Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

REPORT: Legal marijuana would be a $10 billion industry for Canada

By Sarah Landers, February 17 2016
(NaturalNews) According to the latest report by CIBC World Markets, legalizing marijuana in Canada could create a $10 billion a year industry. Whilst it's understandably difficult to get real data on marijuana use, a survey by Statistics Canada suggests that 12% of Canadians have admitted to smoking pot. In British Columbia, marijuana consumption is estimated at being a $400 million industry, and if those figures are applied to the Canadian population of pot smokers, the industry would be around...

Argentina's citizens block construction of Monsanto GMO plant, fight to protect sanctity of seeds and food against corporate imperialism

By J. D. Heyes, February 17 2016
(NaturalNews) Agri-giant Monsanto continues to lose the public affairs battle with the people of the world who, by the hundreds of millions, are catching on to the dangers of genetically modified foods. For more than three years now, protestors in Malvinas, Argentina have blocked the construction of what would become Monsanto's second-largest seed plant in Latin American after the local council approved construction of the plant. "Cordobeses (residents of Cordoba) will be proud to have one...

Is artificial turf giving children cancer?

By PF Louis, February 17 2016
(NaturalNews) Seattle soccer coach Amy Griffin was puzzled by the sudden rise in young girls who played soccer coming down with cancer, usually blood cancers like lymphoma and leukemia. "I've coached for 26, 27 years," claimed Amy. "My first 15 years, I never heard anything about this. All of a sudden it seems to be a stream of kids." These cancer victims were all in their teens when stricken. Whatever other possible various carcinogenic intrusions and poor nutritional diets had to do with their...

During democracy protests, Chinese authorities scrub the internet faster than Wikipedia editors censoring natural cures

By J. D. Heyes, February 17 2016
(NaturalNews) To many, censors in China are no different from editors at Wikipedia because, they say, both are responsible for preventing the free flow of information that would allow people to decide for themselves what is best. In recent weeks Chinese censors have been working overtime to block certain messages on Weibo, the country's huge Twitter-like micro-blogging platform, according to Foreign Policy (FP) magazine. Recently, the censors had their busiest day ever, blocking the flow of information...

Even the mainstream media admits that Big Pharma has led to rampant opioid abuse

By J. D. Heyes, February 17 2016
(NaturalNews) If you're a fan of American football and caught the biggest game of the year, Super Bowl 50, then you likely saw one of the reasons why large pharmaceutical companies are in large part to blame for the country's rising epidemic of opioid painkiller abuse. So says Dr. Akikur Mohammad, M.D., an adjunct professor at University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine and the author of the book The Anatomy of Addiction. Writing in Time online a few days after the game, Mohammad...

Himalayan salt: The 'purest' salt in the world and its numerous benefits

By David Gutierrez, February 17 2016
(NaturalNews) Salt is just sodium chloride, and it's all the same, right? You use it to add flavor to your food, and keep your body's sodium levels from going too low or too high, and that's it, right? That may be true of highly processed table salt, but as with most other foods, salt varies widely in terms of purity, quality and micronutrient content. According to many natural foods advocates, the purest and highest quality salt you can find is Himalayan crystal salt. Himalayan salt, which...

Fit but fat? 54 million Americans are overweight but still pretty healthy, researchers claim

By Harold Shaw, February 17 2016
(NaturalNews) How do you tell if a person is healthy? Without any other information, we are taught to assess an individual's health based on their appearance. While their physical presence does give the outside world some information, it hides the most important evidence: blood pressure, how fast they recover after exercise, and their blood sugar levels. We've known for quite some time now that the BMI (body mass index) is flawed, for at least one reason. No ratio between your height and weight...

Big Pharma is a criminal organization killing Americans with harmful products, claims Phoenix Tears founder

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, February 17 2016
(NaturalNews) Like the many people who have found healing outside the pharmaceutical drug paradigm, Phoenix Tears founder, Rick Simpson, sees right through the facade of medicine that is being perpetuated by Big Pharma. Rick Simpson isn't keeping quiet about his experiences and discoveries with cannabis oil, the natural healing capacity of the human body, and the overload of suppressing chemicals that are being pumped out by pharmaceutical companies. As America teeters on the verge of adopting...

California college now offering doctorate programs for Ayurvedic medicine

By Harold Shaw, February 17 2016
(NaturalNews) Despite the fact that strict regulations govern approved medical practice, one can never escape the potential side-effects of new drugs. These negative reactions occur in a very small percentage of patients, making the drugs "safe" to use for everyone else. What's worse is that some big pharma products take an entire generation for their full impact on health to be assessed. Sometimes, clinical trials can also be manipulated. While Western medicine relies heavily on the discovery...

Are you breathing cancer-causing candle smoke? Try these natural alternatives instead!

By Sarah Landers, February 17 2016
(NaturalNews) You might be surprised to hear that most of the candles we commonly burn are as toxic as cigarettes, making the smoke you breathe (and the scent that comes with it), bad for your health. The soothing scents and homely glow emitted by candles might be relaxing, however the chemicals in the paraffin wax and wicks used in most candles are not good at all. If you look into what you're actually burning in your home, you'll soon realize it's time to rethink the type of candles you buy...

Pioneering citizen scientists launch non-profit water testing initiative to test every U.S. city water supply for lead:

By Mike Adams, February 16 2016
(NaturalNews) Two citizen scientists who lead a non-profit food and water laboratory in central Texas have teamed up to prevent children across America from being poisoned with lead in municipal water supplies. Forensic food scientist Mike Adams has teamed with a former NASA contract scientist to conduct nationwide scientific analysis of heavy metals in the tap water of U.S. cities. The effort is being organized by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (, with executive...

Is your city spraying Roundup on recreational areas like campgrounds, playgrounds and hike and bike trails?

By Julie Wilson staff writer, February 16 2016
(NaturalNews) Many of us seek solace in nature, trying to quiet and recharge our minds after a busy day at work. With 80 percent of the population residing in urban areas, city parks are often the nearest refuge for enjoying nature. Among the tall trees and rose-colored flowers, what you may not expect to find is a sheen of toxic chemicals, quietly lingering in your pathway. In the U.S., many city parks departments are spraying Roundup in public areas, failing to provide any forewarning. Playgrounds...

Weapons of Mass Vaccination? CDC intensifies childhood vaccine schedule to include 74 injections before age 17

By Daniel Barker, February 16 2016
(NaturalNews) The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has just added three new vaccines to the Childhood Immunization Schedule, bringing the total to an almost unbelievable 74 vaccine doses recommended before the age of 17. The agency also lowered the age of HPV (a sexually-transmitted virus) vaccination to include nine-year-olds. Since 1950, the number of required vaccine doses has risen from 3 to 74 – an increase of more than 24 times. In 1983, there were still only 10 recommended...

Vegetable oils cause cancer, heart disease, diabetes and more: Use these healthy alternatives instead

By Sarah Landers, February 16 2016
(NaturalNews) Vegetables oils have been heralded as a healthy alternative to using normal fat when cooking. However, it turns out that vegetable oils are not all they're cracked up to be when it comes down to it. We've all been told, even by government and medical associations, to use more vegetable seed and bean oils, such as soybean, corn, safflower and canola. We're told that vegetable oils are safe to use as a heart-healthy alternative to cooking with traditional saturated fats. The argument...

Top German supermarket bans neonicotinoid pesticides linked to mass honeybee deaths

By Sarah Landers, February 16 2016
(NaturalNews) German supermarket chain Aldi, has become the first major European retailer to ban pesticides that are toxic to bees, including neonicotinoids such as imidacloprid, clothianidin and thiamethoxam. All suppliers of produce sold in Aldi stores across Europe and the U.S. are now required not to use those pesticides during production. The announcement came on January 1st, and was a great way to start the New Year, with the retailer expecting fruit and vegetable suppliers to comply with...

Depopulation: Plastics chemicals are reducing women's sex drives and men's sperm counts

By Ethan A. Huff, February 16 2016
(NaturalNews) New research out of the University of Rochester in New York has found that the plastics chemicals lurking in furniture, food packaging and many other consumer products are directly linked to decreased libido and lowered sperm counts in humans. Presented at the recent annual conference of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine in Honolulu, Hawaii, a study by Dr. Emily Barrett found that not only do most people have plastics chemicals in their systems, but those with the highest...

93% of physicians are concerned about the massive overuse of antibiotics in agriculture

By David Gutierrez, February 16 2016
(NaturalNews) Ninety-three percent of all physicians surveyed are concerned about the overuse of antibiotics in animal agriculture, according to a recent survey conducted by the Consumer Reports National Research Center. The report is available here[PDF]. Researchers surveyed 500 internal medicine and family practice physicians about their thoughts on and experiences with antibiotic-resistant diseases. The report was released as part of the Prescription For Change project, a collaborative...

How the mainstream media act as shameless shills for the biotech industry

By J. D. Heyes, February 16 2016
(NaturalNews) One of the main reasons the general public doesn't know enough about all the harmful effects of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) - foods, seeds and otherwise - is because they have not been adequately reported by the mainstream media. Alternative health and news sites like ours have, in fact, proliferated in large part because we provide the honest, bare-bones truth about GMOs. But alas, most mainstream media does not. And it is why the political, economic and environmental...

Shocking video shows aerosol distribution after sneezing on an airplane

By Ethan A. Huff, February 16 2016
(NaturalNews) How far does aerosol matter from an airplane passenger's sneeze realistically travel throughout the cabin? This was the subject of a recent simulation constructed by researchers from the Pennsylvania-based engineering firm ANSYS, which found that virtually all passengers are exposed to the particles, and especially those to the left and right of the person who sneezed. A time-lapse video showing bursts of multicolored dots plotted on a grayscale model of passengers sitting on a plane...

Huge story about coral reef destruction by 'environmentalist' totally censored by mainstream media

By J. D. Heyes, February 16 2016
(NaturalNews) Few hyperventilate as much about the environment, global warming, climate change and how Mankind is destroying the planet than the Left-wing Old Media. In fact, when there is a dearth of news on the overall subject of "the environment," the Old Media will simply rehash and repurpose earlier stories, just to keep the issue front and center in the minds of the people. There is an exception to this unwritten rule of Old Media environmental reporting: when it harms interests that are...

Ayahuasca's health-promoting abilities now proven by science

By David Gutierrez, February 16 2016
(NaturalNews) For the first time, scientific research is starting to confirm traditional and contemporary claims that ayahuasca can be used to heal psychological and spiritual distress such as depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. "Ayahuasca has been used therapeutically, in a broad sense, by the indigenous and mestizo populations of Northwestern Amazonia for centuries," said Brazilian researcher Rafael Guimaraes dos Santos, who recently co-authored a study on ayahuasca in the...

DIY okra water helps improve diabetes, kidney disease, asthma symptoms and more

By Harold Shaw, February 16 2016
(NaturalNews) Okra, also known as "lady's finger" or "bamya," is a perennial flowering plant of the Malvaceae family. This popular and very nutritional veggie originated in Egypt, and has been cultivated in tropical or warm temperature regions of the world ever since the 12th century. Just short of reaching maturity, the dark green colored pods are handpicked for consumption. Although okra has demonstrated surprising health benefits and can be cooked in a variety of ways, some people find it difficult...

Scientists: Zika virus has potential to go pandemic

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, February 16 2016
(NaturalNews) There comes a time, when the complex challenges we face as individuals and as communities, force us to re-examine our relationship with our environment, our bodies and the natural world. The worldview that we are separate from one another has permeated every aspect of our thought-life and manifests in many of our day-to-day interactions. A divide-and-conquer mentality is what our species has typically defaulted to when faced with complex challenges. Now is the time to let go of the...

It's time to end the era of oppressive government censorship of natural medicine, medical marijuana and holistic cancer treatments

By Mike Adams, February 15 2016
(NaturalNews) In this important note to all Natural News fans and readers, I explain why every branch of holistic and naturopathic medicine will be criminalized or banned if we don't stop the government's 100-year censorship of natural medicine, medical marijuana and healing foods. Sadly, most people who promote holistic medicine are "progressives" who believe in bigger government with more power and control over everything in society. But the unfortunate result of bigger government is oppressive...

How to survive your next hospital visit: Medical survival tips from the Health Ranger

By Mike Adams, February 15 2016
(NaturalNews) A hospital is arguably the most dangerous place you find yourself these days. Filled with superbugs, hospitals are also staffed by doctors who consistently fail to wash their hands, who make frequent life-threatening medication errors, and who are bribed by drug companies to keep you medicated with the most expensive, brand name drugs available. In all, doctors and hospitals now kill 783,000 Americans every year. It's called "iatrogenic deaths." See the real-time deaths counting...

70 percent of Americans are being treated for a depression they DON'T HAVE, says award-winning investigative journalist

By Julie Wilson staff writer, February 15 2016
(NaturalNews) Award-winning investigative journalist Kelly Patricia O'Meara says when it comes to psychiatric diagnosing, it doesn't matter what people in the medical and psychiatric community believe, but rather what they can prove. In her book Psyched Out: How Psychiatry Sells Mental Illness and Pushes Pills that Kill, O'Meara argues that tens of millions of Americans are being treated for a problem they don't have. The following is a snippet from her book: America has a drug problem. It's nothing...

Biotech firm aims to bring lab-grown pork to market in five years

By Daniel Barker, February 15 2016
(NaturalNews) Would you eat meat that was 'grown' in a lab? Several biotech firms seems to think so, and are investing in technology that should make lab-grown meat available for consumers in the very near future. One of these firms has just announced that they will be offering lab-grown beef and pork within a few years. As reported by Gizmodo: "San Francisco-based startup Memphis Meats made its public debut today, with a Wall Street Journal exclusive that details the team's ambitious plan...

80% of Zika infected victims are silent carriers

By David Gutierrez, February 15 2016
(NaturalNews) Brazil's Zika outbreak may be far worse than had previously been believed, the country's top health official claimed on February 1, because the vast majority of infected people do not show any symptoms. Zika is a mosquito-borne virus that has recently begun spreading through Latin America for the first time. Some researchers claim that it may be linked to thousands of new cases of a congenital condition called microcephaly in Brazil, although very few microcephaly cases have actually...

These fruits and veggies have been scientifically proven to be the best for losing weight

By Sarah Landers, February 15 2016
(NaturalNews) Most adults gain weight as they age, and scientific studies have shown that even small increases in weight can have a substantial impact on our risk of developing hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. It seems like almost everyone is on a diet, and there is so much information online about what you should and shouldn't be eating. For example, fruit is good, but high in sugar. Sugar is bad, so don't eat fruit. ... With all the information available, it's hard to...

Wave of holistic doctor deaths continues, as Florida chiropracter suddenly dies despite being 'hearty and healthy'

By Julie Wilson staff writer, February 15 2016
(NaturalNews) A wave of mysterious deaths continues to plague practitioners in the field of holistic medicine, including chiropractors, herbalists and other alternative healers, with the latest fatality involving a licensed chiropractor who also worked as a full-time teacher. Dr. Rod Floyd, Associate Professor and Faculty-Clinician with the Palmer College of Chiropractic at the Port Orange, Fla. campus, had just celebrated he and his wife's 37th wedding anniversary, when he abruptly passed away in...

Music naturally improves health and relieves pain without harmful side effects

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, February 15 2016
(NaturalNews) It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from; everyone can relate to the euphoric feelings that come while listening to their favorite music. The vibrations of sound, building into rhythm and melody, communicate with our bodies in powerful ways, affecting our emotions, our energies and even our pain threshold. Now, scientists are beginning to measure music-related changes in the brain, not just in terms of dopamine but also in opioid signals. Over 400 published scientific...

Poisoned oceans are cutting otters' lifespans by two-thirds

By PF Louis, February 15 2016
(NaturalNews) Otters have had issues verging on threatened extinction in the early 20th Century. They were trapped and killed for their thick-layered furs that protect them from water and frigid conditions. Restrictions or bans on killing otters for fur has helped their numbers rise again. In addition to the thick double-layered furs that protect these semi-aquatic amphibious mammals of the weasel family, they have webbed feet with claws at the ends of their four short legs and a wide tail that...

C-section delivery increases risk of autism symptoms in children by 23%

By David Gutierrez, February 15 2016
(NaturalNews) Children delivered by Caesarean section are 23 percent more likely to develop autism spectrum disorder (ASD) than babies born vaginally, according to a meta-analysis conducted by researchers from University College Cork, Ireland, and published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. "Given the accelerating rate of Caesarean section globally, this finding warrants further research of a more robust quality," lead researcher Eileen Curran said. Approximately 0.62 percent...

India's Agricultural Research Institute sells out country's farmers to Monsanto by distributing failed GMOs to farmers

By J. D. Heyes, February 15 2016
(NaturalNews) One of India's top agriculture institutions has essentially sold its soul to biotech giant Monsanto, forcing failed genetically modified Bt brinjal saplings on dozens of farmers, a five-fold increase despite the breed's poor track record. As reported by the Dhaka Tribune, despite the failure of the first government-sponsored GM trial, the saplings were further distributed to more than 100 farmers recently, up from 20 in previous testing, making the controversial variety more widespread...

14 'hero' foods from UK's Chef Jamie Oliver

By Natural News Editor, February 15 2016
(NaturalNews) Jamie Oliver is well known for his school lunch reform in Britain. (If only he could bring it to America...) He revolutionized the way British pupils were fed, changing their lunches from slop to healthful meals in a matter of years. (Story by Carol Young, republished from Natural.News.) Now, Jamie is giving his recommendations on the 14 foods you should keep well stocked in your kitchen. He was supported by experts and dietitians who back up the foods that should protect people...

Only 1 out of 3 Americans know the three branches of government

By David Gutierrez, February 15 2016
(NaturalNews) With election season heating up in earnest, and political debates breaking out nationwide, we would do well to remember an often overlooked but troubling survey, published by the Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC) of the University of Pennsylvania in September 2014. That study found that U.S. residents show an astonishing lack of understanding of the basics of how their government functions. Indeed, more than one in three respondents was unable to name even a single branch of the...

Maryland decriminalizes smoking marijuana in public

By Daniel Barker, February 15 2016
(NaturalNews) The Maryland General Assembly has overturned a veto by Governor Larry Hogan on a bill that decriminalizes possession of paraphernalia and the smoking of marijuana in public. The bill, known as SB 517, which makes public use of marijuana a civil rather than criminal offense, was voted into law on January 22, 2015, by the Maryland legislature. The bill was designed to fix an existing flaw in the state's marijuana policy. In 2013, Maryland passed legislation decriminalizing marijuana...

Ginger tea shown to naturally kill cancer, dissolve kidney stones, improve liver health and more

By Daniel Barker, February 14 2016
(NaturalNews) Ginger is another example of a 'superfood' that has been prized for thousands of years for its amazing health benefits, and which is now being scientifically proven to have more beneficial properties than almost anyone had previously imagined. Recent research has shown that – among its many other health-promoting qualities – ginger may be up to 10,000 times more effective at fighting cancer than chemotherapy. As reported by Food Revolution: "The new study titled...

Medicinal clay used by Native Americans shown to be more effective than overused antibiotics

By Harold Shaw, February 14 2016
(NaturalNews) For thousands of years, indigenous people throughout the world have used clay for and dirt for their powerful health benefits. Even animals are drawn to clay, especially in the form of mud. Whenever they are wounded, animals instinctively lick the mud and roll in it to obtain relief. They also tend to ingest it if they have recently ingested a toxic substance. In our times, bentonite clay has made a name for itself as a perfect detoxifying agent with a handful of impressive health...

How dark chocolate really is the 'food of the gods': fights inflammation, cancer, Alzheimer's and more

By David Gutierrez, February 14 2016
(NaturalNews) Chocolate comes from the cacao plant, which has the species name Theobroma cacao. "Theobroma" literally means "drink of the gods." This name was originally inspired by cocoa's history as a luxury beverage consumed by the elites of first Mesoamerica and then Europe. But in recent decades, research has increasingly uncovered another angle to this name: cocoa is one of the most potent superfoods known to humans. It has been linked to such a wide array of health benefits that it staggers...

Massive leak at nuclear facility in New York causes 65,000% increase in radioactivity of ground water

By David Gutierrez, February 14 2016
(NaturalNews) On February 6, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced that a nuclear power plant about 40 miles from Manhattan had leaked one of the most potent radioactive carcinogens into the groundwater. The groundwater in that area flows to the Hudson River just 25 miles north of New York City. "Yesterday I learned that radioactive tritium-contaminated water leaked," the governor said in an official statement. "The company reported alarming levels of radioactivity at three monitoring wells, with...

How gardening can help your immune system

By David Gutierrez, February 14 2016
(NaturalNews) One of the best ways to protect your children from a lifetime of allergies and autoimmune disorders is to make sure that they – and you – spend plenty of time outdoors getting dirty, scientists are now saying. That's because exposure to the naturally occurring microbes in our outdoor environment helps program the developing immune system to learn what types of foreign agents are actually harmless. This prevents it from later attacking innocuous allergens, or even your...

Junk-food addict turned nutritionist suffered from embarrassing fart attacks before realizing her diet was to blame

By Julie Wilson staff writer, February 14 2016
(NaturalNews) That old saying "You are what you eat" has proven to withstand the tests of time, and is more true today than ever before. Author Kelly Hayford, a junk-food addict turned nutritionist, understands this better than most, and shares her journey (which includes some embarrassing moments) to becoming a health food expert in her book If it's Not Food...Don't Eat It! The following is a snippet from her book: Most people first become interested in improving their diet because they want...

Vaccine pushers wildly exaggerate flu deaths to scare population into compliance

By Daniel Barker, February 14 2016
(NaturalNews) Every year around this time, we begin seeing and hearing the warnings urging us to receive our annual flu shots. Many of us fall for the scare tactics and line up to get our dose of the vaccine, because the flu is deadly and kills tens of thousands of people every year, right? Wrong. If you haven't already succumbed to the propaganda, you may want to think twice about getting the yearly injection. There are several good reasons to avoid ever getting a flu vaccination, even if...

Top five best organic chocolates for Valentine's Day!

By Sarah Landers, February 13 2016
(NaturalNews) Valentine's Day is a chance to spoil the one you love – but if the one you love is health conscious, it can be a little bit more difficult to find the perfect gift. Dark chocolate has many health benefits, but of course there are some varieties that are better than others. Some types of chocolate are made without refined sugar, and those that are darker in color generally contain more antioxidants and less sugar. With so many out there, we thought we'd help you narrow down...

Why you should avoid scammy diet pills

By David Gutierrez, February 13 2016
(NaturalNews) A 25-year-old British man recently had to have part of his leg surgically removed, after dangerous online diet pills caused his body to heat up so much that it cooked his muscles. Lewis Brown had been a bodybuilding fanatic since age 20, and had used steroids and intense workouts to bulk up from 140 to 217 pounds. Early last year, he decided to take banned, underground diet pill dinitrophenol (DNP). He hoped the pills would help him drop fat in favor of muscle. After several months...

Big Pharma douchebag Martin Shkreli widely condemned as the worst person of 2015

By J. D. Heyes, February 13 2016
(NaturalNews) There were are a lot of "villains" in the public's eye in 2015, and who the biggest ones were is, of course, a subjective manner. Some saw the rise of billionaire Donald Trump to become the top Republican presidential contender as villainous. Sticking with a political theme, others thought that top Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email account to conduct classified communications was one of the worst things a person could do. But nearly everyone...

Health Basics: Which public school breakfast and lunch foods do NOT cause cancer, diabetes and obesity?

By S. D. Wells, February 13 2016
(NaturalNews) "School food sucks;" the kids will tell you. Not only does the quality leave a lot to be desired these days, but the taste has even gone downhill. Even the salads and vegetables at public schools have been grown in nutrient-deprived soil loaded with toxic fertilizers, and watered with toxic fluoridated water, day after day. Then, it's all processed, bagged, boxed and sent to education centers of America, where the children either have zero energy or way too much, and where their brains...

Free market capitalism, not government control, makes healthcare more affordable, researchers discover

By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, February 13 2016
(NaturalNews) Researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine and the National Bureau of Economic Research have uncovered the path toward more affordable healthcare. The path doesn't consist of new government mandates, taxes and consolidated government insurance plans. The path toward healthcare prosperity is less systematic, less consolidated, less controlling and less fear-based. It's a more open system, with more options that put the patient back in control. "The research comes...

Burnin' It Up! New music video from the Health Ranger takes aim at worker burnout, the precarious oil economy and finding happiness by exiting the rat race

By Mike Adams, February 12 2016
(NaturalNews) As a creator of socially-conscious music, I'm thrilled to announce the release of my 16th song and music video today! Burnin' It Up is now live on YouTube, and it's a song that's rich with powerful wake up calls on many levels. Click here to watch the video now on YouTube (and be sure to SHARE with everyone you know). Click here for full lyrics, downloadable MP3 and more. The song starts out with a critical look at the foolishness of today's fossil fuel economy, but it quickly...

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