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Why Doctors are Idiots: 150 Years of Disatrous Advice on Children's Health (satire) Published December 15 2007 | Concepts: doctors, doctor, child, health, children |
| Doctors prescribing antidepressants, antipsychotic medications to infants under the age of one, says psychiatrist Published December 13 2006 | Concepts: antipsychotics, drug, doctors, antidepressants, medications |
| Antibiotics found useless for treating bronchitis Published November 17 2006 | Concepts: antibiotics, bronchitis, antibiotic, useless, bad medicine |
| Canada warns ADHD drug takers over "psychiatric events" Published September 25 2006 | Concepts: adhd, drug, Canada, ADHD drugs, medication |
| Popular acne drug found to cause depression, suicide Published September 19 2006 | Concepts: depression, drug, acne, Accutane, suicide |
| Off-label prescribing rampant as doctors give patients amphetamines, psychotropic drugs for weight loss Published August 24 2006 | Concepts: weight, drug, drugs, patients, off-label prescribing |
| Off-label drug use and the sham of FDA-approved drug safety Published May 23 2006 | Concepts: drug, off-label drug use, prescription drugs, drug marketing, drug racket |
| TGN1412 drug trial update: One patient may lose fingers and toes due to drug side effects Published May 8 2006 | Concepts: drug, news, TGN1412, man, health |
| Lying with statistics: How conventional medicine confuses the public with absolute risk vs. relative risk Published May 3 2006 | Concepts: risk, cancer, drug, breast cancer, relative risk |
| Pretend medicine: Let's play doctor! Published April 21 2006 | Concepts: drug, heal, health, disease, medicine |
| Human medical experiments go terribly wrong in "nightmare" TGN1412 drug trial Published March 15 2006 | Concepts: drug, men, human, medical, experiments |
| Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1965-2005) Published March 6 2006 | Concepts: men, man, research, human, 5 |
| Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1833-1965) Published March 6 2006 | Concepts: men, 5, human, experiments, study |
| TMAP, medication algorithm horrors, and the drugging of our children Published February 21 2006 | Concepts: TMAP, drug, mental, Big Pharma, medication |
| Unnecessary surgery exposed! Why 60% of all surgeries are medically unjustified and how surgeons exploit patients to generate profits Published October 7 2005 | Concepts: surgery, men, medical, form, 5 |
| The great thimerosal cover-up: Mercury, vaccines, autism and your child's health Published September 22 2005 | Concepts: vaccine, mercury, thimerosal, child, vaccines |
| The FDA Exposed: An Interview With Dr. David Graham, the Vioxx Whistleblower Published August 30 2005 | Concepts: drug, FDA, the FDA, drugs, people |
| The madness of bariatric surgery and other "modern" surgical procedures Published July 26 2005 | Concepts: surgeons, surgery, patients, bariatric surgery, men |
| Statistics prove prescription drugs are 16,400% more deadly than terrorists Published July 5 2005 | Concepts: drug, drugs, prescription, prescription drugs, death |
| What the American Medical Association hopes you never learn about its true history Published June 23 2005 | Concepts: AMA, the AMA, medical, men, medicine |
| Junk science: negative study on calcium and vitamin D supplements was poorly constructed, yet widely reported Published April 28 2005 | Concepts: study, calcium, supplements, Vitamin D, supplement |
| FDA censorship, suppression of its own scientists is routine, survey reveals Published February 27 2005 | Concepts: FDA, the FDA, drug, scientists, scientist |
| With COX-2 decision, no longer any doubt about FDA corruption and U.S. drug racket Published February 18 2005 | Concepts: drug, FDA, the FDA, safe, COX-2 inhibitors |
| Mandatory AIDS testing proposal is public health lunacy Published February 16 2005 | Concepts: AIDS, health, testing, public health, WHO |
| Drug companies allegedly defraud state Medicaid programs with 54,000% markups Published February 7 2005 | Concepts: drug, Medicaid, companies, drug companies, Big Pharma |
| Breakthrough cure for diabetes isn't so; news headlines mislead type 2 diabetics Published February 1 2005 | Concepts: diabetes, cure, headlines, cure for diabetes, news |
| Direct-to-consumer advertising must be banned as part of FDA reform Published January 6 2005 | Concepts: drug, FDA, the FDA, direct-to-consumer advertising, drugs |
| American Medical Association calls for wholesale reforms of the FDA Published January 6 2005 | Concepts: the FDA, drug, medical, American Medical Association, companies |
| Eli Lilly knew Prozac had 1200% higher suicide rate than other antidepressants Published January 3 2005 | Concepts: Eli Lilly, Prozac, Big Pharma, suicide, drug |
| Merck now under criminal investigation by the Justice Department for Vioxx scandal Published January 1 2005 | Concepts: Vioxx, Justice Department, Merck, drug, justice |
| Group of doctors accuses drug companies of inventing fictitious diseases to sell more prescription drugs Published December 15 2004 | Concepts: drug, disease, drug companies, fictitious diseases, prescription |
| Disease names like diabetes and osteoporosis are misleading and misinform patients about disease prevention Published December 10 2004 | Concepts: disease, osteoporosis, cholesterol, medicine, high cholesterol |
| Poor nutrition, junk foods lead directly to pharmaceutical industry profits Published December 5 2004 | Concepts: nutrition, junk foods, disease, industry, profit |
| Study reveals why COX-2 inhibitors cause heart attacks and other dangerous side effects Published November 21 2004 | Concepts: drug, heart, heart attacks, dangerous, study |
| Reputation of the FDA in shambles after Vioxx scandal; calls for wholesale FDA reform gain momentum Published November 6 2004 | Concepts: FDA, the FDA, Vioxx, drug, FDA reform |
| Merck caught in scandal to bury Vioxx heart attack risks, intimidate scientists and keep pushing dangerous drugs; Vioxx lawsuits now forming Published November 6 2004 | Concepts: Vioxx, drug, Merck, drugs, the FDA |
| Vioxx disaster shows health hazards of prescription drugs, failure of FDA to protect the public Published October 4 2004 | Concepts: drug, Merck, prescription drugs, Vioxx, FDA |
| Vioxx only the beginning; antidepressants and statin drugs are medication timebombs Published October 4 2004 | Concepts: drug, drugs, statin drugs, prescription drugs, Vioxx |
| The FDA finally admits antidepressant drugs cause suicidal tendencies in children Published August 22 2004 | Concepts: the FDA, drugs, drug, antidepressant drugs, children |
| U.S. pharmaceutical companies and the FDA responsible for 100 times as many Americans deaths as terrorists Published August 19 2004 | Concepts: the FDA, drug, drugs, prescription drugs, prescription |
| Surgeon leaves rolled-up towel inside chest cavity of patient Published August 19 2004 | Concepts: surgeons, patient responsibility, surgical procedures, cigarette smoking, woman |
| Elderly patients regularly prescribed dangerous medications with severe side effects Published August 19 2004 | Concepts: drug, elderly patients, drugs, dangerous, elderly |
| The top ten things you'd be able to do if you didn't live under a system of health oppression masquerading as modern medicine Published August 17 2004 | Concepts: the FDA, health, drug, free, states |
| Pharmaceutical companies and the FDA continue to suppress negative information about antidepressant drugs and violent behavior Published August 8 2004 | Concepts: antidepressant drugs, FDA, the FDA, pharmaceutical companies, information |
| Fluoride conference reveals fraudulent science behind mass fluoridation; fluoride policy is a public fraud Published August 8 2004 | Concepts: fluoride, water, fluoridation, science, mass fluoridation |
| President's Bogus Mental Health Screening Initiative Is a Thinly Veiled Scam to Boost Pharmaceutical Profits Published August 7 2004 | Concepts: mental health, mental health screening, mental, Bush, drug |
| Popular Alzheimer's Drug Found to Be All But Worthless in Independent Study Published August 7 2004 | Concepts: drug, Alzheimer's, Alzheimer's drug, prescription drugs, Alzheimer's disease |
| If Drugs From Canada Are So Dangerous, Where Are All the Dead Canadians? Published August 7 2004 | Concepts: drugs, drug, prescription drugs, the FDA, Canada |
| UC Berkeley Wellness Letter authors remain nutritionally illiterate about chlorella, spirulina, and blue-green algae Published August 7 2004 | Concepts: wellness letter, chlorella, health, spirulina, wellness |
| Viagra Now Being Increasingly Used as a Recreational Drug By Younger Men: Is Pfizer Responsible? Published August 6 2004 | Concepts: Pfizer, drug, viagra, younger, pharmaceutical companies |
| Western Medicine's Domination By Egoistic, Narrow-Minded Male Physicians Now Being Overturned by an Increase in Female Doctors Published August 6 2004 | Concepts: physicians, medicine, men, doctor, male physicians |
| Follow American Heart Association Advice and Die From Heart Disease Published August 6 2004 | Concepts: AHA, heart, American Heart Association, the AHA, heart disease |
| New Antidepressant Drug Approved, But It's All About Profits, Not Helping Patients Published August 6 2004 | Concepts: drug, antidepressants, profits, pharmaceutical companies, antidepressant drug |
| Maker of Claritin Drug To Plead Guilty To Federal Criminal Anti-Kickback Charges, Pay Fine of $52 Million, Also Facing $282 Million In Civil Liabilities Published August 6 2004 | Concepts: drug, the FDA, charges, federal, guilty |
| American Heart Association's Advice on Vitamin E and Antioxidants is Terrible Advice, Highly Distorted, and Prone to Actually Cause Heart Disease Published August 6 2004 | Concepts: vitamin E, the AHA, food, heart, nutrition |
| Governor of Wisconsin Posts Website That Encourages Citizens to Buy Prescription Drugs From Canada Published August 6 2004 | Concepts: drug, drugs, prescription drugs, prescription, drugs from Canada |
| Arthritis creams merely mask symptoms and offer no long-term relief, study shows Published August 3 2004 | Concepts: arthritis, arthritis creams, pain, painkillers, symptoms |
| Lane Labs is latest victim in FDA's war of oppression against nutritional supplements that fight cancer Published July 30 2004 | Concepts: FDA, the FDA, Lane Labs, nutritional supplements, health |
| European drug regulatory agency warns doctors about antidepressant drug and suicide risks, but in the U.S., the FDA remains silent Published July 28 2004 | Concepts: drug, the FDA, suicide, doctors, GlaxoSmithKline |
| Hospital warning: medical errors kill 195,000 Americans each year, says new study Published July 28 2004 | Concepts: hospital, medical errors, medical, modern medicine, prescription |
| Unconscious surgical patients unknowingly practiced on by med school students Published July 26 2004 | Concepts: surgical patients, school, med school, unconscious, western medicine |
| The big Bush handout to pharmaceutical companies: mandatory mental health screening for entire U.S. population Published July 23 2004 | Concepts: mental health, mental, prescription drugs, Bush, drug |
| Antidepressant drugs quadruple risk of suicides, research shows Published July 22 2004 | Concepts: drugs, risk, drug, antidepressant drugs, antidepressants |
| Florida Attorney General sues six pharmaceutical companies for price fixing and possibly defrauding Medicaid Published July 21 2004 | Concepts: companies, pharmaceutical companies, Florida, Medicaid, price fixing |
| Gastric bypass sugery leaves patient at critical 87 pounds, dying from malnutrition Published July 21 2004 | Concepts: gastric bypass, losing weight, gastric bypass sugery, surgery, bad medicine |
| High-dose chemotherapy offers no benefit against breast cancer Published July 21 2004 | Concepts: cancer, chemotherapy, breast cancer, cancer tumors, bad medicine |
| Following revelation that new cholesterol advice came from board members who profit from statin drug makers, medical leaders see no conflict of interest Published July 17 2004 | Concepts: drug, cholesterol, statin drug makers, WHO, members |
| If prescription drugs are so good, where are all the healthy drug takers? Published July 15 2004 | Concepts: drug, drugs, prescription, prescription drugs, prescription drug |
| Corruption exposed: drug companies gave grants, consulting fees to panelists who issued new cholesterol guidelines that are driving demand for statins Published July 15 2004 | Concepts: drug, cholesterol, corruption, companies, WHO |
| Doctors, surgeons fail to wash their hands, risking health of patients Published July 12 2004 | Concepts: wash their hands, health, surgeons, hand washing, hospitals |
| Massive medical fraud exposed: pharmaceutical company paid doctors to prescribe drugs and run sham clinical trials Published July 9 2004 | Concepts: drug, drugs, doctors, medical fraud, drug companies |
| Medical fraud alert: cholesterol lowering statin drugs save zero lives, says comprehensive research published in JAMA Published July 6 2004 | Concepts: statin drugs, statins, cholesterol, medical, research |
| Mass media hypes up statins, calling them wonder drugs while ignoring their dangerous side effects Published July 1 2004 | Concepts: statins, mass media, drugs, dangerous, prescription drugs |
| Bad medicine gets even worse: 16,000 patients to be injected with two AIDS drugs that don't work Published January 16 2004 | Concepts: medicine, patients, drugs, AIDS, AIDS drugs |
| Independent medical journal hopes to shake up highly corrupt medical journal industry Published November 18 2003 | Concepts: medical journal, medical, medical racket, medical myths, bad medicine |
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