan, full-spectrum salt, minerals, sea salt |
| Fructose fueling childhood obesity, diabetes Published May 2 2010 | Concepts: fructose, obesity, childhood, childhood obesity, diabetes |
| Type 2 Diabetes: Treat with a Healthy Diet Published April 30 2010 | Concepts: diabetes, diet, healthy diet, healthy, sugar |
| Review of Bear Fruit Bars, USDA Organic real food bars made with nothing but fruit Published April 28 2010 | Concepts: fruit, fruit bars, organic, Bear Fruit, Bear Fruit Bars |
| Artificial pancreas breakthrough offers solution for health effects of eating artificial food Published April 16 2010 | Concepts: pancreas, artificial pancreas, health, diabetes, food |
| Artificial sweeteners alter how body handles real sugar Published April 16 2010 | Concepts: sweeteners, artificial sweeteners, body, sugar, researchers |
| Natural Ways Control Your Blood Sugar Published April 5 2010 | Concepts: natural, blood, sugar, diabetes, blood sugar |
| The Reason You are Sick and Tired may be Fatigued Adrenals, Part I Published March 31 2010 | Concepts: fatigue, adrenals, adrenal fatigue, health, stress |
| Superfood Cereals: A review of the most delicious and nutritious superfoods for morning meals Published March 31 2010 | Concepts: food, superfood, breakfast, foods, cereals |
| "Healthy" Snacks Loaded with Sugar and Salt Published March 13 2010 | Concepts: sugar, snacks, health, healthy, fruit |
| Added Sugar can Wreak Havoc on Your Health Published March 1 2010 | Concepts: sugar, added sugar, health, fructose, sugars |
| Beat and Treat ADD and ADHD without Drugs Published February 26 2010 | Concepts: adhd, health, food, natural, WHO |
| How to Fight Candida Yeast Infections Naturally Published February 2 2010 | Concepts: candida, yeast, infections, remedies, how to |
| Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup in Beverages and Processed Foods Published January 27 2010 | Concepts: fructose, HFCS, corn, health, high fructose corn syrup |
| 90 Percent of Parents Misled by Food Nutrition Labels Published January 18 2010 | Concepts: food, parents, nutrition, health, labeling |
| Promote Sustainable Food Choices by Voting with Your Shopping Cart Published January 12 2010 | Concepts: food, health, choices, sustainable food, soda |
| Herbs Help Treat Diabetes: Bilberry, Gymnema, Ginkgo and Salt Bush Published January 8 2010 | Concepts: diabetes, gymnema, ginkgo, herbs, salt |
| When it comes to soy, don't blame the bean; blame the processing Published January 6 2010 | Concepts: soy, food, soy milk, health, natural |
| Most fruit juice is about as healthy as soda Published January 2 2010 | Concepts: juice, fruit, fruit juice, healthy, health |
| The Fluoride Cover-Up: Look Under the Mother of All Bandaids (Opinion) Published December 31 2009 | Concepts: sugar, fluoride, government, health, water |
| How Regular Exercise can Help with Diabetes Published December 29 2009 | Concepts: exercise, diabetes, blood, regular exercise, sugar |
| UCLA Study Says Drinking Soda Causes Obesity Published December 23 2009 | Concepts: soda, study, drinking, causes, sugar |
| Use Natural Remedies for Candida Albicans Published December 23 2009 | Concepts: candida, natural, remedies, cure, natural remedies |
| How to Avoid Foods Made with GMOs (Opinion) Published December 21 2009 | Concepts: foods, GMOs, food, GMO, avoid |
| Fructose may promote metabolic syndrome Published December 13 2009 | Concepts: fructose, rats, sugar, liver, corn syrup |
| Use Tips to Break the Sugar Habit and Prevent Cravings (Opinion) Published December 13 2009 | Concepts: sugar, cravings, blood, blood sugar, tips |
| Sugary cola drinks found to be a huge risk for gestational diabetes during pregnancy Published December 11 2009 | Concepts: diabetes, cola, gestational diabetes, risk, sugar |
| Slim-Fast warning: Bacterial contamination leads to nationwide recall of processed "junk" beverage Published December 5 2009 | Concepts: Slim-Fast, recall, contamination, product recalls, milk |
| Cereal ads found to promote childhood obesity Published December 4 2009 | Concepts: cereals, childhood, child, sugar, children |
| Remember the Dangers of Refined Sugar Published December 3 2009 | Concepts: sugar, dangers, refined sugar, health, body |
| Why Diets Make You Fat and How to Regulate Weight Naturally Published December 2 2009 | Concepts: fat, diets, weight, health, diet |
| Ill-conceived US corn subsidies make "liquid Satan" high-fructose corn syrup a cheap ingredient Published November 28 2009 | Concepts: corn, HFCS, corn syrup, subsidies, high-fructose corn syrup |
| Make Healthy, Sweet Baked Treats with Stevia and Dates Published November 27 2009 | Concepts: stevia, healthy, dates, sugar, health |
| Chinese herbs may prevent diabetes in high risk people Published November 5 2009 | Concepts: diabetes, Chinese, prevent diabetes, herbs, risk |
| Chromium prevents diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity Published November 5 2009 | Concepts: chromium, diabetes, insulin, natural, book |
| Froot Loops cures cancer! (And other health claims breakfast cereal manufacturers wish they could make) (parody) Published November 3 2009 | Concepts: news, health, claims, NaturalNews, Froot Loops |
| Ten reasons why the FDA allows Cocoa Krispies cereal to make outrageous claims of boosting immunity (satire) Published November 3 2009 | Concepts: Cocoa Krispies, the FDA, cocoa, boosting, claims |
| Kellogg's claims sugary "Cocoa Crispies" cereal can boost your child's immunity (opinion) Published November 3 2009 | Concepts: Kellogg's, claims, immunity, food, cocoa |
| Fraudulent "Smart Choices" food labeling program crumbles as food manufacturers flee scrutiny (opinion) Published November 2 2009 | Concepts: food, program, labeling, nutrition, companies |
| The Bitter Side of a Sweet Treat: Giving Candy to Kids may Lead to Violent Crimes Published October 29 2009 | Concepts: child, children, candy, study, sugar |
| Using probiotics to prevent or eliminate Candida Published October 28 2009 | Concepts: probiotic, candida, probiotics, natural, bacteria |
| Eating Less Sugar Cuts Diabetes Risk in Latinos Published October 24 2009 | Concepts: sugar, risk, diabetes, diabetes risk, eating |
| Paul Nison Part II: A Story of Going Raw, Immediate Healing as well as Mistakes along the Way Published October 24 2009 | Concepts: raw, food, health, raw food, people |
| Lifestyle Changes can Make Difference to Those with Polycystic Ovaries (Opinion) Published October 17 2009 | Concepts: sugar, PCOS, hormone, ovaries, blood |
| Natural remedies for acne Published October 14 2009 | Concepts: natural, acne, book, remedies, dairy |
| Discover How to Fight Food Cravings with These Supplements Published October 14 2009 | Concepts: cravings, food, food cravings, magnesium, how to |
| Why and How to Avoid GMO Foods Published October 13 2009 | Concepts: GMO, food, avoid, foods, corn |
| Three Reasons Coconut Oil can Help You Lose Weight Published October 12 2009 | Concepts: coconut, oil, coconut oil, fat, reasons |
| USDA Approval of Genetically Engineered Sugar Beets Ruled Unlawful by Federal Court Published October 10 2009 | Concepts: USDA, sugar, genetically engineered, beets, sugar beets |
| Judge Rules GMOs Violate Environmental Law Published October 6 2009 | Concepts: judge, GMOs, environmental, genetically modified, food |
| Cinnamon spice helps prevent diabetes Published October 5 2009 | Concepts: cinnamon, diabetes, blood, natural, sugar |
| Placebo Effect Regularly Beats Pharmaceutical Drugs Published September 30 2009 | Concepts: drug, placebo, placebo effect, pill, drugs |
| Huge California study concludes soda consumption undeniably linked to obesity Published September 23 2009 | Concepts: soda, consumption, health, soda consumption, study |
| Choose Natural Sugars When You Have a Sweet Tooth Published September 23 2009 | Concepts: sugar, sugars, natural, food, honey |
| "Smart Choices" food label is marketing fraud; Tufts University involvement questioned (opinion) Published September 22 2009 | Concepts: nutrition, food, Tufts University, child, sugar |
| Interview with Kirt Tyson, Former Type-I Diabetic, Featured in "Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days" Published September 11 2009 | Concepts: raw, diabetes, raw food, insulin, diet |
| Alternative Offers Promise from Sugar, Cancer and Candida Published September 6 2009 | Concepts: sugar, cancer, alternative, candida, cleaning |
| Use Common-Sense Lifestyle Tips for Longevity Published August 29 2009 | Concepts: food, body, health, tips, lifestyle |
| Another Danger from High Glycemic Foods: Research Shows They Damage Arteries Published August 25 2009 | Concepts: foods, research, damage, shows, heart |
| Rick Dina Part I: Misconceptions about Carbohydrates and Insulin Published August 23 2009 | Concepts: blood, fat, heal, health, raw |
| Syndrome X may be Cause of Your Weight Gain, Cravings or Cholesterol Issues Published August 17 2009 | Concepts: Syndrome X, sugar, men, blood, insulin |
| Not an Intestinal Candida Infection: Call it Gut Fermentation Syndrome Published August 17 2009 | Concepts: candida, infection, fermentation, symptoms, infections |
| Candida: Lifestyle Changes will Bring Balance Published August 12 2009 | Concepts: sugar, candida, food, fruit, changes |
| The Sweet Art of Healing Published August 10 2009 | Concepts: sugar, honey, antibiotic, burns, WHO |
| Magnesium Deficiency Linked to ADD and ADHD in Children Published August 6 2009 | Concepts: magnesium, child, children, adhd, food |
| How a Simple Sugar can Stop a Urinary Tract Infection Dead in its Tracks Published August 2 2009 | Concepts: infection, urinary tract infection, urinary tract, sugar, infections |
| Sugar and Spice: Learn How Cinnamon Promotes Healthy Blood Sugar Levels Published July 31 2009 | Concepts: cinnamon, blood, sugar, blood sugar, healthy |
| The Carbohydrate Conundrum Published July 27 2009 | Concepts: sugar, food, health, blood, diet |
| High Glycemic Foods Damage Arteries Published July 27 2009 | Concepts: foods, high glycemic foods, damage, heart, sugar |
| Learn How Coconut Oil Can Benefit Insulin Resistance and Diabetes Published July 25 2009 | Concepts: oil, coconut, coconut oil, insulin, fat |
| Learn How Banaba Leaf Extract Can Promote Healthy Blood Sugar Levels Published July 20 2009 | Concepts: blood, sugar, blood sugar, Banaba, extract |
| The Junk Food Dilemma Calls for a Change in Mindset (Opinion) Published July 15 2009 | Concepts: food, sugar, junk food, mindset, heart |
| Use Lifestyle Remedies to Counteract Depression Published July 9 2009 | Concepts: food, remedies, lifestyle, depression, sugar |
| Think about Your Diet (Opinion) Published July 6 2009 | Concepts: diet, fat, food, disease, sugar |
| These Top Seven Herbs Promote Healthy Blood Sugar and Support Diabetes Published June 30 2009 | Concepts: blood, sugar, blood sugar, herbs, support |
| High-Fructose Corn Syrup and Diabetes: What the Experts Say Published June 17 2009 | Concepts: sugar, Amazon, corn, corn syrup, natural |
| Fluoridation is the Ultimate Deception (Opinion) Published June 16 2009 | Concepts: fluoride, health, fluoridation, water, dental |
| Sugar is Making a Comeback as a "Natural" Alternative to High-Fructose Corn Syrup Published June 15 2009 | Concepts: sugar, corn, alternative, natural, food |
| Health Minded Consumers are Tricked into Eating More Processed Sugar Published June 11 2009 | Concepts: sugar, health, eating, food, juice |
| Mental Health Tied to Chromium and Insulin Published June 9 2009 | Concepts: insulin, health, chromium, blood, diabetes |
| Adrenal Fatigue is the Root of Many Illnesses Published June 7 2009 | Concepts: stress, fatigue, sugar, blood, blood sugar |
| More Than 70 Companies Vow to Avoid Genetically Modified Sugar Beets Published May 27 2009 | Concepts: sugar, avoid, genetically modified, food, companies |
| What You Should Know About Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses Published May 20 2009 | Concepts: molasses, blackstrap molasses, sugar, health, food |
| Silk, SoyDream, Pacific Natural Foods and Vitasoy all Rebuked in New Soy Scorecard Ratings Published May 18 2009 | Concepts: soy, food, foods, natural, soybeans |
| Why You Should Avoid Fructose Sweetened Beverages Published May 6 2009 | Concepts: fructose, colon, health, avoid, glucose |
| Gabriel Cousens, Part III: Astounding Experiences of Healing Published May 5 2009 | Concepts: heal, sugar, people, healing, raw |
| Sweetened Beverage Intake Raises Heart Disease Risk in Women Published May 2 2009 | Concepts: beverages, risk, heart, disease, health |
| Boycott Kellogg's For Using Genetically Modified Sugar in its Cereal Products Published April 29 2009 | Concepts: sugar, genetically modified, genetically modified sugar, Kellogg's, boycott |
| Diabetes Increases Risk of Alzheimer's Disease Published April 2 2009 | Concepts: diabetes, Alzheimer's, sugar, blood sugar, blood |
| Health Ranger Posts "Jugo de Cana" Video Showing Raw Cane Juice Extraction in Ecuador Published March 18 2009 | Concepts: health, juice, raw, video, sugar cane |
| Four Basic Principles of Healthy Eating and Living Published February 27 2009 | Concepts: water, fat, food, salt, eating |
| Natural Diabetes Health: Ten Tips for Living with Type 2 Diabetes Published February 27 2009 | Concepts: diabetes, blood, tips, living, natural |
| Replace Sugar for Optimum Health Published February 25 2009 | Concepts: sugar, health, food, alternative, stevia |
| Chamomile Tea Lowers Blood Sugar in Diabetics by 25 Percent Published February 24 2009 | Concepts: sugar, chamomile, blood sugar, blood, tea |
| For Digestive Bliss Eat Foods that Don't Fight Published February 17 2009 | Concepts: food, protein, foods, acid, fruit |
| Aggressive Use of Diabetes Drugs Kills More People Than it Helps Published February 16 2009 | Concepts: aggressive, diabetes, drugs, people, diabetes drugs |
| Cinnamon Balances Blood Sugar and Lowers Cholesterol Published February 11 2009 | Concepts: cinnamon, blood, blood sugar, oil, cholesterol |
| Cut Sugary Beverages and Help Fight Against Diabetes Epidemic Published February 9 2009 | Concepts: diabetes, sugar, beverages, diabetic, health |
| Chocolate may be Beneficial for Chronic Fatigue Published January 29 2009 | Concepts: chocolate, fatigue, dark chocolate, chronic fatigue, sugar |
| Insulin, Leptin, and Blood Sugar – Why Diabetic Medication Fails Published January 23 2009 | Concepts: natural, NaturalNews, blood, medication, diabetic |
| Use the Glycemic Index Table to Achieve Healthy Weight Loss Published January 20 2009 | Concepts: weight, glycemic index, healthy, food, blood |
| Chamomile Tea Regulates Blood Sugar, Prevents and Manages Diabetes Published January 15 2009 | Concepts: chamomile, sugar, blood, blood sugar, tea |
| Coalition of Ethics-Based Investors Aim to Stop Planting of Genetically Modified Sugar Beets Published January 14 2009 | Concepts: sugar, genetically modified, genetically modified sugar, investors, beets |
| Hormones Part III: Optimal Levels of Cortisol, Insulin and Thyroid are Essential to Vibrant Health Published January 13 2009 | Concepts: thyroid, cortisol, hormone, insulin, body |
| How to Prevent Childhood Obesity Published January 7 2009 | Concepts: child, childhood, children, food, obesity |
| Optimal Levels of Cortisol, Insulin and Thyroid are Essential to Vibrant Health Published January 6 2009 | Concepts: thyroid, cortisol, hormone, insulin, body |
| Low-Carb Diets Do Not Have to be Stressful or Boring Published January 3 2009 | Concepts: diet, low-carb, protein, diets, food |
| Sleep May Be the Critical Factor for Weight Loss and Health Published January 3 2009 | Concepts: sleep, weight, carbohydrates, fat, body |
| Alpha Lipoic Acid: The Multi-Tasking Supplement Published December 23 2008 | Concepts: acid, lipoic acid, antioxidant, supplement, form |
| What they don’t tell you about the additives, colors and other things in your food Published December 23 2008 | Concepts: food, health, colors, disease, oils |
| Thiamine Found Important for Diabetics Published December 22 2008 | Concepts: thiamine, diabetics, diabetic, diabetes, patients |
| High Carbohydrate Diets Named as a Cause for Candida Published December 22 2008 | Concepts: candida, diet, diets, infection, symptoms |
| New Berry-Based Natural Sweetener "Brazzein" to Hit the Market in 2009 Published December 22 2008 | Concepts: sweetener, natural, natural sweetener, brazzein, natural sweeteners |
| High Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels Linked to Heart Disease Published December 15 2008 | Concepts: blood, sugar, blood sugar, heart, insulin |
| High Fiber Diets Support Weight Loss Published December 10 2008 | Concepts: fiber, weight, food, support, high fiber |
| Only One Chromium Supplement Helps People with Diabetes Published December 5 2008 | Concepts: chromium, men, supplement, people, diabetes |
| Studies Prove that Obesity has Nothing to do with Bad Genes Published December 4 2008 | Concepts: obesity, food, studies, foods, sugar |
| Stop Your Food Cravings Before They Start - An Interview With Jonny Bowden Published November 24 2008 | Concepts: food, cravings, health, food cravings, interview |
| Author Dr. Doug Graham (Part II): Fats, Sugars and Your Body Published November 20 2008 | Concepts: sugar, blood, fat, candida, body |
| Nutritionist Jonny Bowden (Part III): Food Supplements and Combinations that Make Sense Published November 19 2008 | Concepts: food, men, health, people, supplements |
| Ten Studies Showing the Link Between Sugar and Increased Cancer Risk Published November 17 2008 | Concepts: cancer, men, sugar, study, women |
| Review of the Best New Natural Appetite Suppressant Supplements, Including Pine Nut Oil Published November 7 2008 | Concepts: appetite, natural, food, weight, supplement |
| Simulin from Fruits Protects People From Diabetic Effects of Dietary Sugars Published November 7 2008 | Concepts: fruits, diabetic, people, dietary, research |
| Yoga More Effective Than Other Forms of Exercise in Treating Diabetes Published November 4 2008 | Concepts: yoga, exercise, diabetes, insulin, stress |
| Fruits are Loaded with Nutrients Published October 30 2008 | Concepts: fruit, fruits, antioxidant, man, food |
| Excuse Me, That Gas Lowers My Blood Pressure Published October 29 2008 | Concepts: blood, bacteria, food, sugar, produce |
| Nutritionist Jonny Bowden (Part I): Tips to Control Emotional Eating and Cravings Published October 27 2008 | Concepts: cravings, eating, health, emotional, food |
| This Halloween, Say No To Candy Containing GM Sugar Published October 26 2008 | Concepts: candy, Halloween, sugar, parents, child |
| Make Your Own Ethanol for $1 Per Gallon with New Microfueler From E-Fuel Corp Published October 21 2008 | Concepts: ethanol, fuel, sugar, cost, produce |
| Sugary Drinks Increase Risk of Type II Diabetes in African-American Women Published October 20 2008 | Concepts: diabetes, increase, sugary drinks, risk, WHO |
| Sweet Lies: How the Food Industry is Brainwashing the Public Published October 17 2008 | Concepts: food, corn, HFCS, industry, health |
| Boku Superfood Launches Enhanced Superfood Formula; Earns Editor's Choice Recommendation Published October 13 2008 | Concepts: food, organic, superfood, Boku, Boku Superfood |
| The Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup Published October 11 2008 | Concepts: corn, health, HFCS, Chi, man |
| White Sugar Now Coming From Genetically-Modified Sugar Beets Published October 7 2008 | Concepts: sugar, Roundup, beets, food, organic |
| Five Natural Ways to Decrease Your Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes Published October 2 2008 | Concepts: blood, sugar, diabetes, risk, natural |
| Grow Your Own Probiotics: Kombucha Tea (Part 2) Published October 1 2008 | Concepts: tea, acid, Kombucha tea, heal, body |
| How a Stressful State Leads to Chronic Fatigue (Part 2) Published October 1 2008 | Concepts: fat, energy, fatigue, chronic fatigue, body |
| Buy Your Poison - Aspartame, Diet Soda, Splenda Published September 24 2008 | Concepts: aspartame, Splenda, diet, diet soda, poison |
| Don't Drink Fruit Smoothies Made with Added Sugar, Warn Dentists Published September 18 2008 | Concepts: fruit, smoothies, fruit smoothies, sugar, added sugar |
| Ten Easy Ways to Incorporate Exercise Into Your Daily Routine Published September 16 2008 | Concepts: exercise, body, sugar, blood, blood sugar |
| Five Principles for Lifelong Blood Sugar Regulation Published September 16 2008 | Concepts: sugar, blood, blood sugar, heal, glucose |
| Diabetes 101: Solving the Diabetes Problem (Part 4 of 4) Published September 3 2008 | Concepts: insulin, diabetes, resistance, insulin resistance, health |
| Snacks That Build Healthy Teeth Can Help Stop Your Sweet Tooth Published September 3 2008 | Concepts: sugar, snacks, healthy, teeth, xylitol |
| Smaller, More Frequent Meals Prevents Rise in Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure Published August 23 2008 | Concepts: blood, meals, cholesterol, research, sugar |
| Olympian Michael Phelps Flakes Out with Paid Endorsement of Frosted Flakes Cereal Published August 20 2008 | Concepts: food, Michael Phelps, endorsement, celebrity endorsements, WHO |
| Loving Foods That Love You Back Published August 17 2008 | Concepts: food, foods, love, 5, NaturalNews |
| Interview with Steve Adler, Creator of "Sacred Chocolate" from Naturaw.com Published August 16 2008 | Concepts: chocolate, raw, man, food, sugar |
| Plant-Based Diets: An Overview of Options for Optimal Health Published August 12 2008 | Concepts: diet, food, heal, foods, raw |
| Organic Similac: Formula for Obesity? Published August 6 2008 | Concepts: infant formula, organic, baby, health, sugar |
| Author and Nutritionist David Wolfe Discusses Nutritional Myths Published August 2 2008 | Concepts: calcium, bone, health, bones, food |
| Avoid Sugar and Caffeine - Natural Energy Boosters That Work Published July 31 2008 | Concepts: energy, sugar, natural, avoid, caffeine |
| The Acid-Alkaline Food Guide: Interview with the Author Published July 24 2008 | Concepts: food, acid, foods, men, health |
| Seven Foods to Balance Your Blood Sugar Levels Published July 17 2008 | Concepts: sugar, blood sugar, blood, foods, weight |
| Product Reviews of Bear Fruit Bar, FruitFast Bar and Organic Food Bar (transcription) Published July 16 2008 | Concepts: food, organic, man, fruit, food bar |
| Sugary Drink Consumption Linked to Alzheimer's Disease Published July 14 2008 | Concepts: Alzheimer's, consumption, sugar, water, disease |
| Why Dermatologists Still Deny the Link Between Acne and Diet Published July 10 2008 | Concepts: acne, diet, dermatologists, study, life |
| Coccinia Indica Herb Lowers Blood Sugar Levels by 20 Percent in Type 2 Diabetics Published July 8 2008 | Concepts: blood, herb, blood sugar, blood sugar levels, research |
| The Politics of National Health Care Reform: Why no Popular Presidential Candidate can Solve Our Health Care Crisis (transcript) Published July 3 2008 | Concepts: health, disease, people, men, drug |
| The Dangers of Sugar and the Importance of Healthy Sugar Substitutes Published June 30 2008 | Concepts: sugar, healthy, dangers, aging, food |
| Can You Be Sabotaging Your Health by Not Knowing the Truth About Sugar? Published June 27 2008 | Concepts: sugar, glucose, blood, health, food |
| A Conversation With Larry Trivieri Jr, Co-Author of The Acid-Alkaline Food Guide Published June 21 2008 | Concepts: food, acid, foods, men, form |
| What You Can Do About Diabetes-Related Fungal Infections Published June 18 2008 | Concepts: diabetes, infections, skin, fungal infections, infection |
| The Dangers of Dehydration (Part I) Published June 16 2008 | Concepts: body, water, pain, dehydration, brain |
| Caffeine Consumption Hikes Blood Sugar Levels by 8 Percent for Diabetics Published June 12 2008 | Concepts: blood, caffeine, blood sugar, blood sugar levels, consumption |
| Mike Adams, Founder of the Consumer Wellness Center, Discusses Healthy Sweeteners Published June 12 2008 | Concepts: health, people, sugar, sweeteners, food |
| Review: The People's Guide to Health, Happiness and Longevity Reveals Life Enhancement Secrets of 12 Top Experts Published June 6 2008 | Concepts: health, heal, course, life, people |
| Fast-Food Liver Damage Can Be Reversed Published June 6 2008 | Concepts: liver, food, damage, diet, liver damage |
| Sucrose and Fructose Found to Promote Pancreatic Cancer Published June 5 2008 | Concepts: sucrose, fructose, cancer, risk, sugar |
| Raw Food Author Angela Stokes on the Importance of a Daily Food Plan Published June 5 2008 | Concepts: food, people, raw, raw food, food plan |
| The Health Ranger Reports on Health Transformation Breakthroughs from the Best Weekend Ever in Atlanta Published June 4 2008 | Concepts: food, natural, health, raw, NaturalNews |
| Cut Down on Sugar and Carbohydrates to Improve Health Published June 3 2008 | Concepts: sugar, carbohydrates, food, insulin, improve |
| Raw Foods That Increase Athletic Performance, by Triathlete Brendan Brazier Published June 3 2008 | Concepts: raw, food, body, foods, people |
| The ADHD Scam and the Mass Drugging of Schoolchildren (Transcript) Published May 30 2008 | Concepts: child, children, brain, drug, drugs |
| How to Cope With Food Cravings Published May 30 2008 | Concepts: foods, cravings, how to, health, sugar |
| High Blood Sugar Contributes to Pregnancy Complications Published May 29 2008 | Concepts: sugar, blood, blood sugar, pregnancy, high blood sugar |
| Matt Monarch on Over Eating, Energy, Sex and Love on a Raw Food Diet Published May 14 2008 | Concepts: raw, food, eating, raw food, energy |
| Control Candida in Two Weeks Published May 8 2008 | Concepts: candida, food, heal, glucose, sugar |
| A Plan for Living a Long and Healthy Life (Part 2) Published May 6 2008 | Concepts: cancer, heal, health, oil, fruit |
| Astaxanthin: The Little-Known Miracle Nutrient for Inflammation, Anti-Aging, Athletic Endurance and More Published May 6 2008 | Concepts: astaxanthin, natural, health, benefits, Vitacost |
| Is It Your Stomach or Is It Your Pancreas That's Causing Pain? Published May 5 2008 | Concepts: pancreas, pancreatitis, stomach, men, health |
| Natural Remedies for the Treatment of Diabetes Published April 24 2008 | Concepts: diabetes, men, natural, liver, health |
| An Overview of How Stress Kills and How to Develop Your StresSkills Published April 23 2008 | Concepts: stress, body, heal, men, mind |
| The Dangers of Sugars and 'Bad Fats' Explained Published April 23 2008 | Concepts: sugar, fat, fats, sugars, oil |
| The Candida and Fungus Among Us Published April 23 2008 | Concepts: candida, bacteria, health, sugar, healthy |
| Adequate Amounts of Omega-3 Oil May Help Prevent Heart Disease Published April 21 2008 | Concepts: acid, omega-3, oil, fat, food |
| Dr. Gabriel Cousens on Diabetes, Cell Memory and Reducing Blood Sugar Published April 14 2008 | Concepts: diabetes, food, people, toxins, health |
| Interview: Greg Kunin from Ola Loa reveals the health secrets of drinkable vitamins Published April 10 2008 | Concepts: people, body, WHO, Ola Loa, form |
| Xylitol - Is It Safe or Effective? Published April 10 2008 | Concepts: xylitol, heal, health, safe, 5 |
| 'Secretive' Chemicals Being Hidden in Food Under 'Artificial Flavors' Label Published April 10 2008 | Concepts: food, chemicals, chemical, sugar, salt |
| Are You Destined for Diabetes? Published April 9 2008 | Concepts: diabetes, sugar, blood, blood sugar, men |
| Interview with Alan Friedman from Good Cause Wellness about Antioxidants, Agave Nectar and Chia Seeds Published March 31 2008 | Concepts: products, men, health, chia, food |
| Zyprexa Warnings over Weight Gain, Blood Sugar Elevation Published March 25 2008 | Concepts: Zyprexa, blood, weight gain, weight, blood sugar |
| How food companies fool consumers with food coloring ingredients made from petrochemicals Published March 21 2008 | Concepts: food, color, colors, foods, artificial colors |
| Dr. Doug Graham's Thoughts on Empty Calories and Supplementation (Part 3) Published March 15 2008 | Concepts: food, calories, empty calories, people, heal |
| Dr. Doug Graham - The 80-10-10 Raw Foods Diet and How Much Fat to Eat (Part 2) Published March 14 2008 | Concepts: raw, diet, food, fat, sugar |
| Aloha Aspartame? Unfortunately, Not Yet Published March 11 2008 | Concepts: aspartame, FDA, Aloha, ban, sugar |
| Healing Illness - A Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol Published March 10 2008 | Concepts: cancer, heal, health, man, supplement |
| The Link Between Obesity, Cancer, and Toxicity: Detoxifying the Body (Part 2) Published March 10 2008 | Concepts: detox, detoxification, toxic, body, liver |
| Diet Sweeteners Can Make You Sick and Fat Published March 6 2008 | Concepts: food, sugar, sweeteners, diet, body |
| Finding Happiness the Natural Way Published March 6 2008 | Concepts: body, raw, mood, natural, heal |
| Review: The Best Tasting Green Superfood Powder Products Published February 28 2008 | Concepts: food, superfood, taste, nutrition, products |
| The Harmful Effects of Sugar and Choosing Healthy Alternatives Published February 21 2008 | Concepts: sugar, xylitol, stevia, healthy, taste |
| Planning to Lose Weight This Year? Supplement With Honey Published February 21 2008 | Concepts: honey, weight, sugar, tea, diet |
| How Sweet It Is: Our Love-Hate Relationship With Sweeteners Published February 15 2008 | Concepts: sugar, sweetener, xylitol, aspartame, natural |
| Reverse Prediabetes with Better Eating Habits and Supplements Published February 14 2008 | Concepts: blood, sugar, insulin, eating, prediabetes |
| Examining the Properties of Chocolate and Cacao for Health Published February 7 2008 | Concepts: cacao, chocolate, raw, 5, raw cacao |
| Fatal and Vital Foods - Popular Nutrition Myths Exposed Published February 7 2008 | Concepts: fat, sugar, fats, saturated fat, cholesterol |
| New Low-Glycemic Sweetener Isomaltulose (Palatinose) Approved by FDA Published February 6 2008 | Concepts: sweetener, sugar, products, sugars, the FDA |
| Natural Tooth Cure for Curing Cavities and Preventing Root Canals Published January 30 2008 | Concepts: tooth decay, heal, food, teeth, dental |
| Pistachio Power: Lowers Cholesterol and Blood Sugar, Relieves Stress Published January 18 2008 | Concepts: blood, cholesterol, pistachios, blood sugar, Bear Fruit |
| A Review of Sugar Shock by Connie Bennett Published January 16 2008 | Concepts: sugar, shock, book, review, form |
| Whole Grains Found to Stabilize Blood Sugar For up to Ten Hours Published January 12 2008 | Concepts: sugar, grains, blood sugar, blood, whole grains |
| Fatty Liver Risk Linked to High Glycemic Index Diet Published January 10 2008 | Concepts: liver, food, fatty liver, glycemic index, risk |
| Look Before You Eat: The Truth About the Glycemic Index Published January 3 2008 | Concepts: sugar, food, foods, diet, health |
| Product Review: Fruit and Vegetable Blends Better Than Just Juice Published January 2 2008 | Concepts: juice, fruit, vegetable, Japan, fruits |
| Many Sugar-Free Food Products Mislabeled, Warns FDA Published December 31 2007 | Concepts: food, sugar-free, sugar, products, food products |
| Interview with Dr. Hank Liers Part 5: Superior nutrition for pet health Published December 30 2007 | Concepts: men, form, vitamin C, heal, pets |
| Victoria Boutenko Shares How Her Family Went Raw Published December 18 2007 | Concepts: raw, food, raw food, family, Boutenko |
| Debating Honey: Symbiotic Food or Unnatural Poison? Published December 14 2007 | Concepts: honey, bees, food, sugar, heal |
| Inulin: Friend or Foe? Published December 10 2007 | Concepts: inulin, food, bacteria, colon, natural |
| Building and Maintaining Strong Vision for Life Published November 19 2007 | Concepts: eye, health, form, vision, food |
| Fungal Overgrowth Leads to Candida, IBS, and Crohn’s Disease Published November 14 2007 | Concepts: sugar, food, candida, foods, sugars |
| Halloween sugar, food additives and the commercialization of holidays Published October 30 2007 | Concepts: food, candy, Halloween, food additives, sugar |
| FDA seizes $71k in herbal tea products as campaign of censorship against nutritional supplements continues Published October 18 2007 | Concepts: FDA, the FDA, supplement, tea, supplements |
| FTC sues Kevin Trudeau over weight loss claims while ignoring Big Pharma monopoly pricing Published September 21 2007 | Concepts: weight, FTC, weight loss, the FTC, drug |
| New battery technology converts sugar water into electricity Published September 20 2007 | Concepts: sugar, water, fuel, technology, battery technology |
| The top ten consumer questions about superfruit juices: Pomegranate, blueberry, acai and cherry Published September 12 2007 | Concepts: juice, pomegranate, juices, heal, fruit |
| Eating diet of processed foods proven to raise cancer risk in women Published September 11 2007 | Concepts: cancer risk, cancer, blood sugar, diet, blood |
| What's best? Soy milk, cow's milk, raw milk and fermented milk (kefir) Published August 21 2007 | Concepts: milk, raw, cow's milk, raw milk, kefir |
| The nutrition secret behind The Secret Published August 9 2007 | Concepts: intention, food, power, foods, nervous system |
| Cacao stabilizes blood sugar; chocolate may actually help diabetics Published August 2 2007 | Concepts: blood sugar, chocolate, cacao, blood, diabetes |
| How food manufacturers trick consumers with deceptive ingredients lists Published July 10 2007 | Concepts: food, ingredients, consumers, food manufacturers, ingredients lists |
| Raw, "empowered" chocolate products launched by Empowered Foods; full review of sensational product line Published June 5 2007 | Concepts: chocolate, food, foods, raw, products |
| Glucosamine-like supplement inhibits multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes Published May 31 2007 | Concepts: supplement, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune disorders, diabetes, disease |
| The aloe vera miracle: A natural medicine for cancer, cholesterol, diabetes, inflammation, IBS, and other health conditions Published May 21 2007 | Concepts: aloe, aloe vera, aloe vera gel, blood, cancer |
| The top five cancer-causing foods Published April 24 2007 | Concepts: cancer, food, fat, foods, sugar |
| Animals are smarter than humans when it comes to feeding their children (opinion) Published April 6 2007 | Concepts: children, food, humans, health, milk |
| Nopal plant normalizes blood sugar, treats diabetes, boosts insulin sensitivity Published February 20 2007 | Concepts: blood sugar, nopal, diabetes, blood, men |
| The health care reform legislation that Congress should pass, but won't Published February 15 2007 | Concepts: health, drug, food, health care, disease |
| The healing power of honey: From burns to weak bones, raw honey can help Published January 26 2007 | Concepts: honey, raw honey, raw, burns, healing |
| Santa beats diabetes with nutrition and exercise just in time for Christmas Published December 25 2006 | Concepts: diabetes, nutrition, exercise, Christmas, sugar |
| From Processed Foods to Natural Wholesomeness Published December 17 2006 | Concepts: food, 5, foods, people, natural |
| Santa Claus turns to nutritional therapies to beat type-2 diabetes before Christmas Published December 11 2006 | Concepts: diabetes, type-2 diabetes, sugar, nutritional therapies, Santa Claus |
| Santa Claus diagnosed with type-2 diabetes; seeks nutritional solution in time for Christmas Published December 4 2006 | Concepts: diabetes, sugar, type-2 diabetes, Christmas, Santa Claus |
| American Diabetes Association receives millions each year from junk food companies, candy manufacturers and pharmaceutical firms Published November 27 2006 | Concepts: ADA, companies, diabetes, the ADA, food |
| GoodCause Wellness launches world's first agave-sweetened granola with chia, goji and blueberries Published November 17 2006 | Concepts: granola, chia, wellness, sugar, organic |
| Elevated blood sugar kills 3 million people world wide each year Published November 10 2006 | Concepts: blood, sugar, blood sugar, people, world |
| Soda warning: High sugar intake linked to pancreatic cancer Published November 9 2006 | Concepts: sugar, cancer, pancreatic cancer, soda, high-fructose corn syrup |
| Sugar industry claims Splenda engaged in deceptive marketing Published November 8 2006 | Concepts: Splenda, sugar, industry, claims, sugar industry |
| Study shows milk thistle extract treats diabetes by lowering blood sugar, protecting liver Published November 2 2006 | Concepts: diabetes, blood sugar, blood, shows, study |
| Child-centered marketing causing kids to carry unhealthy food habits into adulthood Published October 30 2006 | Concepts: child, children, marketing, food, caffeine |
| Don't spook kids by giving nutrient-lacking candy this Halloween Published October 30 2006 | Concepts: sugar, kids, candy, Halloween, shock |
| Diabetes detection breakthrough: Fluorescent light illuminates blood sugar disorders in patients Published October 27 2006 | Concepts: diabetes, sugar, blood, blood sugar, light |
| Pomegranate juice protects diabetics from heart disease Published October 18 2006 | Concepts: pomegranate, juice, pomegranate juice, heart, diabetics |
| Pomegranate Juice Could Benefit Diabetics (press release) Published October 13 2006 | Concepts: pomegranate, juice, pomegranate juice, diabetics, atherosclerosis |
| Supplementation with Chromium Picolinate Improves Glycemic Control, Attenuates Weight Gain (press release) Published October 9 2006 | Concepts: chromium, chromium picolinate, diabetes, weight, gain |
| Chronically high blood sugar linked to risk of cognitive impairment (press release) Published October 6 2006 | Concepts: blood, blood sugar, risk, high blood sugar, women |
| Restrict soda vending machines in public schools, says American Dietetic Association Published October 4 2006 | Concepts: soda, schools, vending machines, school, sugar |
| The top five foods for beating depression Published October 3 2006 | Concepts: depression, foods, food, brain, acid |
| Link proven between sugar consumption and hyperactivity, mental disorders in teens Published September 29 2006 | Concepts: hyperactivity, mental, mental disorders, consumption, soda |
| Exercise in Itself Improves Blood Glucose Control in Type 2 Diabetes (press release) Published September 27 2006 | Concepts: exercise, diabetes, blood, Type 2 diabetes, blood glucose |
| Exercise in Itself Improves Blood Glucose Control in Type 2 Diabetes (press release) Published September 25 2006 | Concepts: exercise, diabetes, blood, Type 2 diabetes, blood glucose |
| Breakthrough wellness supplements, part three: Wellness Support Network Published September 20 2006 | Concepts: supplements, food, form, support, supplement |
| Revealed: The best new raw food bars Published September 12 2006 | Concepts: food, raw, raw food, food bars, food bar |
| New process makes diesel fuel and industrial chemicals from simple sugar (press release) Published September 1 2006 | Concepts: fuel, chemicals, sugar, diesel fuel, industrial chemicals |
| Pomegranate juice shows stunning results in reducing heart disease risk factors, even for diabetics Published August 29 2006 | Concepts: juice, pomegranate, pomegranate juice, sugar, heart |
| Interview - Greg Kunin of Ola Loa explains why it's better for you to "drink your vitamins" for optimum nutrition Published August 17 2006 | Concepts: people, WHO, Ola Loa, vitamins, nutrient |
| Diabetics: Tight Blood Sugar Today Means Healthy Feet Tomorrow (press release) Published August 17 2006 | Concepts: sugar, blood, diabetes, blood sugar, neuropathy |
| Sugary drinks lead to weight gain, obesity, say researchers Published August 9 2006 | Concepts: obesity, lead, gain, soft drinks, weight |
| High Blood Sugar Can Be Deadly After Heart Attack (press release) Published August 8 2006 | Concepts: blood, blood sugar, high blood sugar, heart, heart attack |
| Herbal diabetes discovery: Chinese herb slashes blood sugar by 50 percent in three weeks Published August 1 2006 | Concepts: blood, diabetes, blood sugar, herb, Chinese |
| Heartburn sufferers shouldn't be too quick to reach for the antacids; heartburn medications do more harm than good Published July 25 2006 | Concepts: heartburn, heart, food, stomach, acid |
| Three-year-old children receiving dentures; rotten teeth due to diet now striking infants Published July 20 2006 | Concepts: diet, children, teeth, health, dental |
| Nearly two-thirds of Americans are concerned about the safety of artificial sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose Published July 7 2006 | Concepts: sweeteners, safety, artificial sweeteners, americans, aspartame |
| Natural breakthrough for blood sugar control: Glucotor supplement clinically proven to reduce blood sugar as well as diabetes drugs, without the side effects Published June 1 2006 | Concepts: 5, study, reduction, sugar, blood |
| Chocoholics rejoice; study shows that the flavanols in cocoa can reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer Published May 26 2006 | Concepts: cocoa, heart disease, heart, cancer, chocolate |
| The Honest Food Guide empowers consumers with independent information about foods and health Published May 25 2006 | Concepts: food, foods, health, people, disease |
| Human rights alert: Coca-Cola suppliers buy materials from El Salvador companies that practice child labor Published February 27 2006 | Concepts: child, child labor, El Salvador, Coca-Cola, human rights |
| Health roundup: Herb bashing, black box warnings and Honey Nut Cheerios (satire) Published February 16 2006 | Concepts: health, FDA, herb, warnings, drug |
| Chinese Medicine plus homeopathy: Interview with Gerald St. Clair of Ridgecrest Herbals Published February 12 2006 | Concepts: Chinese, medicine, Chinese medicine, herb, blood |
| Interview with Dr. Elson Haas, bestselling author, pioneering doctor and nutritional detox expert Published January 29 2006 | Concepts: people, detox, health, food, diet |
| Must-read for pet owners: Exclusive, shocking interview with Dr. Lisa Newman on the horrors of pet food ingredients (part 1 of 4) Published December 20 2005 | Concepts: food, pet food, Azmira, pet food ingredients, Dr. Lisa Newman |
| The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center: your gateway to healing and personal transformation at many levels Published December 18 2005 | Concepts: heal, food, foods, life, healing |
| Blaming dietary sodium for high blood pressure is too simplistic; the real problem may be mineral deficiencies Published December 14 2005 | Concepts: blood, blood pressure, salt, sodium, high blood pressure |
| Interview with "Kevala" Karen Parker, master raw foods chef Published November 29 2005 | Concepts: food, raw, foods, people, Kevala |
| Instant quinoa - an interview with Christina Mueller from the AltiPlano Gold Company Published November 4 2005 | Concepts: quinoa, protein, gold, AltiPlano Gold, interview |
| For healthy, acne-free skin, just say no to fried foods Published October 26 2005 | Concepts: food, foods, skin, heal, fried foods |
| Taste inflation revealed: why sugar, salt and fragrance make you stupid Published October 18 2005 | Concepts: taste, food, sugar, salt, inflation |
| The hidden dangers of caffeine: How coffee causes exhaustion, fatigue and addiction Published October 11 2005 | Concepts: caffeine, fatigue, coffee, stress, sugar |
| The Organic Food Bar packs a nutritional punch in portable form Published September 26 2005 | Concepts: food, food bar, health, organic, protein |
| The FDA Exposed: An Interview With Dr. David Graham, the Vioxx Whistleblower Published August 30 2005 | Concepts: drug, FDA, the FDA, drugs, people |
| The politics of sugar: why your government lies to you about this disease-promoting ingredient Published July 21 2005 | Concepts: sugar, food, politics, health, sugar industry |
| Interview with Dr. Ray Strand, author of Death by Prescription and Releasing Fat Published July 20 2005 | Concepts: drug, people, drugs, health, medication |
| Nutritional products from New Chapter and other health innovators Published July 11 2005 | Concepts: health, products, New Chapter, drug, cancer |
| Sugar, high-fructose corn syrup and type II diabetes Published July 7 2005 | Concepts: sugar, diabetes, fat, high-fructose corn syrup, blood |
| Aspartame promotes grand mal seizures, say health experts Published June 27 2005 | Concepts: aspartame, seizures, health, brain, grand mal seizures |
| The mass poisoning of humanity: an exploration of human stupidity Published June 13 2005 | Concepts: poison, toxic, food, chemical, drug |
| Clever firm manufactures biodegradable paper plates from sugar cane waste fibers Published June 9 2005 | Concepts: sugar cane, paper, products, sugar, paper products |
| White flour contains diabetes-causing contaminant alloxan Published June 2 2005 | Concepts: diabetes, alloxan, white flour, diabetic, insulin |
| American Diabetes Association peddling nutritional nonsense while accepting money from manufacturer of candy and sodas Published June 1 2005 | Concepts: sugar, diabetes, blood, insulin, food |
| Will that facelift get you a pay raise? Cosmetic surgery and your career Published May 26 2005 | Concepts: brain, men, health, brain function, brain exercise |
| The A-List: Top Products Recommended By Mike Adams Published May 24 2005 | Concepts: products, food, men, health, protein |
| An overview of new health products, plant technology, superfoods and natural health research breakthroughs Published May 22 2005 | Concepts: food, health, people, sun, WHO |
| General Mills takes leadership step in switching to whole grain breakfast cereals Published May 16 2005 | Concepts: General Mills, whole grain, sugar, nutrition, grains |
| Depression and mental disorders can be prevented and treated with simple healing foods Published April 7 2005 | Concepts: food, foods, mental, health, healing |
| Trim Spa weight loss supplement is formulated with effective ingredients Published March 1 2005 | Concepts: Trim Spa, weight, weight loss, sugar, food |
| Disease-promoting ingredients in everyday foods and groceries are far more dangerous than terrorists Published February 20 2005 | Concepts: food, foods, groceries, disease, ingredients |
| Spry dental gum prevents cavities with xylitol Published February 14 2005 | Concepts: Spry gum, flavor, dental, cavities, xylitol |
| Naturopathic physicians treat the whole patient, not just the symptoms of disease: an interview with Dr. Joseph Pizzorno Published February 8 2005 | Concepts: disease, drug, naturopathic physicians, medicine, conventional medicine |
| How to (not!) get fat in five easy steps Published February 7 2005 | Concepts: food, fat, body, foods, weight |
| Breakthrough cure for diabetes isn't so; news headlines mislead type 2 diabetics Published February 1 2005 | Concepts: diabetes, cure, headlines, cure for diabetes, news |
| Five appetite control foods that suppress cravings without adding calories Published January 20 2005 | Concepts: food, calories, appetite, foods, hunger |
| The unauthorized history of Coca-Cola (satire) Published January 14 2005 | Concepts: coca, cola, Coca-Cola, soft drinks, calcium |
| The health effects of drinking soda - quotes from the experts Published January 8 2005 | Concepts: soft drinks, calcium, diet, food, phosphorus |
| Consumption of soft drinks and high-fructose corn syrup linked to obesity and diabetes Published December 26 2004 | Concepts: corn, corn syrup, obesity, diabetes, high-fructose corn syrup |
| Disease names like diabetes and osteoporosis are misleading and misinform patients about disease prevention Published December 10 2004 | Concepts: disease, osteoporosis, cholesterol, medicine, high cholesterol |
| How to slash national health care costs by 90% through education, nutrition, and a ban on junk food marketing Published December 5 2004 | Concepts: food, health, nutrition, foods, disease |
| Opinion: Ensure is primarily sugar water, marketed with misleading statements that deceive consumers Published December 5 2004 | Concepts: sugar, Ensure, water, nutrition, ingredients |
| Q&A: What's the real story about sugar, does it turn into body fat, how does it affect health? Published October 24 2004 | Concepts: sugar, fuel, body, refined white sugar, fat |
| Sugar industry denies links between sugars and obesity Published October 24 2004 | Concepts: sugar, food, industry, sugar industry, coca |
| How to reduce blood sugar levels by understanding glycogen storage and body fat Published October 24 2004 | Concepts: sugar, blood, blood sugar, glycogen, body |
| Reversing diabetes means making tough choices in foods, nutrition and exercise Published October 24 2004 | Concepts: diabetes, body, fat, foods, car |
| How do I keep my blood sugar down without taking insulin or medications? Published October 19 2004 | Concepts: sugar, blood sugar, blood, insulin, food |
| Kellogg's launches reduced sugar breakfast cereals, but white flour content remains high Published August 19 2004 | Concepts: sugar, breakfast cereals, white flour, Kellogg's, breakfast |
| New research shows cancer caused by carbohydrates, sugars, white flour, and corn syrup Published August 8 2004 | Concepts: cancer, white flour, carbohydrates, refined carbohydrates, research |
| Do net carbs on low carb food labels tell the truth about carbohydrates? Published August 8 2004 | Concepts: food, low carb, food labels, net carbs, low carb foods |
| Bush Administration Censors Scientists In Order to Promote A Distorted, Politically Motivated Scientific View Published August 7 2004 | Concepts: Bush Administration, Bush, scientists, scientific, health |
| A High-Carbohydrate Diet With Added Sugars Doubles Your Risk of Breast Cancer, Says New Research Published August 6 2004 | Concepts: sugar, breast cancer, added sugars, diet, health |
| Osteoporosis remains undiagnosed in millions of Americans; here's how to beat the disease with nutrition, exercise and sunlight Published July 31 2004 | Concepts: bone, body, osteoporosis, sun, bone mass |
| New herbal supplement product uses green tea and cinnamon for controlling diabetes Published July 28 2004 | Concepts: green tea, cinnamon, supplement, green, blood sugar |
| Anti-drug vaccination plan could immunize people from effects of cocaine, heroin and nicotine Published July 26 2004 | Concepts: vaccination, cocaine, heroin, drug, vaccinations |
| Diabetics advised to avoid caffeine; new study shows radical blood sugar effects Published July 26 2004 | Concepts: caffeine, blood sugar, diabetics, blood, study |
| The Top Ten Technologies: #10 Superlearning Systems Published July 14 2004 | Concepts: learning, men, superlearning, child, brain |
| Atkins Diet causes sales of SlimFast to plummet; the meal replacement
product is made primarily with refined white sugar! Published June 9 2004 | Concepts: SlimFast, diet, atkins diet, plummet, sales |
| Diabetes and obesity linked to the consumption of high fructose corn
syrup and refined sugars Published May 12 2004 | Concepts: sugar, diabetes, corn, food, consumption |
| USDA is too tough on cattle industry, say lawmakers from Virginia and Texas Published January 22 2004 | Concepts: industry, USDA, cattle, lawmakers, cattle industry |
| The U.S. is the world's largest manufacturer and exporter of disease Published January 21 2004 | Concepts: people, sugar, foods, disease, world |
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