Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Study Shows Vegetable Juice Helps Build Health

By Sherry Baker, November 3 2008
(NewsTarget) A new study by University of California at Davis researchers backs up advice natural health advocates have been giving for decades: Juice is a great way to get the health-building benefits of vegetables. The research, presented this week at the American Dietetic Association's annual conference in Chicago, looked at three groups of healthy men and women. All three groups met with dietary counselors who discussed different ways of adding more vegetables to the participants' diets. However...

Oil of Oregano: A Powerhouse for the Alternative Medicine Cabinet

By Barbara L. Minton, November 3 2008
(NewsTarget) Oregano is nature's antibiotic. It may be one reason why people who eat a Mediterranean diet tend to live longer and healthier lives. Besides making pizza, pasta and salad taste great, the oil of the wild oregano plant has been shown to kill unwanted bacteria, fungus, yeast, parasites and viruses. It's a powerful antihistamine. New research is finding that oil of oregano is as effective against colitis as prescription drugs without the harmful side effects. It is also able to regenerate...

Five Ways One Has To Pay the Price for Obesity

By Reuben Chow, November 3 2008
(NewsTarget) Obesity causes poorer health, which in turn translates into higher medical and health care costs. For example, the obese are more likely to suffer from ailments such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. On top of that, there are also other ways in which obese people have to, quite literally, pay the price for their size. A recent Newsweek article published in August 2008 has outlined five main ways in which obesity results in tangible financial costs. Financial Costs...

Midwest Health Mecca Makes Flu Shots Mandatory for All Employees

By Barbara L. Minton, November 2 2008
(NewsTarget) BJC HealthCare, the shining beacon for traditional medical care throughout the Midwest, has made getting a flu shot mandatory for its 26,000 employees. That goes for all employees, even the ones who never come in contact with patients. If anyone refuses, it is going to be considered a breach of the fitness for duty requirement, meaning anyone who refuses to be vaccinated is subject to dismissal. Many employees are unhappy over this new edict. Some employees who see the policy as a...

Effects of Positive Emotional Outlook on Cancer Survival

By Reuben Chow, November 2 2008
(NewsTarget) Many of us think that a positive emotional and mental outlook can help to improve one's chances of defeating cancer as well as other dangerous diseases. But is there concrete evidence to support such an assertion? Does a bright outlook really improve cancer survival? Not according to a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania and published in 2007, which supposedly found that people with a positive outlook about their cancer did not survive better than those who were depressed...

Monsanto Announces Its Exit From the Growth Hormone Business

By Barbara L. Minton, November 1 2008
(NewsTarget) Even the giant hand of Monsanto was not big enough to ram down the throats of consumers milk from growth hormone treated cows. It now wants to exit the artificial growth hormone business, by selling Prosilac, the unit that makes it. This action comes in the wake of increasing consumer refusal to purchase dairy products treated with the hormone, known as recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), and introduction of legislation requiring the New York State Department of Agriculture...

Halloween Warning: Candy Made in China May be Contaminated with Toxic Melamine

By Mike Adams, October 31 2008
(NaturalNews) This Halloween, children across the United States may be poisoned with toxic melamine, a potentially deadly chemical that causes severe kidney damage, liver damage and even death. This chemical is found in chocolates and candy products made in China, which is now embroiled in a global melamine scandal involving eggs, animal feed, candies, infant formula, milk products and much more. The United States Food and Drug Administration has taken its usual "head in the sand" approach to...

Study Finds Grapes Offer a Bunch of Ways to Help Hearts

By Sherry Baker, October 31 2008
(NewsTarget) Love grapes? Hate heart disease risk factors? Here's good news for you: University of Michigan Cardiovascular research suggests eating grapes could lower blood pressure, help heal signs of heart muscle damage and improve heart function. Just published in the October issue of the Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences, the study concludes grapes potentially could dramatically reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The reason? The scientists think it's most likely due to the...

The World's Top Five Superfoods for Silky Smooth Skin

By Mike Adams, October 30 2008
(NaturalNews) When it comes to healthy-looking skin, nutrition beats cosmetics hands down. Creating radiant, glowing, youthful-looking skin can best be accomplished by focusing on what's inside, not by covering up the skin with artificial colors that try to paint a new face on the outside. But which superfoods, exactly, are best for supporting healthy skin in the first place? In this article, I reveal the five best superfoods and health supplements I know of for creating youthful-looking skin...

Importance of Happiness and Optimistic Attitudes in Preventing Breast Cancer

By Reuben Chow, October 30 2008
(NewsTarget) Want to lower your risk of getting breast cancer? Recent research in Israel published in the British journal BMC Cancer has given us one more thing to take note of. Breast Cancer Statistics According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, after non-melanoma skin cancer, cancer of the breast is the next one which most commonly afflicts American women. In 2004 alone, over 185,000 women and more than 1,800 men were diagnosed with the disease, while almost 41,000 women...

NaturalNews Partners with Moxxor to Bring Marine Omega-3 Supplement to Health-Conscious Consumers

By Mike Adams, October 30 2008
(NaturalNews) Natural health news site has teamed with the newly-launched MOXXOR company to bring an advanced marine omega-3 supplement to health-conscious consumers. Made from green-lipped mussel oil grown in aquaculture farms off the coast of New Zealand, Moxxor is a nutrient-rich marine omega-3 health supplement made from extremely potent omega-3 lipids shown to enhance and support the body's healthy response to inflammation. To set itself apart from typical health product direct...

NCI's Flawed SELECT Study Attacks Vitamin E

By Mike Adams, October 30 2008
(NaturalNews) This story has been removed. To learn more about nutrition and natural health, try these pages on NaturalNews and NaturalPedia: Nutrition: Superfoods: Nutritional supplements: Resveratrol...

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