Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

"House of Numbers" AIDS / HIV documentary opens in Portland, Oregon

By Mike Adams, January 22 2010
(NaturalNews) The House of Numbers documentary by Brent Leung, which explores myths about AIDS, HIV and AIDS tests, is currently touring across U.S. universities. It opens today (January 22) at the Regal Fox Tower Stadium 10 in Portland, Oregon and runs there through January 28: 846 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR 97205 Ph. (503) 221-3280 Attend the Q&A with Director Brent Leung Friday Evening. For more information: House of Numbers has played at over 20 Universities...

Product review: Raw organic "Yoga Bar" from Everything Raw

By Mike Adams, January 22 2010
(NaturalNews) As a natural health journalist, I've tried hundreds of different raw food products and food bars. No raw food bar has impressed me more than the Yoga Bar from EverythingRaw, a company founded by Paul Mamakos, a dedicated raw foodie (and an all-around cool guy, too). EverythingRaw has now merged with Essential Living Foods (, by the way. The Yoga Bar has just five simple ingredients: • Organic Raw Dates • Organic Raw Cashews &bull...

Sick-care America now needs another $1.9 trillion increase in debt limit just to stay afloat

By Mike Adams, January 21 2010
(NaturalNews) The US government is running out of money... again. So Democrats want to increase the debt limit by trillions of dollars... again. The newly requested debt limit increase is a jaw-dropping $1.9 trillion, which would put the total national debt at $14.3 trillion. These are more than just numbers on pieces of paper. It's easy to get lost in the numbers and not realize the significance of what's happening here, but as I've explained many times here on NaturalNews (and on www.CounterThink...

Johnson & Johnson engaged in elaborate drug profit kickback scheme, says Dept. of Justice lawsuit

By Mike Adams, January 21 2010
(NaturalNews) Drug maker Johnson & Johnson paid tens of millions of dollars in kickbacks to nursing home pharmacies in order to boost the sale of its drugs, says a Justice Department lawsuit. The payments were often disguised as grants or "educational funding," says the lawsuit, and they were directed to Omnicare, a prominent nursing home pharmacy company. The elaborate kickback scheme caused sales of Johnson & Johnson drugs to skyrocket. Sales of the antipsychotic drug Risperdal, for example...

Zero deaths caused by vitamins, minerals, amino acids or herbs

By Mike Adams, January 21 2010
(NaturalNews) To hear opponents of natural medicine say it, vitamins and herbs are extremely dangerous for your health. They should be regulated, we're told, because they're so dangerous! Statistics from the U.S. National Poison Data System prove otherwise. According to a 174-page report just published, the number of people killed in 2009 across America by vitamins, minerals, amino acids or herbal supplements is exactly zero. Compare that to the 100,000 (or so) Americans killed each year by...

$10,000 reward offered for scientific proof of H1N1 vaccine safety and effectiveness

By Mike Adams, January 20 2010
(NaturalNews) In conjunction with NaturalNews, the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center ( has publicly offered a $10,000 reward for any person, company or institution who can provide trusted, scientific evidence proving that any of the FDA-approved H1N1 vaccines being offered to Americans right now are both safe and effective. Vaccine promoters keep citing their "science" in claiming that H1N1 vaccines are safe and effective. NaturalNews and the CWC ask one simple question...

H1N1 swine flu hoax falls apart at the seams

By Mike Adams, January 20 2010
(NaturalNews) The great swine flu hoax of 2009 is now falling apart at the seams as one country after another unloads hundreds of millions of doses of unused swine flu vaccines. No informed person wants the injection anymore, and the entire fear-based campaign to promote the vaccines has now been exposed as outright quackery and propaganda. Even doctors are now calling the pandemic a complete hoax. As reported on FoxNews, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a leading health authority in Europe, says that drug...

Healing cancer naturally: Charlotte Gerson joins NaturalNews Talk Hour

By Mike Adams, January 20 2010
(NaturalNews) This week's NaturalNews Talk Hour features Charlotte Gerson, Founder of The Gerson Institute, discussing "Healing Cancer Naturally". Discover what conventional medicine has kept secret for decades about the cancer treatment industry. Charlotte will reveal what the mainstream media doesn't tell you about your treatment options for cancer. Our show runs this Thursday evening at 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern, and registration is FREE. Simply enter your email address in the registration...

Despite FDA concern, American Chemistry Council insists Bisphenol A is safe for everyone

By Mike Adams, January 18 2010
(NaturalNews) The American Chemistry Council (ACC) has never met a chemical it didn't like. The organization is a chemical advocacy group whose members include all the largest chemical producers such as Monsanto, Bayer, Merck, Chevron, DuPont and many more. It's like a Who's Who of companies whose products pollute the world, in my opinion. Much like Big Tobacco did with nicotine -- "It's not addictive, we swear!" -- the ACC says bisphenol A (BPA) is perfectly safe for you. Drink all you want! As...

Chlorophyll blocks absorption of toxic carcinogens

By Mike Adams, January 18 2010
(NaturalNews) A recent study conducted by researchers from Oregon State University (OSU) has found that chlorophyll works effectively to block bodily absorption of aflatoxin, a fungal contaminant found in many grain and legume stocks. Research participants who were given chlorophyll alongside aflatoxin did not absorb the carcinogen as readily as those who were given only aflatoxin. Published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research, the study utilized a new, state-of-the-art assessment method...

Please help the Health Ranger win the Shorty Awards for health content

By Mike Adams, January 18 2010
(NaturalNews) I don't ask for your help very often, but right now, I could really use your vote to help win the Shorty Awards for the category of health. These are awards given to publishers of the internet's best short-form content, and these awards are recognized throughout the mainstream media. This is your opportunity to help NaturalNews and the Health Ranger get some mainstream exposure for all the work we do to bring you important health stories, tips and information on a daily basis. You...

Review of Health Ranger's predictions from 2008

By Mike Adams, January 18 2010
(NaturalNews) In late 2008, I published a series of 37 predictions for 2009 (and beyond). One of those predictions was this: "Massive health care reform efforts will be underway in 2009, but real reform laws won't be passed until 2010 or later. A universal care system where the government pays for all health care won't be passed. Rather, it will be some sort of compromised hybrid system that keeps health insurance companies profitable and employers penniless. In other words, the new reforms will...

Most hospital patients are unaware of what drugs they are given

By Mike Adams, January 18 2010
(NaturalNews) A recent study published in the Journal of Hospital Medicine has revealed that nearly all hospital patients do not know what drugs are being administered to them. The research revealed that nearly half think thought they were receiving one type of medication when they were actually receiving another and only four percent were able to identify at least one drug they received during their time there. Researchers from the University of Colorado at Denver's School of Medicine conducted...

Thousands of Americans died from H1N1 even after receiving vaccine shots

By Mike Adams, January 17 2010
(NaturalNews) The CDC is engaged in a very clever, statistically devious spin campaign, and nearly every journalist in the mainstream media has fallen for its ploy. No one has yet reported what I'm about to reveal here. It all started with the CDC's recent release of new statistics about swine flu fatalities, infection rates and vaccination rates. According to the CDC: • 61 million Americans were vaccinated against swine flu (about 20% of the U.S. population). The CDC calls this a "success...

Nutrient-rich, low-calorie diets actually reprogram fat cells to keep the body thin

By Mike Adams, January 17 2010
(NaturalNews) A study appearing in the American Chemical Society's Journal of Proteome Research has given further insight into the correlation between calorie restriction and weight loss. While it is known that calorie-restricted diets are effective at helping people to lose weight, it has now been found that fat cell proteins play an important role in regulating bodily fat stores and extending life. Dr. Edwin Mariman and his research team sought out to further understand the relationship between...

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