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labeling feature articles
Monsanto, pesticide companies have now spent more than $19 million to kill Prop. 37 Published September 21 2012 | Concepts: Monsanto, companies, food, California, pesticide |
| Watch the ad that exposes false science throughout history: Tobacco, DDT, GMOs Published September 20 2012 | Concepts: GMO, DDT, tobacco, science, GMOs |
| 37 reasons why California's Prop. 37 MUST pass Published September 19 2012 | Concepts: GMO, GMOs, food, reasons, labeling |
| What exactly are GMOs and why should they be labeled? Published September 19 2012 | Concepts: GMO, GMOs, natural, article, farm |
| Bad science busted: New 'study' from UC Davis about costs of GMO labeling funded by biotechnology industry Published September 18 2012 | Concepts: GMO, labeling, GMO labeling, science, costs |
| Monsanto supported GMO labeling in Europe, but not in US Published September 16 2012 | Concepts: Monsanto, GMO, labeling, GMO labeling, Europe |
| 'No on 37' campaign against GMO labeling exposed as complete fraud Published September 5 2012 | Concepts: GMO, campaign, labeling, California, GMO labeling |
| Monsanto shells out $4.2 million to sabotage California GMO labeling initiative Published August 22 2012 | Concepts: California, GMO, labeling, GMO labeling, food |
| Natural brands betray consumers over GMO labeling: NaturalNews issues boycott of Kashi, Silk, Larabar and more Published August 16 2012 | Concepts: natural, NaturalNews, food, GMO, consumers |
| NaturalNews, Health Ranger officially endorse GMO labeling ballot measure; Vote YES on 37 'Right to Know' in California Published August 16 2012 | Concepts: GMO, food, YES on 37, labeling, ballot measure |
| Texas Republican Party calls for mandatory GMO labeling, legalized raw milk, complete elimination of TSA Published July 18 2012 | Concepts: party, Texas, labeling, raw milk, natural |
| 92 percent of Americans want the FDA to label GMO foods - Sign this labeling petition if you're one of them Published July 12 2012 | Concepts: GMO, petition, labeling, foods, FDA |
| Mystery meat in America? WTO strikes down country-of-origin labeling in U.S. grocery stores Published July 7 2012 | Concepts: meat, labeling, mystery meat, America, country of origin |
| Hungry Man frozen dinner company sued over allegations of false trans fats labeling Published June 30 2012 | Concepts: fat, trans fat, trans fats, food, man |
| AMA backs unlabeled GMO foods -- if they're 'verified' Published June 28 2012 | Concepts: GMO, AMA, GMOs, foods, the AMA |
| Rand Paul among Senate members who voted against GMO labeling amendment Published June 22 2012 | Concepts: GMO, GMO labeling, Senate, federal, states |
| The case for mandatory GMO labeling - even if you believe in limited government and the free market Published June 18 2012 | Concepts: GMO, labeling, food, GMO labeling, government |
| GMO labeling victory! Measure accepted onto California ballot; now the real battle begins Published June 13 2012 | Concepts: GMO, California, labeling, GMO labeling, ballot measure |
| GMOs - It's time for change Published June 12 2012 | Concepts: food, labeling, California, GMOs, GMO |
| 100 percent false labeling - and it's legal! Published June 11 2012 | Concepts: labeling, natural, ice, laws, lawsuit |
| NYT distorts GMO labeling issue, tries to make it a debate about crop yields Published June 11 2012 | Concepts: GMO, labeling, GMOs, crop, NYT |
| Health freedom victory: Organic farmers file appeal vs. Monsanto Published June 6 2012 | Concepts: farmers, Monsanto, farm, organic, GMO |
| Beware of 'natural' food fraud Published June 3 2012 | Concepts: food, natural, labeling, pomegranate, foods |
| 'Label It Yourself' campaign urges the People to begin labeling GMOs now Published June 1 2012 | Concepts: GMO, GMOs, food, labeling, campaign |
| USDA to mask sodium benzoate preservative with new 'anti-microbial' label to trick consumers Published May 25 2012 | Concepts: USDA, sodium benzoate, sodium, food, preservative |
| Coca-Cola dodges federal false advertising claim on its so-called "pomegranate" juice Published May 24 2012 | Concepts: false advertising, pomegranate, Coca-Cola, juice, federal |
| New technology can detect as little as 0.1 percent GMO contamination in crops, food Published May 21 2012 | Concepts: GMO, contamination, technology, crops, food |
| Drop the moneybomb on Monsanto - join the global fundraiser for victory on GMO labeling Published May 4 2012 | Concepts: food, consumers, organic, GMO, Monsanto |
| Starbucks bows to public pressure, removes 'bug juice' from strawberry flavoring Published April 27 2012 | Concepts: Starbucks, carmine, news, natural, insects |
| Citizens, OCA pledge to help Vermont and other states raise money to fight Monsanto Published April 24 2012 | Concepts: Vermont, Monsanto, GMO, support, states |
| Hawaii wants GMO foods labeled (opinion) Published April 24 2012 | Concepts: GMO, foods, food, GMO foods, Hawaii |
| Is Vermont's Governor Surrendering to Monsanto? Published April 21 2012 | Concepts: Monsanto, Vermont, food, consumers, labeling |
| Monsanto threatens Vermont legislature over GMO labeling bill, says it will sue state Published April 20 2012 | Concepts: Vermont, GMO, GMO labeling, food, Monsanto |
| Millions against Monsanto: The food fight of our lives Published April 15 2012 | Concepts: food, Monsanto, GMO, Genetic, California |
| Take action to support 'Genetically Engineered Food Right to Know Act' Published March 29 2012 | Concepts: food, GMO, right to know, action, natural |
| Know the difference: 'Natural' foods are not organic, often contain GMOs and other toxins Published March 14 2012 | Concepts: organic, products, GMOs, natural, foods |
| FDA petition to label GMOs nears one million signatures - sign it today! Published March 13 2012 | Concepts: petition, FDA, GMOs, labeling, food |
| Groups push for FDA to require specific labeling of added sugars in foods Published March 12 2012 | Concepts: sugars, sugar, FDA, added sugars, labeling |
| U.S. Army dietician promotes mess hall labeling system that places warning on desserts and fried foods Published March 6 2012 | Concepts: army, mess hall, soldier, food, health |
| Neotame the next aspartame? FDA doesn't require labeling of chemical sweetener created by Monsanto Published February 6 2012 | Concepts: neotame, FDA, chemical, sweetener, labeling |
| Check out LabelGMOs.org to learn more about grassroots advocacy of GMO labeling Published January 28 2012 | Concepts: GMO, grassroots, labeling, food, website |
| Health Ranger signs 'Just Label It' petition to demand labeling of GMOs on food products Published January 24 2012 | Concepts: petition, food, labeling, GMOs, health |
| Help support the GMO labeling campaign in California Published January 24 2012 | Concepts: GMO, food, California, labeling, foods |
| Powerful activism to demand labeling of GMOs - watch 'Labels Matter' and sign the petition now! Published January 23 2012 | Concepts: GMOs, petition, food, labeling, GMO |
| Senator pushes for GMO labeling in Washington State Published January 17 2012 | Concepts: GMO, labeling, GMO labeling, Washington, food |
| Adya Clarity response: Label to be modified for full transparency, no internal use marketing without clinical proof (updated) Published October 28 2011 | Concepts: Adya Clarity, marketing, labeling, Raw Food World, people |
| NaturalNews issues consumer alert about Adya Clarity, imported as battery acid and sold for internal consumption Published October 28 2011 | Concepts: Adya Clarity, iron, aluminum, men, water |
| Celebrate GMO Awareness Week by supporting California labeling initiative, educating friends and family about dangers of frankenfoods Published October 7 2011 | Concepts: GMO, labeling, GMOs, awareness, California |
| Organic consumers rally at Whole Foods to demand GMO labeling Published October 6 2011 | Concepts: GMO, food, foods, whole foods, consumers |
| Death blow to GMOs? California ballot initiative calls for mandatory labeling of all genetically engineered foods Published October 3 2011 | Concepts: GMO, labeling, news, California ballot initiative, California |
| Health Ranger speaks out against GMOs on steps of capitol building in Austin, Texas Published October 3 2011 | Concepts: GMO, GMOs, labeling, health, Health Ranger |
| Chuck Norris strikes back against GMOs, Codex, and government assault against health freedom Published September 29 2011 | Concepts: health, GMOs, CODEX, government, assault |
| Yeast extract is hidden source of MSG in your food: Here's where its found Published September 13 2011 | Concepts: MSG, food, yeast, extract, yeast extract |
| Biotech industry at war over GMOs; millions of dollars funneled to lawmakers Published August 19 2011 | Concepts: Monsanto, GMOs, GMO, food, war |
| Truth advocates push for GMO labeling initiative to be placed on 2012 California ballot Published August 11 2011 | Concepts: GMO, labeling, California, GMOs, GMO labeling |
| Monsanto Nation: Taking Down Goliath Published July 27 2011 | Concepts: food, Monsanto, foods, consumers, labeling |
| Psychiatric disease labeling of children exposed as scam by non-profit group Published July 26 2011 | Concepts: children, labeling, child, disease, drug |
| Group sues cosmetic companies for falsely labeling products organic Published July 9 2011 | Concepts: organic, products, companies, labeling, cosmetic companies |
| Durbin 'Dietary Supplement Labeling Act' to reward FDA for failures and punish responsible supplement producers Published July 6 2011 | Concepts: supplement, FDA, labeling, the FDA, dietary |
| Environmental group sues 26 companies for false organic labeling of personal care products Published June 22 2011 | Concepts: organic, products, environmental, personal care, companies |
| Organic Consumers Association takes aim at Whole Foods over labeling of GM foods Published May 13 2011 | Concepts: foods, food, organic, whole foods, labeling |
| California to mandate labeling for GMO salmon Published May 11 2011 | Concepts: labeling, California, GMO, mandate, fish |
| Join the CFS Virtual Rally for the Right to Know and demand that Congress label GMOs Published March 29 2011 | Concepts: GMO, labeling, Congress, rally, right to know |
| GM soy making its way into the UK food chain through animal feed Published March 28 2011 | Concepts: soy, food, UK, food chain, GM soy |
| Consumer activists unite to demand labeling of genetically modified foods Published March 25 2011 | Concepts: labeling, genetically modified, activists, rally, 2011 |
| Join OCA in grassroots fight to stop GMO takeover Published February 20 2011 | Concepts: GMO, organic, grassroots, alfalfa, products |
| Testing expert says labeling GMOs does not increase food costs Published February 18 2011 | Concepts: food, labeling, increase, testing, GMOs |
| Cornucopia Institute pushes USDA to crack down on organic labeling confusion Published February 18 2011 | Concepts: organic, Cornucopia, labeling, USDA, organic labeling |
| Monsanto nation: Exposing Monsanto's minions Published February 9 2011 | Concepts: Monsanto, organic, food, GMO, farm |
| The Organic Elite Surrender to Monsanto - What Now? Published February 1 2011 | Concepts: organic, food, GMO, Monsanto, foods |
| Study author calls on FDA to require truthful trans fat labeling (how about GMOs as well?) Published January 6 2011 | Concepts: fat, trans fat, labeling, FDA, GMOs |
| Poor labeling on children's medications causing overdoses Published December 2 2010 | Concepts: medicine, medicines, children, medications, labeling |
| FDA refuses to require labeling of genetically modified salmon Published September 27 2010 | Concepts: salmon, FDA, genetically modified, labeling, Genetic |
| Have you noticed mainstream health news getting crazier lately? Published September 24 2010 | Concepts: health, news, health news, mainstream media, vaccine |
| FDA will Ban Food Makers from Telling the Truth about Non-GMO Foods Published September 24 2010 | Concepts: FDA, food, the FDA, GMO, health |
| Consumers demand labeling of GM salmon, if approved Published September 23 2010 | Concepts: labeling, salmon, consumers, GM salmon, FDA |
| US opposes honest labeling of GMO foods Published July 9 2010 | Concepts: GMO, labeling, GMOs, food, FDA |
| Nutrition labels could be mandated on package fronts Published June 30 2010 | Concepts: nutrition, labels, nutrition labels, labeling, information |
| 90 Percent of Parents Misled by Food Nutrition Labels Published January 18 2010 | Concepts: food, parents, nutrition, health, labeling |
| Fraudulent "Smart Choices" food labeling program crumbles as food manufacturers flee scrutiny (opinion) Published November 2 2009 | Concepts: food, program, labeling, nutrition, companies |
| Codex Continues to Assume GMO Labeling Would Confuse Ignorant Consumers Published July 15 2009 | Concepts: CODEX, labeling, GMO, food, GMO labeling |
| MSG Now Used to Spray Crops Published April 29 2009 | Concepts: MSG, food, organic, excitotoxin, free |
| FDA Running Extortion Racket: Natural Supplement Companies Threatened with Arrest if They Don't Pay Up Published October 21 2008 | Concepts: FDA, health, the FDA, products, companies |
| FDA Plots to Mislead Consumers Over Irradiated Foods Published August 23 2008 | Concepts: FDA, food, the FDA, radiation, foods |
| Codex Designates GMOs as Contaminants in Food Published August 12 2008 | Concepts: GMOs, GMO, CODEX, health, food |
| GM Foods: The U.S. Fights Mandatory Labeling in An Untested Human Experiment Published June 30 2008 | Concepts: food, foods, labeling, mandatory, human |
| Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps Sues Estee Lauder and Others Over "Organic Cheater" Labeling Published May 7 2008 | Concepts: organic, products, ingredients, consumers, cleansing |
| Pennsylvania Governor Rethinks Milk Labeling Rule for rBST Published February 22 2008 | Concepts: milk, BGH, rBGH, labeling, Pennsylvania |
| Consumer groups join forces to reverse pasteurization ruling for raw almonds Published October 22 2007 | Concepts: almonds, raw, NaturalNews, consumers, pasteurization |
| 92 percent of Americans support country-of-origin labeling requirements for food Published October 22 2007 | Concepts: food, labeling, support, americans, food imports |
| Pepsi admits Aquafina comes from tap water Published August 2 2007 | Concepts: water, Pepsi, PepsiCo, Aquafina, bottle |
| Hawaiian macadamia nut farmers face economic devastation due to false labeling of imported mac nuts as "Hawaiian" Published April 23 2007 | Concepts: nuts, farm, Hawaii, mac nuts, farmer |
| Cornucopia Institute reveals agribusiness conspiracy to mislead consumers over almonds Published April 9 2007 | Concepts: food, Cornucopia, almonds, consumers, USDA |
| Almond Board of California changes its story following NaturalNews article Published April 6 2007 | Concepts: California, almonds, pasteurized, NaturalNews, industry |
| Food Scam: Almond Board of California to falsely label pasteurized almonds as "raw" Published April 5 2007 | Concepts: almonds, food, raw, California, raw almonds |
| UK organic standards threatened by proposed labeling laws Published February 16 2007 | Concepts: organic, food, UK, labeling, standards |
| CSPI petitions FDA to create healthy food labeling system to better inform grocery shoppers Published December 1 2006 | Concepts: food, health, FDA, CSPI, healthy |
| Dairy industry fights to keep lactose warnings off product labels Published August 14 2006 | Concepts: dairy industry, dairy, warnings, products, labeling |
| Urgent: Stop the National Uniformity for Food Act (H.R. 4167) before it wipes out hundreds of food safety labeling laws Published March 4 2006 | Concepts: food, states, labeling, lawmakers, power |
| Action alert: Stop Congress from taking away your right to know what's in your food Published February 28 2006 | Concepts: food, Congress, action, right to know, consumers |
| The FDA Exposed: An Interview With Dr. David Graham, the Vioxx Whistleblower Published August 30 2005 | Concepts: drug, FDA, the FDA, drugs, people |
| Food manufacturers hide dangerous ingredients in everyday foods by using confusing terms on the label Published July 27 2004 | Concepts: food, ingredients, dangerous ingredients, foods, sodium nitrite |
| Lawmakers want better food labeling of allergens, but far more deaths are caused by other ingredients Published July 21 2004 | Concepts: food, labeling, deaths, food manufacturers, lawmakers |
| FDA approves obesity drug labeling that promotes the drug while ignoring side effects Published January 17 2004 | Concepts: drug, FDA, obesity, labeling, Xenical |
| Bizarre: Monsanto sues milk dairy for labeling milk as hormone free Published January 17 2004 | Concepts: milk, Monsanto, hormone, dairy, labeling |
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