Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

Health Ranger thanks NaturalNews readers for their support

By Mike Adams, April 10 2010
(NaturalNews) I've just completed three weeks of touring in California where I got the chance to meet literally hundreds of NaturalNews supporters face to face at four different events. Although the schedule was quite demanding, being able to meet and talk with NaturalNews readers in person was incredibly rewarding. That's why I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support, for your enthusiasm and your kind words. It means a lot to me to know how NaturalNews is touching...

Jesse Ventura speaks out about conspiracy theories in NaturalNews interview

By Mike Adams, April 9 2010
(NaturalNews) Jesse Ventura is known as being a tough, principled and courageous advocate of liberty and freedom. His new book, American Conspiracies, outlines a fascinating and well-documented accounting of some of the most important conspiracies that shaped American history -- including the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. As part of the launch of this new book, Jesse joined us by phone for an interview with You can hear the full interview as a downloadable MP3 file here:...

Seasonal flu vaccines increase risk of pandemic H1N1 flu, stunned scientists discover

By Mike Adams, April 8 2010
(NaturalNews) I remember the H1N1 "swine flu" season of 2009 very well. People were rushing out to get vaccinated, scared half to death by the mainstream media which was pushing false reports that the swine flu would kill tens of millions of people and that only a vaccine could save you. The CDC and health authorities were pushing a double-barreled vaccine strategy that demanded people get both a seasonal flu shot as well as an H1N1 pandemic flu shot. Those who questioned the sensibility of vaccines...

Heal yourself in 15 days with the joy of exercising in nature

By Mike Adams, April 7 2010
(NaturalNews) In our 15-day self-healing series, we've so far covered everything from juicing and fasting to how to stop making disease. But we haven't yet covered one of the elements most commonly associated with self-healing: Exercise! But don't groan: This isn't going to be some boring rehash of the same old stuff you've always heard about exercise, such as "you have to exercise an hour a day." Rather, I'd like to invite you to think about exercise in a whole new light... about finding the...

Secrets of Nature revealed by Markus Rothkranz on the Natural News Talk Hour

By Mike Adams, April 7 2010
(NaturalNews) This week's NaturalNews Talk Hour features Markus Rothkranz, natural health advocate and artist, talking about "FREE Food and Medicine - Discover the Secrets of Nature". Free yourself from rising food prices and skyrocketing medical bills. Experience a life filled with happiness, protect your family and help heal our planet. Our show runs this Thursday evening at 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern, and registration costs nothing. Simply enter your email address in the registration form on the...

Seaweed could hold key to natural weight loss

By Sherry Baker, April 7 2010
(NewsTarget) Scientists at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom have discovered a substance that reduces fat uptake in the body by more than 75 percent. This potential obesity fighter isn't a drug but a natural substance found in seaweed. The research team, headed by Dr. Iain Brownlee and Professor Jeff Pearson, tested more than 60 different fibers in the laboratory to see how effective they were in absorbing fat. The results? The scientists found that alginate, a natural fiber in sea kelp...

Review of new brown rice protein products: Boku Super Protein, SunWarrior, Jay Robb, Growing Naturals

By Mike Adams, April 6 2010
(NaturalNews) For those who enjoy high-quality plant-based proteins for your smoothies or protein shakes, there are some remarkable new products you'll want to know about. In this article, I reveal three new organic sprouted brown rice protein products that represent the best of the best in the plant-based protein world. All of these proteins are considered "raw" due to their low-temperature processing. Nearly two years ago, I handed an Editor's Choice award to a product called SunWarrior Protein...

Medicated in the cockpit: FAA says pilots on psych drugs can fly commercial airliners

By Mike Adams, April 5 2010
(NaturalNews) What would happen if the Columbine high school rampage shooters who were psyched out on mind-altering antidepressant drugs had been piloting a jet airliner instead? On Friday, the FAA issued a new rule that says pilots taking psychiatric medications are now allowed to pilot passenger airliners while medicated! This "permission to fly while medicated" decision by the FAA covers pilots taking the antidepressant psychiatric drugs Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa and Lexapro. Not coincidentally...

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