Articles from NaturalNews In-House Writers:

WHO to tax your internet usage to fund vaccines in third-world countries

By Mike Adams, June 24 2010
(NaturalNews) The United Nations' World Health Organization (WHO) is pushing hard to impose global consumer taxes to help fund its various programs, including a new proposal that would tax the internet in order to pay for vaccines and other pharmaceutical medicines for third-world countries. Yes, you read that right - WHO wants every person in the world to help pay for drugs that make Big Pharma even richer. Consider it a reverse Robin Hood ploy: They're stealing from the working class and giving...

Suzy Cohen joins NaturalNews Talk Hour to reveal secrets of healthy living without Big Pharma's drugs

By Mike Adams, June 24 2010
(NaturalNews) This week's NaturalNews Talk Hour presents "Drug FREE Living - Natural Solutions without Medications". Get advice, options, and amazing cures from America's most trusted pharmacist. Discover the natural secrets for total body health from behind the counter. Look younger, feel healthier, plus save time and money with NO doctor required! Our show begins this Thursday evening at 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern, and registration is FREE. Simply enter your email address in the registration...

Loja and Vilcabamba, Ecuador: Destinations for health-conscious people

By Mike Adams, June 24 2010
(NaturalNews) Are you a health-conscious person looking to visit the Valley of Longevity in Ecuador? The small town of Vilcabamba sits in that valley, just 45km South of the city of Loja. For people who are new to the area, it's sometimes difficult to know where to find healthy foods and products, so here's a quick guide for visitors: In Loja, you'll want to stop at the health food store called Alivinatu. Located just half a block East of the Southeast corner of the Loja town square, Alivinatu...

Scientists discover how red wine and green tea polyphenols stop prostate cancer

By Sherry Baker, June 24 2010
(NewsTarget) A major new discovery just reported in the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) journal could be a major advance in the treatment of prostate cancer. Not only have the phytonutrients in red wine and green tea been found to halt prostate cancer growth, a team of French and Japanese scientists are reporting they know exactly why this occurs. Antioxidants known as polyphenols in red wine and green tea produce a combined effect that disrupts an important cell...

Humans vs. the environment - A thought experiment

By Mike Adams, June 23 2010
(NaturalNews) Protecting the environment isn't a "liberal" idea; it's everybody's business. Liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, the environment provides life support for us all, and if we fail to recognize that, we are truly doomed as a civilization. To help explain this, I've put together a simple thought experiment. It begins with three undeniable truths about humans and the environment: Truth #1 - The Earth's resources are limited. This should be self-evidence, but some people...

Raw Organic Virgin Coconut Oil has a hundred uses for health and home

By Mike Adams, June 22 2010
(NaturalNews) People who really know about health know about virgin coconut oil. It's the oil of choice for health-conscious people, and it's used in everything from smoothies (delicious!) to personal care products. You can use coconut oil both inside and outside your body. It's even useful for cooking because coconut oil has a much higher temperature tolerance than even extra virgin olive oil. Its fat molecules stay intact, in other words, at higher stovetop temperatures, so that makes it safer...

Cancer cells killed by chemotherapy may cause cancer to spread

By Sherry Baker, June 22 2010
(NewsTarget) Chemotherapy is known to come with a long list of side effects -- from debilitating nausea and hair loss to extreme fatigue -- and in many cases, it does not cure or even stop cancer from progressing. But what if chemotherapy does something no one has realized before during all the decades it has been in use? What if chemo actually encourages cancer to spread throughout the body, the process known as metastasis? Researchers with the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Comprehensive...

Frozen yogurt is not health food

By Mike Adams, June 21 2010
(NaturalNews) It did not even occur to me that people thought frozen yogurt was a "health food" until I spent some time in the USA. There, people line up in droves at frozen yogurt stores to buy a junk food that they're convinced is good for them. And why is it good for them, in their own minds? Because it's "yogurt." I actually went to the trouble of visiting a line of people at a frozen yogurt store and asking several people there if they could name the ingredients in the frozen yogurt they...

17 big questions about the handling of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill

By Mike Adams, June 19 2010
(NaturalNews) What's clear about the BP oil catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico is that the independent journalists are doing a better job of asking the really tough questions than the mainstream media. Sure, CNN, Fox and others are bringing some attention to the matter, and they've done some solid reporting on it, but they haven't yet found a way to ask the deeper questions like why the U.S. government seems to be colluding with BP to cover up the truth about the spill. Just the other day, I found...

Corporate atrocities against nature may ultimately destroy human civilization

By Mike Adams, June 18 2010
(NaturalNews) What's most striking about the present BP oil catastrophe is not that it is an aberration but rather part of a dangerous pattern of mankind's propensity to destroy nature. To destroy life in a large region of an ocean isn't even new: The world already has over two hundred "dead zones" where fish can't live because the ocean water has no more oxygen left thanks to the runoff effects of man-made chemicals. Not content with mere deforestation and the vast destruction of biodiversity...

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