Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Cocktail of Pharmaceuticals Found in the Fish Caught Near Major U.S. Cities

By Mike Adams, March 26 2009
(NaturalNews) Pharmaceutical pollution is out of control, polluting the waterways of our world to such a disturbing degree that now even the fish are carrying detectable levels of pharmaceuticals in their own bodies! A study conducted by Baylor University researcher Bryan Brooks, and published in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, examined fish caught near Phoenix, Dallas, Chicago, Philadelphia and Orlando, testing them for residues of pharmaceuticals. And what did the results show? That fish...

Drink Red Wine and Keep Breasts, Livers and Brains Healthy

By Barbara L. Minton, March 26 2009
(NewsTarget) Red wine is turning out to be a superfood. Although many health conscious people have opted to get isolated grape compounds in capsule form, recent research is showing that the best way is to drink red wine. That's because red wine contains the entire grape polyphenol group of nutrients, a group that has been shown to work much better synergistically. In fact, newly released research is showing that breast tumor growth and metastasis to bone and liver are inhibited by the complete grape...

Herbal Medicines Help G.I. Problems Better Than Drugs

By Sherry Baker, March 26 2009
(NewsTarget) Millions of people suffer from gastrointestinal (GI) motility disorders and they often try a host of over-the-counter and prescription drugs to find relief from symptoms ranging from stomach pain to flatulence and heartburn. But what happens when the drugs don't work or they produce worrisome and even intolerable side effects? A study just published in the journal Neurogastroenterology and Motility says there's a solution -- Japanese herbal medicine. Researchers analyzed data on Japanese...

Spelt can Replace Wheat for Improved Health

By Sheryl Walters, March 26 2009
(NewsTarget) Triticum speltum, known as spelt, is a grain much like wheat. In fact, some experts have called it the grandfather of wheat. It was known in Biblical times and has seen a dramatic rise in popularity in the past two decades. Spelt is high in fiber and manganese. It also contains good amounts of copper, niacin and protein. It has a robust, nutty flavor and can be used the same as wheat with one notable benefit - spelt usually does not cause allergic reactions like wheat. Spelt contains...

Just Being Overweight Shortens Life: Effects of Excess Weight may Match Smoking

By Reuben Chow, March 26 2009
(NewsTarget) A study conducted in Sweden spanning almost four decades has suggested that overweight persons, and not just those who were obese, may also be subjected to increased risk of premature death. It also suggested that the adverse effects of excess weight on mortality may be as significant as smoking cigarettes. Details and Findings of Study Published in the British Medical Journal, the study had been conducted using data from Sweden's military service conscription register, census...

Physical Activity Improves Longevity: It is Never Too Late to Start

By Reuben Chow, March 25 2009
(NewsTarget) A Swedish study recently published in the British Medical Journal has given those who have reached or passed middle age hope and encouragement to begin a new healthy lifestyle, having discovered that starting a solid exercise regime after the age of 50 can raise one's level of longevity to that of those who have been exercising regularly all along. With the onset of middle and then old age, health, wellbeing and vitality deteriorate as the bodily engine begins to wear out; to some...

Honey Offers Many Benefits

By Sheryl Walters, March 25 2009
(NewsTarget) Honey is a marvelously sweet, syrupy liquid naturally produced by bees as food for themselves. Its golden color and delightful taste cannot be mistaken for anything else. When bees take nectar from a flower, it mixes with chemicals in their saliva to create honey. The bees fly it back to the hive and store it in various cells. It is known that excess moisture is removed from the honey by active fluttering of bees' wings to make it ready to eat. Bees perform a truly amazing process of...

Increase Complete Protein and Lose Weight

By Barbara L. Minton, March 25 2009
(NewsTarget) All the rave reviews of fruits and vegetables lately have captured our attention. Many people have made significant changes in their diets to accommodate seven to nine serving of these healing superstars. Some have had difficulty fitting all these servings into their diets, and have cut back on primary protein sources to make room for them while trying to watch their weight. This may not be the best decision because recent research has shown that getting a higher percentage of calories...

Hospitals Are Breeding Grounds for Superbugs

By Mike Adams, March 23 2009
(NaturalNews) Do you know what the two most dangerous objects in a hospital are? A doctor's necktie and a doctor's cell phone! It's true: Neckties and cell phones harbor superbugs such as MRSA. This has been proven time and time again by numerous studies you can find written up in the popular press ( On the pharmaceutical side, superbugs are also caused by the rampant abuse of antibiotics...

Keep Aging Parents Happy, Healthy and Independent with Bioidentical Hormones

By Barbara L. Minton, March 23 2009
(NewsTarget) People caring for aging parents or just thinking about it realize that keeping them healthy, happy and active for as long as possible is ideal for everyone. Aging parents seldom want to become physically dependent on their children for care. Grown children, often referred to as the sandwich generation, find it difficult to provide quality care for aging parents while providing quality care for their own children at the same time. Recent studies have highlighted that multiple hormone...

Second-Hand Cigarette Smoke Exposure may Cause Depression

By Reuben Chow, March 23 2009
(NewsTarget) Cigarette smoke, whether first-hand or second-hand, has been linked with countless physical health ailments, including the major killers cancer and heart disease. And it could affect one's mental and emotional state, too. According to USA Today, a report which was presented at the American Psychosomatic Society meeting held in Chicago had found that passive smoking more than doubled a person's risk of getting major depression, as compared to non-smokers who were not exposed to second...

Serve Healthy Vegetable Entrees

By Sheryl Walters, March 23 2009
(NewsTarget) Vegetables are always an excellent food choice for people who are trying to lose weight. Most vegetables are high in fiber, but have few calories. That makes them filling but body-friendly. There are many kinds of vegetables that can be a main dish. Different ways of preparing them will surely tempt your taste buds. Use seasonal vegetables to create a fresh vegetable plate fit for royalty. A roasted potato and corn on the cob, green beans dressed with apple cider vinegar and oil...

Article removed

By Mike Adams, March 22 2009
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Turmeric Improves Cell Health, Boosts Immune System, Protects Against Cancer and More

By Reuben Chow, March 22 2009
(NewsTarget) Turmeric is one of the main ingredients in many curries. In India, it has been used for centuries to help treat various health conditions while, at the same time, it is also widely used in Chinese Medicine. In a recent study conducted at Michigan University, it was found that curcumin, the bright yellow pigment present in turmeric, can help boost cell health by improving the behavior of their membranes. Findings of Study Curcumin is the known active compound in turmeric. In the...

Goji Berries are a Super Food for Optimum Health

By Sheryl Walters, March 22 2009
(NewsTarget) Goji (also gogi) berries have been known for centuries in Asia, but only recently have gained great popularity in North America, so much so that a multi-billion dollar business in goji is expected within the next two years. Also known as wolfberries, they contain at least eighteen amino acids, more iron than spinach and more beta carotene than carrots. More than one writer has dubbed goji fruit as the most powerful, natural anti-aging food available. When dried, they have a nutty flavor...

How to Create A Healthy, Wealthy, Abundant Nation from the Ashes of America's Demise

By Mike Adams, March 21 2009
(NaturalNews) In a related article on (, I discussed the inevitable collapse of America and the opportunity for new nation-states to rise from the ashes. Here, I unveil how such new nation-states might prioritize natural health as a strategy for long-term abundance and happiness for its citizens. Here, I also discuss the possibility of humankind taking conscious control over its own evolution as a way to eliminate behavior traits of selfishness...

Use Niacin to Treat Hypertension

By Sheryl Walters, March 21 2009
(NewsTarget) Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a silent but dangerous condition. It is generally defined as a blood pressure over 120/80. Niacin is also known as vitamin B3, and is gaining recognition for its positive effect on blood pressure. The symptoms of hypertension are usually non-existent, and when they do occur they are so vague that they can often be attributed to other things. Headache, nausea, blurred vision, and dizziness are the most common initial symptoms. If hypertension is...

Is Global Warming A Hoax? The Real Story on Climate Change and the Non-Future of Human Civilization (opinion)

By Mike Adams, March 20 2009
(NaturalNews) Is global warming a hoax? We've received a huge number of reader questions (and even complaints) about this issue. Many are convinced that global warming is just a hoax contrived by the government to grab power and destroy the economy. In my view, that explanation is half right. Yes, in my opinion global warming and climate change is absolutely being used by Big Government to grab more power, restrict more freedoms and in many ways consolidate power at both the national and global...

Frankincense Oil Kills Bladder Cancer Cells

By Sherry Baker, March 20 2009
(NewsTarget) Frankincense oil has long been treasured for its soothing aroma. What's more, traditional healers have claimed for centuries that frankincense is a natural medicine that can treat a variety of conditions. Now research just published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine demonstrates that the frankincense herb (technically named Boswellia carteri) could be an effective treatment for cancer of the bladder, the organ that stores urine. A team of scientists from...

Even Light Alcohol Consumption may Raise Cancer Risk in Women

By Reuben Chow, March 20 2009
(NewsTarget) Alcohol consumption has previously been strongly linked with certain types of cancer, for example those of the mouth and throat, but its contribution to other types of malignancies have not been as firmly established. A large study conducted in Britain and recently published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute has found that even light to moderate alcohol drinking could raise a woman's risk of several common types of cancer. Details and Findings of Study The study team...

An Apple a Day can Keep You Healthier

By Sheryl Walters, March 20 2009
(NewsTarget) Apple blossoms are beautiful to look at and have a lovely fragrance. It's easy to believe that the fruit they create is good for you. According to legend, people have been eating apples since the Garden of Eden, but that belief didn't take hold until Hugo Van der Goes painted "The Fall of Man" in 1470 C.E. The fruit he chose to paint was the apple, which has never deserved such publicity. Apples are actually members of the rose family, which makes them related to strawberries, and they...

HR 875 Could Result in Arrest, Imprisonment of CEOs of Processed Food Companies (if enforced)

By Mike Adams, March 19 2009
(NaturalNews) The health-conscious community is rightly concerned over the pending passage of HR 875, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009, which hammers small family farms with a whole new level of tyranny and oppression. The proposed law is chock full of ominous-sounding text that would allow government authorities to fine small farms $1 million a day while arresting and imprisoning their owners for refusing to spray toxic chemicals on their organic produce. (There are many other bizarre elements...

Quinoa: Use this Complete Protein to Create Healthful Vegetarian Dishes

By Barbara L. Minton, March 19 2009
(NewsTarget) Quinoa is one of the most impressive foods to hit the grocer's shelves in many years. It is the live seed of a dark green leafy plant that has the taste, texture and versatility of grain. Quinoa (pronounced keen wa) is both nutritious and delicious. It is the only grain-like food that offers a complete protein, a feature that makes it a favorite with those avoiding animal products. Quinoa has a delicate nutty flavor when cooked and can be a nutrient packed substitution in many traditional...

Two Alcoholic Drinks Daily Raise Pancreatic Cancer Risk

By Reuben Chow, March 19 2009
(NewsTarget) The body of evidence linking alcohol consumption with increased cancer risk has been added to by a study recently published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, which found that drinking two alcoholic drinks every day can increase one's risk of getting pancreatic cancer. Details and Findings of Study The study team, led by Jeanine M Genkinger, an assistant professor of oncology at the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown University, Washington, DC, had...

Sea Salt may be Healthier than Table Salt

By Sheryl Walters, March 19 2009
(NewsTarget) All living creatures need salt to stay alive, especially human beings. The human body is 75% water, all of which is maintained as a salt water solution. It is called isotonic saline, and occurs at 0.9%. This solution can be duplicated and is sold commercially as an intravenous fluid. More than 25% of the body`s salt is found in bones. It takes a complex and intricate process to manage the ebb and flow of isotonic body solutions, all of which contain electrolytes. Electrolytes are elements...

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