Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Patients choose alternative therapies when granted more personal responsibility by doctors

By Mike Adams, December 10 2009
(NaturalNews) The December issue of Arthritis Care & Research contains a study showing that, when given the option to choose an alternate treatment, patients are more likely to refuse high-risk treatments recommended to them and pursue something else. Patients are more willing to take personal responsibility in making important medical decisions when their doctors give them the opportunity to consider other options. Shared decision making (SDM) is a term used to describe the doctor-patient interaction...

Jon Barron, Daniel Vitalis featured on NaturalNews Talk Hour this Thursday

By Mike Adams, December 9 2009
(NaturalNews) The NaturalNews Talk Hour presents a very special holiday event with exclusive offers by two of the most celebrated nutritional companies recommended by NaturalNews. "Surthrival in the 21st Century" and "Cold & Flu Secrets Revealed" begins this Thursday evening at 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern, and registration is free. Simply enter your email address in the registration form on the right column of this page. You'll be emailed the call-in number to listen to this broadcast on Thursday. The...

How fragile we are: Why the complexity of modern civilization threatens us all

By Mike Adams, December 9 2009
(NaturalNews) The fragility of our modern human civilization did not become clear to me until I began living full-time in South America. As a resident of Vilcabamba, Ecuador, I've grown accustomed to the idea of knowing where the things I consume come from. The water I drink, for example, comes from a hole in the ground that taps into a water table replenished by the clouds hanging over the Podocarpus National Forest to the East. I can make a logical connection between the clouds, the rainfall...

EPA's "endangerment finding" allows Big Government to regulate carbon emissions

By Mike Adams, December 8 2009
(NaturalNews) Carbon dioxide is a threat to human life, says the EPA under the direction of the Obama Administration. With this declaration, the agency has bypassed Congress and can now begin to regulate CO2 as a toxic substance. The timing of this declaration was obviously planned to coincide with the Copenhagen climate summit: With the EPA now operating with some fangs, Obama can wheel and deal in Denmark with the credibility of some political weight behind his words. But is the sudden declaration...

Missouri government plots undercover sting operations against families selling raw milk

By Mike Adams, December 7 2009
(NaturalNews) Imagine being watched by two undercover cops as you engage in an illicit deal in a deserted parking lot. The buyer hesitantly hands you some cash. You flash a look over your shoulder, just to make sure the coast is clear, then you hand over the contraband. Neither of you says a word. You just nod, acknowledging the deal is done, then you head back to your car and buckle up for the drive home. But before you can even put the car into drive, a screeching formation of police cars, surrounds...

Vitamin D prevents heart disease

By Mike Adams, December 7 2009
(NaturalNews) Vitamin D is best known for its anti-cancer effects, but suddenly, following a flurry of recent research, it's becoming increasingly recognized for its ability to prevent diseases like diabetes and depression. Now heart disease is also emerging as a chronic health condition that vitamin D can help prevent. Here, we've assembled a collection of relevant research quotations on vitamin D and heart disease from authors like Phyllis Balch, Dr. James Dowd, Dr. Joel Fuhrman and many more...

Slim-Fast warning: Bacterial contamination leads to nationwide recall of processed "junk" beverage

By Mike Adams, December 5 2009
(NaturalNews) If you drink Slim-Fast and suffer from diarrhea, cramps and vomiting, now there's a new reason for such effects, beyond the simple fact that Slim-Fast is made primarily from processed milk and sugar water: All Slim-Fast beverages have just been recalled by the manufacturer due to possible contamination by Bacillus cereus. A recall notice posted on the FDA website explains, "The recall involves all Slim-Fast RTD products in cans, regardless of flavor, Best-By date, lot code or UPC...

NaturalNews to publish year-end discounts and specials from health product companies

By Mike Adams, December 4 2009
(NaturalNews) On December 28th, NaturalNews will publish a free guide to be distributed to all readers, featuring year-end discounts and specials from health-related companies of all kinds. This guide is free to readers and listings are free for health product companies. The purpose behind this guide is to help connect NaturalNews readers with outstanding health-related product companies offering very high quality products at special prices. The guide will be published on the web in HTML form with...

Study finds new method of using bone marrow stem cells to rapidly heal complex bone fractures

By Mike Adams, December 4 2009
(NaturalNews) Researchers from Hebrew University (HU) in Jerusalem have discovered a new technology that isolates a person's bone marrow stem cells for use in quickly healing complicated bone fractures. In an article published in the acclaimed journal Stem Cells, the research team from the Skeletal Biotechnology Laboratory at HU successfully treated seven patients with complex bone fractures using the new method. Mesenchymal, or multipotent stem cells (MSCs), are cells that have the ability to...

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