Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Lucuma Makes a Healthy Whole Fruit Sweetener and Delicious Raw Ice Cream Ingredient

By Sheryl Walters, September 25 2009
(NewsTarget) Many South American cultures enjoy traditional healthy foods and culinary treats. If you were to visit Peru, you may be surprised to find that lucuma flavored ice cream is more popular than vanilla or chocolate. Lucuma is a South American fruit that is gaining popularity as a healthy, whole fruit sweetener. It has a similar taste to a mango and has a beautiful golden yellow color. It adds a healthy sweetness to smoothies, raw chocolate and cakes. The Incan Fruit The lucuma tree...

Swine flu vaccine recipients could be tracked with RFID bracelets using Big Brother medical technology

By Mike Adams, September 24 2009
(NaturalNews) Here's the scene from some dark, present-day action movie: David Balfour breathed hard. He could hear the thumping of heavy boots outside his door, down the hall, mixed with the muffled grunts of military men. He had known they would come. It was obvious from the moment he refused the VaxTrax bracelet at the county clinic. They said it would keep him safe because they could pinpoint his location if he ever suffered a heart attack or an accident. As a bonus, his entire medical history...

Huge California study concludes soda consumption undeniably linked to obesity

By Mike Adams, September 23 2009
(NaturalNews) Much like Big Tobacco once did with nicotine, the soda industry and high-fructose corn syrup producers of America have maintained a ridiculous state of flat-out denial about the links between soda consumption and obesity. "Sodas don't make you fat," they insist. Meanwhile, as Americans guzzle down insanely large quantities of soda and liquid sugar with each passing year, rates of obesity and diabetes continue to steadily climb. Surely diet must have something to do with it, right? Thanks...

Choose Natural Sugars When You Have a Sweet Tooth

By Sheryl Walters, September 23 2009
(NewsTarget) The word is out about the dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup. This sticky sweet substance shows up in nearly all processed foods and headlines in soft drinks. Studies have linked HFCS to obesity. Caution should be practiced though as sugar in general has gotten a bad rep in the past years. Diets like Atkins and South Beach shun all sugar, natural or not, and have led everyone to question what sugars they eat and where they come from. In a world of myriad choices on how to sweeten your...

"Smart Choices" food label is marketing fraud; Tufts University involvement questioned (opinion)

By Mike Adams, September 22 2009
(NaturalNews) The big food companies have dreamed up yet another clever con to sell processed junk foods to parents and children: A "Smart Choices" label that implies the food product is a smart choice for health and nutrition. The problem is that the standards for qualifying for this designation were set by the food companies themselves, and processed junk foods like Froot Loops (a sugary breakfast cereal) qualify. Froot Loops is 41 percent processed white sugar. It also contains processed flour...

Leaked UN report claims swine flu could "kill millions" and cause "anarchy" in poor nations

By Mike Adams, September 21 2009
(NaturalNews) A UN report leaked to The Observer claims that swine flu could "kill millions" of people in poor nations and cause a total breakdown of society unless wealthy nations come up with US$1.5 billion to pay for pandemic vaccines and anti-viral drugs. It warns that the fragile economies of developing nations could be completely destroyed by the breakdown of social services, infrastructure and medical care. The report specifically says: "Countries where health services are overburdened...

10 things I'd rather do than get a Swine Flu vaccine shot (satire)

By Mike Adams, September 20 2009
(NaturalNews) I admit, the thought of being injected with a chemical cocktail made by a pharmaceutical company and approved by the FDA with virtually no safety testing is somewhat tempting. Who wouldn't want the thrill and rush of being part of a grand pharmaceutical experiment, anyway? On second thought, it may not be such a bright idea after all. Unless, of course, you enjoy the idea of falling into a long-term coma, being permanently paralyzed or suffering random neurological damage. That's...

Why Ecuador and South America despise the USA's "War on Drugs"

By Mike Adams, September 19 2009
(NaturalNews) The U.S. "War on Drugs" is despised by almost everyone except for those who benefit from it (the DEA, prison corporations, paramilitary contractors, etc.). In South America, the War on Drugs is especially disliked for many good reasons, but to understand those reasons, you first have to grasp the importance of the coca plant and its history throughout South America. The coca plant is a cultural treasure of South America. Used in both indigenous medicine and cultural rituals, coca...

Ten Swine Flu Lies Told by the Mainstream Media

By Mike Adams, September 18 2009
(NaturalNews) The mainstream media is engaged in what we Americans call "bald faced lies" about swine flu. It seems to be true with this issue more than any other, and it became apparent to me recently when a colleague of mine -- a nationally-syndicated newspaper columnist -- told me their column on natural defenses for swine flu was rejected by newspapers all across the country. Many newspapers refused to run the column and, instead, ran an ad for "free vaccine clinics" in the same space. The...

Sweet Potatoes: Improve Your Health with this Autumn Super Food

By Sheryl Walters, September 18 2009
(NewsTarget) One of the most nutritious and beneficial foods that you can add to your diet is also one of the most famous of all the Fall comfort foods - sweet potatoes. Many Americans have this South American tuber (meaning root) as part of their Thanksgiving Day feast. Not only is this beautiful bright orange vegetable a comfort food staple, but it is also one of the most healthy of the so called Super foods. Super foods have a superior amount of nutrients compared to other types of foods. Sweet...

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