Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Historical facts about the dangers (and failures) of vaccines

By Mike Adams, August 29 2009
(NaturalNews) Vaccines are the quackery of modern medicine. Mass vaccination programs not only fail to protect the population from infectious disease, they actually accelerate the spread of disease in many cases. Many website have cropped up over the last few years to counter the pro-vaccine propaganda put out by drug companies (who profit from vaccines) and health regulators (who serve the drug companies). One of those sites is , which lists the following historical...

Wake Up, America: Forced vaccinations, quarantine camps, health care interrogations and mandatory "decontaminations"

By Mike Adams, August 28 2009
(NaturalNews) The United States of America is devolving into medical fascism and Massachusetts is leading the way with the passage of a new bill, the "Pandemic Response Bill" 2028, reportedly just passed by the MA state Senate and now awaiting approval in the House. This bill suspends virtually all Constitutional rights of Massachusetts citizens and forces anyone "suspected" of being infected to submit to interrogations, "decontaminations" and vaccines. It's also sets fines up to $1,000 per day...

Defend Against Disease with Broccoli Juice

By Sheryl Walters, August 27 2009
(NewsTarget) Broccoli is a member of the cauliflower family or a Brassica. It is a diverse super food that is delicious when steamed or can be finely chopped and sprinkled on food for added nutrition. Juicing is a great way to get the most out of this amazing food. By drinking broccoli juice daily, we can prevent disease and transform our health. Broccoli juice contains high levels of Vitamin C, Vitamin B, fiber, zinc, folic acid, magnesium, iron and beta-carotene (an important antioxidant). It...

Whole Foods Revisited

By Mike Adams, August 27 2009
(NaturalNews) After recently writing about Whole Foods stores in a NaturalNews article (, I decided to stop in a Whole Foods store in Florida and see if anything had changed since the last time I had visited one. Doing so allowed me to review the brands of superfoods and nutritional supplements offered by the retailer, and it turned out to be a timely reminder of some of the many valuable brands offered there. For example, New Chapter...

Setting the people up to die: A conspiracy of silence about swine flu natural remedies

By Mike Adams, August 26 2009
(NaturalNews) It's emblazoned across the front page of USA Today, just underneath a subhead declaring Michael Jackson was, indeed, killed by a drug overdose: "Flu could infect half of USA." The article goes on to describe the predicted number of deaths expected in the U.S. (30,000 - 90,000 Americans) as well as the actions being taken by the government to protect Americans from the coming swine flu pandemic. That advice reads sort of like a comic book of health care advice for kindergarteners...

Reverse Halitosis: Natural Remedies for Bad Breath

By Sheryl Walters, August 26 2009
(NewsTarget) Everyone at some point in their lives has suffered from a horrendous case of morning breath - the type that makes your partner's eyes water or that the kids cower away from. For most of us the cure is simple, a quick brush followed by a gargle of mouth wash and you are set for the day. But for some this simply isn`t enough and the problem of halitosis or bad breath simply will not go away. There are a number of different things that can cause halitosis, but having a dry mouth is one...

Don't Inject Me - Swine Flu Vaccine Song and Music Video Released by the Health Ranger

By Mike Adams, August 25 2009
(NaturalNews) We've just launched the latest song and music video in the Beyond All Reason album. It's an anti-vaccine song entitled Don't Inject Me (the Swine Flu Vaccine Song), and it's already making waves on YouTube and peer-to-peer file sharing networks. You can hear the song and watch the music video at this page on NaturalNews: The 320k MP3 music file and music video are also being openly distributed in a DRM-free...

A Real Reason to Boycott Whole Foods?

By Mike Adams, August 24 2009
(NaturalNews) Whole Foods is in a public relations crisis. After its CEO John Mackey posted a widely-read opinion piece that insisted Americans have no intrinsic right to health care, it was slammed with angry liberal customers who picketed stores and organized a national Whole Foods boycott at a Facebook page now numbering over 26,000 members ( Whole Foods customers are angry at the upscale retailer over the position of its CEO on health care...

MRIs Harm More than Help Women with Early Breast Cancer

By Sherry Baker, August 24 2009
(NewsTarget) A new review of breast cancer treatment just published online in CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians concludes that the growing use of high tech magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to assess the extent of early breast cancer may be harming instead of helping women with early breast malignancies. The study shows MRIs increase the odds a woman will be subjected to more extensive surgery, i.e. a mastectomy, over conservative approaches such as a simple lumpectomy -- and there is absolutely...

New Online Health Encyclopedia Distills Knowledge from Industry's Top Authors

By Mike Adams, August 24 2009
(NaturalNews) Natural Health information publisher has launched a new online encyclopedia of natural health information called combines the wisdom of over 400 authors and 570 books that span over 50,000 unique health concepts, displaying collections of knowledge on specific topics such as "chlorella" ( or "vitamin D" ( NaturalPedia also pairs two-term concepts...

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