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plastic feature articles
BPA causes changes to your brain, not just your body Published September 19 2012 | Concepts: BPA, brain, changes, causes, paper |
| Are cigarette smokers inhaling fumes from plastic? Published August 29 2012 | Concepts: tobacco, smoke, smokers, fumes, smoking |
| Plastic waste garbage floating in Pacific Ocean has increased 100-fold Published May 15 2012 | Concepts: ocean, plastic, floating, Pacific Ocean, waste |
| Turning plastic into oil would eliminate plastic waste and stick it to greedy oil companies Published May 9 2012 | Concepts: plastic, oil, waste, machine, fuel |
| Testament to our electronic age - chin implants on the rise Published April 25 2012 | Concepts: implants, surgery, appearance, chin implants, plastic |
| Anti-cancer fungus found to naturally eat away plastic waste Published February 27 2012 | Concepts: plastic, fungus, bioremediation, anti-cancer, naturally |
| Coca-Cola influences Grand Canyon officials to scrap plastic bottle ban Published November 11 2011 | Concepts: Grand Canyon, bottle, Coca-Cola, plastic, ban |
| Microwave containers leaching toxins into food at alarming rates Published November 9 2011 | Concepts: food, microwave, plastic, toxins, plastics |
| Eliminate and reverse BPA toxicity Published October 27 2011 | Concepts: BPA, food, reverse, probiotic, protection |
| Use of plastic products linked to cancer and impairment of the immune system Published October 24 2011 | Concepts: plastic, products, cancer, car, food |
| BPA may cause severe retardation in future generations Published October 19 2011 | Concepts: BPA, plastic, future, food, cleaning |
| The cancer solution (opinion) Published October 8 2011 | Concepts: cancer, food, body, solution, cancer cells |
| Group pushes for regulation of toxic chemicals in EU Published September 21 2011 | Concepts: toxic, phthalates, chemicals, toxic chemicals, regulation |
| Patients now turning to plastic surgery for cosmetic facial bone alterations Published July 27 2011 | Concepts: surgery, bone, plastic, plastic surgery, patients |
| Bottled Water is hazardous to you and our world Published June 19 2011 | Concepts: water, bottle, bottled water, plastic, environment |
| Health experts announce 5 ways to protect children from toxic chemicals Published June 17 2011 | Concepts: children, health, toxic, experts, health experts |
| European Union may ban plastic shopping bags Published May 26 2011 | Concepts: plastic, ban, plastic bags, european union, people |
| Are BPA alternatives potentially just as dangerous as Bisphenol-A? Published May 24 2011 | Concepts: BPA, alternatives, plastic, dangerous, safe |
| Long-term storable superfoods launched by preparedness company StorableOrganics.com Published May 9 2011 | Concepts: food, foods, superfoods, superfood, preparedness |
| How legalizing hemp would be a boon to humanity Published April 2 2011 | Concepts: hemp, plastic, legalizing, paper, ban |
| Plastic surgeon sets patient on fire during breast augmentation procedure, then blames burn marks on allergic reaction Published March 25 2011 | Concepts: burn marks, breast augmentation, plastic, UK, medical |
| Understand what BPA is Published March 10 2011 | Concepts: BPA, plastic, plastics, health, chemicals |
| Avoid petroleum in beauty products Published March 8 2011 | Concepts: petroleum, beauty, products, avoid, beauty products |
| How to determine which plastics are safe for storing foods or beverages Published February 16 2011 | Concepts: plastic, plastics, men, health, foods |
| Chinese companies mass producing fake rice out of plastic Published February 15 2011 | Concepts: rice, Chinese, companies, food, plastic |
| Drink water from safe containers (Opinion) Published February 10 2011 | Concepts: water, plastic, safe, bottles, bottled water |
| New biodegradable foam could replace oil-based plastics Published November 28 2010 | Concepts: biodegradable, plastic, sources, environment, research |
| Many plastic products contain other harmful chemical toxins besides BPA Published October 19 2010 | Concepts: plastic, products, phthalates, chemical, plastics |
| Stainless steel water bottles: Are they better than plastic and glass? Published September 16 2010 | Concepts: bottle, water, stainless steel, plastic, bottles |
| Natural health movement achieving key victories over HFCS, MSG, GMOs and more Published August 31 2010 | Concepts: health, food, natural, chemical, MSG |
| New plastic technology limits toxic outgasing Published August 15 2010 | Concepts: plastic, technology, toxic, chemicals, chemical |
| Reasons Why Everyone Should Avoid Bottled Water Published August 15 2010 | Concepts: water, bottle, bottled water, health, reasons |
| Froot Loops contaminated with 2-methylnaphthalene chemical (opinion) Published August 6 2010 | Concepts: chemical, 2-methylnaphthalene, food, Froot Loops, safe |
| FDA reverses position on BPA in plastics, now admits concern over the chemical Published June 17 2010 | Concepts: BPA, plastics, FDA, food, plastic |
| Two of the best and greenest reusable food container brands Published May 29 2010 | Concepts: food, lunch, safe, plastic, organic |
| BPA hormone disruptor now contaminates Earth's oceans, scientists warn Published April 13 2010 | Concepts: BPA, plastic, oceans, scientists, hormone |
| Eight Little Changes Make a Big Difference Published April 3 2010 | Concepts: food, changes, foods, health, GMO |
| BPA Plastics and PBDEs Increase Concerns for Infertility Published February 22 2010 | Concepts: BPA, men, plastics, increase, infertility |
| BPA Plastic Chemical Linked to Aggression, Hyperactivity in Toddlers Published February 16 2010 | Concepts: hyperactivity, BPA, chemical, aggression, plastic |
| Farmers Extend Growing Season Using Plastic, Recycled Bottles and Hoop Tunnels Published February 15 2010 | Concepts: farmers, plastic, farm, growing season, bottles |
| Plant-Based Plastics to Replace Petroleum Plastics? Published January 30 2010 | Concepts: petroleum, plastic, plastics, products, cost |
| New study confirms bisphenol A found in plastic is linked to heart disease Published January 18 2010 | Concepts: BPA, plastic, heart, study, bisphenol A |
| Phthalate warning: Medications contain chemicals that "feminize" unborn baby boys Published November 17 2009 | Concepts: men, phthalates, chemicals, chemical, baby |
| Car parts made from hemp Published November 16 2009 | Concepts: car, hemp, parts, car parts, Ford |
| Drinking From Plastic Raises BPA Levels 70 percent Published October 14 2009 | Concepts: BPA, plastic, drinking, chemical, bottles |
| Action Needed: The Case for Recycling Published August 1 2009 | Concepts: plastic, recycling, water, man, form |
| Composting: Give Back to Mother Earth Published July 21 2009 | Concepts: compost, composting, green, cleaning, soil |
| Everyday Ways You Damage Your DNA Published July 18 2009 | Concepts: damage, plastic, DNA, radiation, health |
| Avoid Plastic Dry Cleaner Bags Published June 30 2009 | Concepts: plastic, avoid, cloth, environment, plastic bags |
| Health Ranger Launches "Valley of Longevity" Shampoo - 98% Organic and 100% Fragrance-Free Published June 10 2009 | Concepts: shampoo, organic, natural, health, products |
| Dentists Still Using Plastic Sealants, Despite BPA Toxicity Published April 8 2009 | Concepts: BPA, plastic, dentists, dental, men |
| Interview with Dr. Boris Worm, Marine Biologist, on Overfishing, Aquatic Ecosystems, Aquaculture Farming and More Published April 6 2009 | Concepts: fish, ocean, ecosystem, people, ecosystems |
| Reduce Exposure to Dangerous Bisphenol A Published March 18 2009 | Concepts: BPA, bisphenol A, food, exposure, dangerous |
| Six Baby Bottle Manufacturers Quietly Agree to Remove Bisphenol-A (BPA) from Baby Bottles Published March 9 2009 | Concepts: 5, BPA, AMA, bottle, Amazon |
| Grow It Yourself: Save Money, Help Earth, and Improve Your Quality of Life Published February 23 2009 | Concepts: food, garden, earth, world, money |
| Ban Plastic Water Bottles Published January 30 2009 | Concepts: water, bottle, plastic, bottles, water bottles |
| Mike Adams Talks About the Dangers and Myths About Plastic Water Bottles Published December 1 2008 | Concepts: water, bottle, plastic, bottles, Mike Adams |
| Avoiding Phthalates Is an Important Key to Being Healthy Published November 6 2008 | Concepts: phthalates, avoiding, plastic, men, baby |
| Why Hydrogenated Oils Should be Avoided at All Costs Published November 4 2008 | Concepts: oil, food, oils, heal, hydrogenated oils |
| Parents Buy Their Teenage Girls Breast Augmentation Surgery as Birthday Presents Published October 20 2008 | Concepts: surgery, breast augmentation, parents, girls, teenage girls |
| Plastic Outrage - Children in Danger from Bisphenol A Published October 8 2008 | Concepts: natural, NaturalNews, plastic, danger, children |
| Top Ten Ways to Reduce Plastic Consumption Published September 16 2008 | Concepts: plastic, natural health news, natural cures |
| Research Links Plastics Containing Bisphenol A to Heart Disease and Diabetes Published September 16 2008 | Concepts: BPA, health, plastics, disease, plastic |
| Top 10 Ways to Reduce Plastic Consumption Published September 4 2008 | Concepts: plastic, natural health news, natural cures |
| FDA Declares Bisphenol-A Plastics Chemical Safe Enough for Babies to Drink Published August 28 2008 | Concepts: FDA, chemical, plastics, safe, plastic |
| Bisphenol A Chemical in Plastic Bottles Harms Children, Feds Conclude Published August 27 2008 | Concepts: bisphenol A, children, chemical, plastic, bottles |
| Twelve Natural Health Tips for Smart Travel Published July 28 2008 | Concepts: food, health, natural, travel, superfood |
| Chemical Causes of Diabetes: Overeating Is Not the Only Problem Published July 25 2008 | Concepts: diabetes, men, 5, food, chemical |
| The Recipe for Oleander Soup - Make Your own Cancer and HIV Remedy (Part 1) Published July 2 2008 | Concepts: Oleander, soup, cancer, oil, recipe |
| Choosing Natural Cork Wine Bottles Is an Environmentally Friendly Choice Published June 7 2008 | Concepts: cork, wine, bottles, natural, health |
| Chemicals in Plastic Shown to Cause Reproductive and Neurological Disorders Published May 8 2008 | Concepts: plastic, BPA, neurological, chemicals, human |
| Edible Plastic Wrap for Food Kills Bacteria While It Flavors Your Burger Published May 6 2008 | Concepts: food, bacteria, plastic wrap, edible, natural |
| 3.5 Million Tons of Plastic Debris Now Floating in the Pacific Published May 2 2008 | Concepts: plastic, debris, floating, ocean, garbage |
| Protecting Our Children From Toxic Toys Published April 11 2008 | Concepts: toys, children, chemical, safe, toxic |
| Plastic Waste is Turning the North Pacific Ocean Into a Garbage Dump Published March 25 2008 | Concepts: plastic, ocean, garbage, Pacific Ocean, waste |
| Estrogen Mimicry of Bisphenol-A Threatens Human and Animal Health Published March 17 2008 | Concepts: BPA, human, Bisphenol-A, exposure, estrogen |
| Toxic Soup of Plastic Debris, Twice the Size of US, Forms in the Pacific Ocean Published March 10 2008 | Concepts: plastic, soup, ocean, debris, toxic |
| Governor Schwarzenegger Backed Immoral Sex Pheromone Spraying Continues... Published February 8 2008 | Concepts: men, chemical, human, heal, chemicals |
| Research Biased on Harmful Chemical BPA, New Report States Published January 25 2008 | Concepts: Bisphenol-A, chemical, men, BPA, research |
| Thousands Exposed to Poison by Government's Aerial Spraying Published December 31 2007 | Concepts: men, chemical, heal, human, health |
| Industrial Chemicals Lead to a Toxic Body Burden Published November 16 2007 | Concepts: chemicals, body, chemical, industrial chemicals, toxic |
| The top ten consumer questions about superfruit juices: Pomegranate, blueberry, acai and cherry Published September 12 2007 | Concepts: juice, pomegranate, juices, heal, fruit |
| Bisphenol A chemical commonly found in canned soup and food storage plastics Published August 9 2007 | Concepts: food, plastic, chemical, BPA, bisphenol A |
| Pepsi admits Aquafina comes from tap water Published August 2 2007 | Concepts: water, Pepsi, PepsiCo, Aquafina, bottle |
| San Francisco becomes first U.S. city to ban plastic grocery bags Published March 28 2007 | Concepts: plastic, San Francisco, ban, legislation, shopping bags |
| Product review: Read this before buying the AeroGrow AeroGarden countertop herb garden Published February 21 2007 | Concepts: Aerogarden, water, Aerogrow, nutrient, plants |
| Plastic circuitry breakthrough may revolutionize electronics industry Published January 15 2007 | Concepts: plastic, electronics, e-paper, plastics, semiconductors |
| Researcher calling for ban of plastics chemical says major chemical company tried to silence his report Published December 5 2006 | Concepts: chemical, BPA, plastics, ban, research |
| Solar energy: Charged for the future (press release) Published November 2 2006 | Concepts: solar cell, solar cells, future, 5, efficiency |
| Brown engineers build a better battery -- with plastic (press release) Published November 2 2006 | Concepts: plastic, power, form, storage, store |
| Wood fibers make plastics stronger, more biodegradable Published October 25 2006 | Concepts: wood, plastics, plastic, cellulose, research |
| The recycling contradiction: Why recycling alone fails to protect the environment Published September 29 2006 | Concepts: recycling, products, environment, the environment, chemical |
| Plastics chemical bisphenol-A may promote breast cancer Published August 28 2006 | Concepts: plastics, chemical, Bisphenol-A, BPA, food storage containers |
| Biodegradable plastics breakthrough creates plastic tableware from cornstarch Published August 24 2006 | Concepts: plastic, plastics, biodegradable, biodegradable packaging, products |
| Breakthrough Food Technology Process Protects Foods With Thin Film Made From Natural Ingredients; Replaces Plastic Wrap Published August 6 2004 | Concepts: food, film, technology, foods, chitosan |
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